Saturday, July 24, 2004
Lick My Bad Quop

After the game, Tracey brought out a gift that she picked up for Erik and me. A really f-ing awesome poster of La Mujer Murciélago,

the Mexican Batwoman who is the star of her own movie (1967)!

Here are some stats on the superheroine:
- Base of Operations: Mexico
- Occupation: Masked wrestler
- History: La Mujer Murciélago is a heroine who protects the innocent of Mexico. Among her foes is the evil Dr. Williams, who was kidnapping wrestlers to use their brain material in his experiments to create fish men.
Doesn't she rock balls! Tracey is so awesome for thinking of us with this incredible gift. My next project is to hunt down a copy of the movie.
Okay, there is a bit of goss today -- it's all about my fave crazy-divas-of-the-moment Britney and Courtney. Vividblurry has posted some interesting photos of my dear Brit-Brit. She seems to be engaged in a little job:
Um ... the photographic evidence seems damning ... but maybe she was just going down on a bottle of ginseng? In other, better Britney news it's being reported that she has finally agreed to have Kevvy sign a prenuptual agreement.
The singer, 22, horrified her protective parents Jamie and Lynne when she insisted her marriage would be based on true love and therefore she didn't need to protect her vast wealth. But now Britney has reconsidered her position and sources say the paperwork is now being drawn up, ahead of the couple's lavish November 20 wedding.
This is the smartest thing she's done in ages. Now if she decides to annul the marriage get a divorce after, say, 55 hours then she won't be in danger of getting her ass fleeced!
Courtney Love, America's Sweetheart, has surrendered herself to the police. Apparently she left the NY hostipal she was hiding out in and went home to California to turn herself in.
She posted her bail and was released. Whatever will the little darling do next? Hopefully she'll finally get clean and stay alive. I'm not holding my breath though.Commissioner Mulcahy, who presided over the court, said the singer deserved no special treatment and issued a bench warrant for her arrest and slapped her with bail of $150,000.
Today is Sarah's big ¡Fiesta! party:

She has been planning this thing for months. There will be Mexican food, pastry, beer, drinks, decorations. She even got a piñata! Erik, Jake, Brandon, Mike, VLB Sarah, Tracey and I are all set to get all Latinoid with it. It shall be a blast. I'll make sure to take some pictures to share.