Friday, July 09, 2004
Cold chillin' at the DMV.
- Change my address.
- Renew my license (which expires on my birthday).
- Renew my registration/license plate tab.
Anyways, I toyed with the idea of changing my vanity plate from Don't Bug to TR3NT but in the end decided to keep Don't Bug. It also occurred to me that I might have to take the Driver's Test since my driver's license was about to expire. The nice lady (Imagine that! A nice lady at the DMV!) told me that they "don't do that anymore". I was unsure as to what she meant but I wasn't going to argue. I paid my fees, took my picture and got the hell out of there.
It is taking a lot of effort to keep from going back to bed, I can assure you.
Let's see what's going on in the world today. Firstly, I must wish a Happy Birthday to Courtney Love who turns 40 today.

Well, she's not dead yet and that's saying a lot for Courtney. Let's make it to 41 shall we, Court?
UPDATE: Sarah alerted me to this little tidbit of news that was released just after I posted this entry:
Courtney Love gets warrant on birthday
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Troubled rock star Courtney Love got a bench warrant for her 40th birthday when she failed to appear in court for arraignment on an assault charge Friday.
Lord have mercy on that woman!
And some scary news:
David Bowie has emergency heart surgery
The spokesman, Julian Stockton, said doctors examining Bowie because he had suffered a pinched nerve in his shoulder discovered "an acutely blocked artery" in his heart and performed an emergency angioplasty procedure to clear it.
Wow! I hope he recovers quickly. It seems odd that they "just found" a blocked artery. Wouldn't there be tell-tale signs beforehand? In any regard, I hope he gets well soon.
Next week, Monday July 12th (my birthday) to be exact, VH-1 begins aring the series I Love The 90's.

Click the Dancing Baby to be taken to a fun page where you can make him do different 90's-related things. It's time to get psyched folks, the 90's are about to make a comeback. Word to your mother!
Tonight the Quop Brigade have a couple of games. I'm looking forward to seeing fans in the stands (you know who you are). Here's hoping we can chalk up another 2 wins. Quop On!