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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

SexyBack To The Future

It's not very often that I get to start a blog post with absolutely, entirely and solely positive news about Britney Spears ... so I'll take what I can get, when I can get it. Here are a few very lovely, dare I say, pretty sexy outtake photos of our dear Britney from her recent photoshoot for OK! magazine:

Despite the fact that these photos come from that tragic photoshoot where it was revealed that Britters was so out of it that she was cleaning up dog poop with her expensive designer dresses (hopefully not the ones she's wearing in these pics), these photos still look great and I am very happy to post them. Brit Brit looks exactly like Jamie Lynn Spears in this middle pic -- it's pretty uncanny. Can we just pretend, just for today, that the Britney of today is still the Britney of yesteryear and that none of that tragic mess that we've been dealing with ever happened in the first place? [Source]


THANK THE LORD JEBUS ABOVE! It's about DAMN TIME that Heroes, one of my fave shows, finally got its shizz straight and made a true return to form with last night's episode. Right from the get go, the excitement hit hard from the very first scene and continued right to the very end. Even the slower portions of the story (Hiro in ancient Japan) were chock full of exciting plot developments. I couldn't be more thrilled with the way last night's ep came out. Had the entire season started out in this manner there would have never been a negative thing said about the show this season ... but that's all in the past ... we can now look forward to the future -- and what a bleak and dreary future it will be if the Heroes don't save us all:

Wow, wow, wow ... the OMG! moment at the end of the ep just blew me completely away. I damn near fell onto the floor with Hallelujahs! in celebration of such a great ep ... but I'll get to that in a sec. Peter and Caitlyn got zapped to a future 2008 were 93% of the population (it's unclear if they meant US population or world population) is dead because of the Shanti virus that is being developed and tested on in the present. Not a bad start ... I don't think anyone really anticipated that Takezo Kensei would react so strongly and so negatively to Hiro's "betrayal". Nor do I believe that anyone had any inkling how vicious Takezo's anger would eventually turn out ... but, again, I'll get there. Am I the only one who really thinks that he overreacted to Hiro's love for the princess? I mean ... really. I get that his anger has to be fueled by something strong ... but I never really saw this insanely, intense love that Takezo felt for the princess. But angry he is ... and he is really planning on making good on the promise to lay waste to anything that Hiro loves. I really loved the scene where Claire and her flying boyfriend were sharing headphones and listening to music on her MP3-compatible Samsung mobile phone ... just like most kids in America ... cuz I'm sure the Bennett family don't own a stereo. I knew that the flying kid was gonna react badly to Claire's father with the "horn-rimmed glasses" ... I really don't think she's gonna get to third base with him now. Matt finally found the strength to defeat his father ... or at least imprison him in his own nightmare ... this has to be the coolest thing that Matt Parkman has done on the show yet. I guess he is good for something. AND HOW ABOUT THAT SURPRISE ENDING?! So it turns out that Takezo didn't die in that explosion in ancient Japan and that he either has been alive the whole time or he zapped himself to the future in order to not only have his revenge on Hiro but on the whole world. Takezo, now known as Adam, is behind everything ... the company, the first set of Heroes, Linderman ... what an amazing twist. The producers did a great job keeping this secret hidden. I am just impressed and I can't wait to see what's next. It occurred to me that just as much as Takezo/Adam's love for the princess doomed the world so has Hiro's love for her. If he was able to kill Takezo outright then none of the bad future stuff would ever happen ... but, of course, how could he possibly know ... he was trying to maintain the history of the past. So confusing, so brilliant! I am sooo happy my show is back ... next week's ep, which will answer all the remaining questions thus far, will rock balls! Woooot!!!

OH ... and should you think that those brief hot, quick scenes of Peter Petrelli being showered in that decontamination bunker escaped my roving eye ... think again ... here are a few caps of that all too brief scene from last night's ep:

Had last night's ep consisted of merely these 6 seconds then I would've been just as thrilled with it :) Ye Gods, the man is hot ... and wet ... and nekkid to the hip ... I nearly died. I love Heroes :) [Source]


The Hills last night was less than thrilling ... but still a bit entertaining overall. Whitney kept her cool (and supressed her overactive eyebrows) and managed to successfully pull off her Teen Vogue/Mark Jacobs Young Hollywood Fashion Show -- thank God! Heidi celebrated her 21st birthday in HUGE splendor. Audrina got macked on by a dude other than Justin Bobby. And LC was negligible in the whole ep. That's life, ya'll, in The Hills:

How much did you love that the new girl at Bolthouse Productions totally called Heidi out on not having any friends. It's so true, too. For her 21st birthday, a party which should normally be a big blowout, Heidi should've been surrounded by lots of friends and lots of presents ... but, alas, all she got was Spencer, a sad-looking dinner and one Chanel purse that's only been available "for, like, a week". Yawn. Hahhahahaha ... did it occur to anyone else that Speidi looked really tired of one another? Poor Heidi ... she misses her friends ... so much so that she's gonna go crawling back to LC in next week's ep (can't wait!). Spencer misses his friends, too. Too bad that Brody has got better things to do than call him back :) LOL! [Source]

Alright ... let's move on ... Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were joined by Helen Mirren, Anthony Hopkins and more at the Hollywood premiere of Angelina's new movie Beowulf at the Westwood Village in Westwood, CA last night ... here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Personally, I found Beowulf very difficult to read the first few times I tried to read it -- as one might assume the first piece of literature written in the English language would be ... but I did finally get it in college. That said, it's been a long time since I "got it" back in college so I'm interested to see this movie adaptation version of the tale so that I can have a refresher. I love that Neil Gaiman, one of my fave authors, wrote the screenplay for the movie because I know that he is capable of writing a story that the audience will not only be able to understand but thoroughly enjoy. Honestly, all the drama about Angelina Jolie's nekkidness in the film is so meaningless to me and not for the obvs reasons. I think it's a great idea to introduce this important piece of literature to an audience that might not be interested in it otherwise. I love that the dumb jocks who will flock to movie theaters to catch of peek of Angelina's digitized nekkidness will also be learning as well. Brills. [Source]

Tom Cruise, despite the fact that he looked absolutely ancient in context, paid a little visit to the very youth-oriented MTV show TRL yesterday to do promo work for his new movie Lions for Lambs. Here are a few pics of the oldster trying to look young and hip for the MTV audience:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Now, I get that promoting one's music or movie on TRL goes a long way to promote one's work but is Tom's new political thriller really aimed at the MTV audience? I find it hard to believe that a single kid in that TRL audience will be spending their hard earned allowance to see a movie with a plot description like this:

Two determined students at a West Coast University, Arian and Ernest, follow the inspiration of their idealistic professor, Dr. Malley, and attempt to do something important with their lives. But when the two make the bold decision to join the battle in Afghanistan, Malley is both moved and distraught. Now, as Arian and Ernest fight for survival in the field, they become the string that binds together two disparate stories on opposite sides of America. In California, an anguished Dr. Malley attempts to reach a privileged but disaffected student who is the very opposite of Arian and Ernest. Meanwhile, in Washington D.C. the charismatic Presidential hopeful, Senator Jasper Irving, is about to give a bombshell story to a probing TV journalist that may affect Arian and Ernest's fates.

I mean, really. [Source]

Beyonce decided to show the audience in Shanghai, China what she keeps hidden underneath her short skirts while on the concert stage this week:

Boy, I bet Jay-Z just looooves peeling those control top support hose when he and B start makin' lurve. That's sexy. [Source]

Uh Oh! The once clandestine secret relationship betwixt Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon that has recently been brought into the media spotlight right around the time that their new movie Rendition hit theaters got another shot in the arm this week as the couple were spied trying to sneak out of Reese's Brentwood home in the same car ... together:

Hmmm ... I wonder if publicits really think that stunts like this will really translate into box office numbers. [Source]

OH NO! Jessica Simpson found herself in a precarious predicament last night as she was trying to walk the streets of NYC in a pair of high heels and came across a metal grate in the middle of the street:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Come on. Would you immediately jump to her aid thereby missing the chance to see her fall? I heart Jess ... she's a cute walking punch line. [Source]

Daniel Radcliffe is in love, y'all ... and he's finally ready to tell the world about it ... well, sorta:

Photo credit: Mr. Paparazzi

HARRY Potter star DANIEL RADCLIFFE shops with his stage lover – confirming they are dating. The boy wizard, 18, was snapped with LAURA O'TOOLE strolling in Fulham, West London. The pair first met in steamy West End play Equus, where Daniel had to strip for raunchy scenes. Dubliner Laura, 22, was the understudy for the role of his girlfriend. The play ended five months ago but the pair are still secretly seeing each other, as our exclusive snap reveals. A source said: "There were rumours they were dating when the play was going on. It was even reported that they shared a smooch at the wrap party. But they played it down." Daniel's spokesman refused to comment. I love how tabloids assert that seeing two people shop together confirms that that they are "dating". Not that I don't believe the rumors, mind you, but a single photo does not a relationship make. I'll be looking for more pics of the canoodling former co-stars for further validation, being the responsible blogger that I am :) [Source]

In other relationship "confirmation" news, Rihanna has apparently come clean about her involvement with Josh Hartnett, again, according to the British tabloid The Sun:

RIHANNA has revealed she's going out with JOSH HARTNETT. She gushed: "I've fallen for him big time." The 19-year-old chart-topper was rumoured to have been dating the 29-year-old Pearl Harbor star and has now finally come clean. She said: "I would by lying if I told you we were not more than just friends. He is so hot and he is really sweet to me. When we hang out it feels right – even though it's still pretty new." Er, I should point out that the mag doesn't say where she said this and to whom ... but it sounds completely feasible to me. I can absolutely envision Rihanna saying something like, "I've fallen for him big time." LOL. [Source]

David Beckham has updated the blog on his official website this week ... apparently doing so just as he was on his way out to Vancouver, British Columbia to play some friendly post-season soccer with his team the LA Galaxy:

Photo credit: ENews Buzz

Don't you just love how this post reads as if it were penned solely for Becks's former English soccer coach Steve McClaren in order to talk him into inviting Becks to play some soccer for the English teams' upcoming games? It couldn't have been more obvs unless he started out by writing, Dear Steve. I guess we'll have to wait and see how Becks does in his Vancouver and Thunder Bay games to see if 1.) McClaren invites him to play for the English team or 2.) McClaren even bothers to read Becks's blog in the first place. [Source, Source]

Here is Shia LeBeouf's mug shot from his weekend misdemeanor arrest in Chicago, IL along with a bit more information about what Shia was up to on that fateful night in Chi-town where he ended up wreaking havoc on a poor, unsuspecting Walgreens drug store:

Actor Shia LaBeouf was hanging out at a trendy River North nightclub known for its celebrity sightings shortly before being arrested early Sunday at a downtown Chicago Walgreens. LaBeouf, a rising star who is in Chicago to film a movie, was at the Underground nightclub, 56 W. Illinois St., on Saturday night and left about 2 a.m. Sunday, said Maura Daley, a club spokeswoman. She declined further comment, but added: "His unrelated incident is very unfortunate, and we wish Mr. LaBeouf all the best." The 21-year-old actor ... was arrested about 2:25 a.m. in the Walgreens at 757 N. Michigan Ave., police said. A security guard called police after LaBeouf refused to leave the 24-hour store, said Monique Bond, Chicago police spokeswoman. He was asked to leave several times, she said. The guard signed a complaint, and the actor was cited on a misdemeanor count of trespassing, police said. "The report does not indicate that he was with a group. [It] appears that he was alone," Bond said. "[There is] no indication of damaging property or interfering with other customers." LaBeouf, a California resident, was taken to the Near North police district and posted bail about 7 a.m., police said. His next court date is Nov. 28. Near North District Capt. Randall Zawis said that the actor was well-mannered and polite during the arrest. "Sometimes, people see the error of their ways and come around," Zawis said. "I think he opted for that." A Walgreens spokeswoman declined Monday to discuss the incident ... The publicist for "Eagle Eye" ... could not be reached for comment Monday. So, okay, while I agree that causing a ruckus in a drug store in the wee hours of the morning isn't the coolest thing in the world to do (don't try this at home, kids) I gotta say, I love that Shia was just roaming the streets of Chicago in the middle of night, apparently drunk out of his mind, lookin' to cause some trouble. Doesn't the kid have a Gameboy or an iPod to keep him bizzy? Ah well, as I wrote yesterday, I really think that nothing will ever come of this again. [Source]

Prince has decided to wage a full-on war against his most loyal fans in an attempt to squash their fandom with a barrage of cease and desist letters that threaten to sue the very fans that he claims to make music for. Websites that have been using his image, likeness, etc. in any way have been sent the cease and desist letters, chief among them 3 of his biggest, most loyal fan sites -- Housequake, and Prince Fams. But these fansites are not backing down from the threats ... they have banded together to create THIS site to fight for the right to be fans of Prince despite the fact that he doesn't want them to do so. The following is from Prince Fans United:


In an extraordinary, but not unfamiliar move, the rock legend Prince is using an army of lawyers to launch attacks on his own fans. Several of the largest web communities dedicated to the artist have received notices to cease and desist all use of photographs, images, lyrics, album covers and anything linked to Prince's likeness. It is our belief that these threats are not made in an attempt to enforce valid copyright as Prince alleges in his threats, rather we believe they are attempts to stifle all critical commentary about Prince. We strongly believe that such actions are in violation of the freedom of speech and should not be allowed. Prince claims that fansites are not allowed to present any artwork with Prince's likeness, to the extreme that he has demanded removal of fan's own photographs of their Prince inspired tattoos and their vehicles displaying Prince inspired license plates. Prince's representatives have requested that the fansites provide them with "substantive details of the means by which you [the fansites] propose to compensate our clients [Paisley Park Enterprises, NPG Records and Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG)] for damages..."

The owners of the three largest fansites supporting Prince:, and supporting Prince have come together to fight back to what amounts to an injustice to the fansites and the very fans who have supported Prince's career, many since the very beginning nearly thirty years ago.

It is their hope that Prince will reconsider his position and allow these fansites to continue their existence without constant threats from Prince and his attorneys. Should this not be possible, the fansites are fully prepared to defend their position in the proper court of law, as well as fully prosecute any claims to which they are justly entitled.

The owners of, and acknowledge that, while Prince is entitled to control of his copyrights, it should be within the law. The law clearly provides for displaying of images of a celebrity's likeness for newsworthy events or matters which are considered to be public interest. All three websites feel that the photographs and/or likeness displayed on their websites clearly fall within the public interest category. Additionally, the use of photographs is legal based on the fair use doctrine, i.e. the displaying of album cover art, or the collage headers created by website members using a variety of different photographs.

I am just amazed that Prince would launch such a campaign against his hardcore audience of fans, the ones who have not only faithfully supported him and his music over the years (some going back as far as 30 years) but, continue to support his work. I am a huge fan of the man myself, I really love his work, but this new campaign to squash his fansites does not sit well with me at all. It makes no sense whatsoever. If he is successful, he is going to ensure that the folks that normally buy his products spend their money elsewhere ... and then how is he going to be able to buy purple pumps from that point forward? Yes, I understand that the man is rich beyond comprehension but my point is the same ... if he alienates his fans like this he may end up making himself totally irrelevant ... and is that the legacy he wants to end a career with? Sad sad sad. [Source]

In other sad but unsurprising news, The Sun has released what they are calling new footage of Pete Doherty shooting up what is being reported as "smack":

Just hours after claiming to be drugs free at an awards bash, he was proving that he is as far as ever from kicking his deadly addiction. After watching our video, Pete's spokesman told us: "He's been a very foolish boy." ... The grim video — shot on a mobile phone and lasting 1min 14secs — shows Doherty crouched on the floor, holding a needle in his mouth. He stares into the camera, "cooks up" the heroin on a spoon, and fills the syringe. His head slumps forward as he injects it into his tattooed right arm. Just yesterday, Pete was quoted by NME with saying of his sobriety: "After years of entrenched drug abuse, you have a mourning period. I know it's a bit sad, but I'm in mourning. I'm in mourning for an armful." Welp, apparently the mourning period is over. Someone get this man some help ... like, now. [Source]

Over the weekend, I posted pics of Michael Jackson inside the pages of the new issue of Ebony magazine and today we get the cover:

Does anyone else think the magazine should've temporarily changed its name to Ivory? [Source]

And finally ... we are in Day Two of the Hollywood Writer's Strike and actors like Julia Louis-Dreyfus are walking the picket line in support of the Writer's Guild ...

... and thus far, no end appears in sight. ABC has unwittingly released a memo that instructs members of the Writer's Guild to cross the picket line which doesn't really do much to install faith that this will be resolved anytime soon. And so ... we wait ... and start to get used to reruns. [Source, Source]

Les News:
I spent my last full day in Detroit chillin' with Sarah for the early part of the day and then with my parents for the latter portion of the day. I've been dying to see a movie so I wrangled Sarah into going with me to see 30 Days of Night:

As much as I love me a good vampire movie, the operative word beind "good", I gotta say that I wasn't all that impressed with this one. It was entertaining enough to earn a checkmark but it wasn't anything to write home about. I would've been happy had it been called 1 Day of Night ... which is so disappointing cuz I really loved the graphic novel the movie was based on. Josh Hartnett looked like he was about to cry in every scene (altho, isn't that how he usually looks?) and Ben Foster (who played the creepy human helping the vamps) sounded too much like a little old lady when he talked to be taken seriously ... at all. The head vampire looked too much like a deformed Bill Bob Thornton and I found it way ridiculous that his gothy girlfriend was running around Alaska with silver Dr. Marten's boots on. I mean really ... shouldn't she have been wearing UGGs? I think the ending (which I won't spoil, this movie needs all the help it can get) saved the movie ... but the touching Buffy & Angel-type moment at the end could've been axed. In the end, tho, Sarah and I had a good time so it passed the test ... it's not great but it's not entirely horrible either.

After the movie, we came back to Sarah and Mark's to drink beers with Candice and Leslie, then watched some TV then went to bed.

I'm gonna see my parents one last time before I go to the airport to fly back home to LA. There is an event tonight that I *may* hit up on my way back home from the airport ... depending on how I feel after my flight. OY ... I'm going back into the fire already ... which isn't so bad ... the snow is on its way here to Detroit so I'm getting out while the gettin's good. See y'all on the Westside tomorrow, I'm out.



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