Thursday, July 08, 2004
"... in your satin tights, fighting for your rights ..."

man, i loved wonder woman so much; watching these old episodes is so cool for me! i just finished the episode that featured wonder girl, who was diana's little sister drusilla played by debra winger!

the first season of wonder woman aired on ABC and was set in the 1940's. every episode (beginning with the pilot) featured wonder woman helping major steve trevor defeat the nazis as WWII raged on. the acting is horrid, the storylines are not believeable and yet, the show was so dazzling ... still is. it wasn't until the show moved to NBC and was set in modern times (the mid-70's) that it really got glam ... wonder woman this time helps secret agent steve trevor, jr. (played by the same lyle waggoner from the first season) foil various plots on america. i think my favorite part of the show is when diana prince spins around and turns into wonder woman. she could spin around again and she would be wearing another costume; wonder woman had a costume to deal with any scenario:



there wasn't anything that wonder woman couldn't handle. man ... this show totally takes me back (which is nice seeing as i'm about to turn a year older in a few days). a few years ago, ULS hired a workshop guru to talk to us at the beginning of the year; a sort of bonding exercise. we were asked to bring an artifact from our childhood to share with one another. i brought my wonder woman watch; a gift from my babysitter when i was very very young. here's the story i shared:
dorothy, my babysitter, used to listen to me talk about wonder woman all the time, she would play with me and not make me feel bad for liking a "girl" tv show. for xmas one year she gave me a very expensive (for a 7 year old kid) wonder woman watch that i wore everyday of my xmas vacation ... i loved it! when i went back to school i wore my watch and many of the kids made fun of me for wearing a girl's watch. i remember crying and taking it off. i came home and told my mom about it and she suggested that i only wear it at home cuz the kids at school were jealous. over time i stopped wearing the watch (probably because i was the first kid in town to get a PAC-MAN watch that was electronic; you could play PAC-MAN on it too) and my mom put the watch away for me. to this day, she still keeps it in her jewlery box. after i brought it to work for the workshop i took it home to her for safe-keeping. i also used to sleep with my wonder woman beach towel and i had a wonder woman light switch panel that glowed in the dark. i think i loved her more than batman and spider-man at the time ...
wow ... that was a cool trip down memory lane. anyways, and now after all these years i have the first season of episodes on dvd to watch whenever i want. i bet with all the nostalgic buzz going around warner bros. is sure to get cracking on the wonder woman movie that they've been talking about forever ... how cool would that be!