Monday, July 12, 2004
Britney pulls a Janet & Courtney pulls a Courtney.

Apparently, this photograph was taken a while ago (while Britney was still on tour) and was only recently discovered when the photographer developed a roll of film he had forgotten about. Her nipple slipped out when a dancer's arm caught her PVC top.
If you click the photo above you can see the larger, uncensored photograph. It could be real but who really knows in this world of Photoshop manipulation?
In other Brit news, it seems that the last guy she married, Jason Alexander, has given an exclusive interview to News of the World. In the article, he proves to be a real classy guy by stating that:
"I wanted to make love to her and she wasn't shy in showing what she wanted. We started off in the bedroom kissing. She was good at that?she was good at everything. She was an animal in bed."
"At times she was noisy. She didn't call me any names, she just moaned. We didn't use any precautions either."
"The sex was mind-blowing and rough. We did it in every position you could think of. It was so wild we managed to fall off the bed together."
He sounds like a real ace guy. I mean it took him 7 months before he sold his story (a story, mind you, where he comes off looking like a massive stud; such a stud that the hottest pop star in the world was sex-crazed for him) to a British tabloid. Man, she knows how to pick 'em don't she? Follow the link above to read the rest of the tale.
And now the Courtney Love news. Of course you remember that a warrant was issued for her arrest on her 40th birthday and that she was later hospitalized for an apparent miscarriage on that same day. Well the New York Post Page Six has a blow-by-blow run down of "exactly what happened".

Highlights include:
An NYPD spokesman said Love had to be handcuffed because she was "acting in an irrational manner." The cuffs were removed at the hospital.
The singer-actress was later spotted in the lobby and heard complaining loudly that "today is my birthday and I had an abortion," a source quoted Love as telling cops.
On the street outside Manhattan Criminal Court after she showed up five hours late on misdemeanor-assault charges, Love blurted out to the columnist, "I'm pregnant." ... Then she pointed to a lit cigarette in her hand and said, "But not to the point where I have to quit smoking!"
Follow the link above to read all the gory details.
Oi! Whatever would I do without my favorite Divas?! Now all I need is for Whitney to take another pilgrimage to the Middle East for another jaunt with Jesus to make my week. I suppose the Bobby news from the weekend will have to suffice ... But it is only early Tuesday morning!