Monday, July 12, 2004
The party's over.

God, everything is getting old now!
So anyways, I got home as fast as I could because Erik and I were taking Stephanie out for her birthday. Steve had to work late so he couldn't make it but Matt and Ame were able to join us. We get to Stephanie's and Matt and Ame had a card and flowers for me for my birthday!

How amazing are my friends?! And Matt is now the third man to ever give me flowers (the first was Erik and the second was Mark) ... Wee!!! Anyways, back to Stephanie ... She loved her gifts even though the look on her face in the pictures belie that fact:

The Birthday Princess reads her card from Erik.

The Birthday Princess loves the blouse that Erik got for her.

The Birthday Princess loves the silver cuff (a la Wonder Woman's bracelet) that I got for her.
She really did like her presents. She was just making faces because I was taking pictures of her ... The brat!!! She was awesome enough to get me a gift card for Zumba; the place! So then we took her to dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen. She had a kickball game (she and Steve are on a Monday kickball league too) so we had to eat fast. Food was great but the service wasn't so much.
We hauled ass to get her home and then went to watch her team play their first game. They beat the other team (an entire team of Honchos I might add) pretty handily.
It was a pretty fun day but let me tell you; it feels as if it has been my birthday for YEARS! The parties are done; I'm another year older; The end.
Now we are going to watch I Love The 90's on VH-1

We are going to revel in nostalgia. Ah, the early 90's. I was but a lad in high school; so young, so very young. I was all that and a bag of chips! Word!
Anyways, I'm audi!
UPDATE: I would be remiss if I did not mention this bit of sad news that was reported today. It seems that Louise, Weezie, Jefferson is really movin' on up ... to a de-luxe apartment in the sky-y-y:
Isabel Sanford of 'The Jeffersons' Dies

LOS ANGELES - Actress Isabel Sanford, best known as "Weezie," Louise Jefferson on the television sitcom "The Jeffersons," died of natural causes, her publicist said Monday. She was 86.
I loved Isabel on The Jeffersons. She will be missed.