Sunday, July 11, 2004
It's my party!
Erik and I spent the afternoon together shopping and hanging out. I was so thankful that I didn't wake up with a terrible hang-over (no sickness, no headache). We had a wonderful dinner at Little Tree and then spent a leisurely time walking around Royal Oak (we did some shopping for Stephanie, who shares my birthday, but couldn't find anything; I did manage to find a bag and wallet for me though). Erik got a call from Kirsten and Mike (who were shopping together all day) urging us to meet up for a drink. Erik took me to the Woodward Ave. Brewery and that is where my SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY was being held! It was so amazingly cool! There were party favors, homemade cupcakes and lots of presents but, most importantly, really amazing friends to share all of this with! I really was overcome! My amazing friends, orchestrated by my amazing Erik, really went all out for me.

The scene of the crime.

Erik and I pose for a birthday picture.

Stephanie and I do our birthday shots (courtesy of our amazingly cool waitress).

One of Sarah's gifts for me, a collage of pictures of just her and me!

One of Mike's gifts, a vintage Oklahoma mesh shirt.

Megan poses with one of Erik's gifts for me (The Joy of Gay Sex book).
Note the section on "Fisting".

Megan and I share our superhero popsicles.

Tracy has too much fun with the party favors.

The lovely Tracy and I pose for a photo.

Erik and Stephanie; the other birthday girl.

Erik and VLB Sarah.

Erik and my Sarah (and no she's not topless as the photo suggests).

Marcus and me.

The pensive Michael T. Hastings.

Kirsten, la Fashionista, all partied out.
These are but a few of the many pictures we took (over both nights). You can see the rest of our shenanigans HERE or follow the link at the right.
It was such a wonderful surprise and I was given amazing gifts! I love that the gifts were very representative of the givers. Mark, Sarah, Mike, Kirsten, Megan, Tracey, Steve, Stephanie and Erik: Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your generous love. I love you all very, very much!
After the party at the W.A.B. was finished, we went over to Boogie Fever to get our collective boogies on. Al joined us for dancing and we had a blast. At about 1:30 the dance party broke up and Sarah, Mark and I went to City Club to finish off the night. We were feeling nostalgic so we had to go. The word for the night was BUSH (but the vaginal kind not the asshole kind). The crowd was new but there were some remnants from the old days (Sidney, aka Dancing Boy, was there with his flashing lights). Just as we were about to leave Leonard showed up! I hadn't seen him in months. He, Chris and I were the City Club trio back in the day. It was nice catching up with him. And that was pretty much it. I'm leaving out details, I know it, but you get the gist. It was a very fun birthday celebration. I was extremely happy I can assure you.