Tuesday, July 06, 2004
erik and i managed to have an amazing talk last night. i just need to figure out how to be a better communicator ... partenrship requires that the channels of communication stay open. i think i try too hard to just deal with stuff and try and ride it out ... hoping that eventually things will "work out". that isn't fair to me or to erik ... it's something i'm going to have to work on. in any regard, we did have a great conversation last night so things are back on track. not that they really weren't on track but i'm feeling better about things and that's that.
today is a very quiet day ... except for the news that john kerry chose john edwards to be his running mate there ain't much else going on. funny thing, tho, the new york post had "inside information" that dick gephardt was going to be kerry's pick and they erroneously ran with the story mere hours before kerry named edwards as his #2:

leave it to the smoking gun to blow the whistle! the paper released a statement saying that, "We unreservedly apologize to our readers for the mistake."
okie ... i'm working on a new website thingy and then i have to go visit the parentals ... so i'm audi ... more later if need be.