Sunday, August 15, 2004
Happy Birthday, AaronK
We had so much fun last night. Erik and I had a nice dinner at the Majestic Cafe (which had amazing artwork on display by THESE ARTISTS, we are thinking about purchasing one of the paintings). Then we went to Kirsten's for the first birthday party. She had AMAZING desserts for all -- AMAZING! Erik opened his gifts here. Then we all went out to Mike's in Ann Arbor for birthday party #2. Mike had AMAZING drinks for all -- AMAZING! We got sufficiently buzzed here. Then it was time to BANG! And boy did we BANG! it out!

There are a lot more pix HERE (the photo album is also linked on the right side over there --->)
We had so much fun! I can't really go into details about all the funness we had ... you really had to be there. Just know that Erik is Chicken-ring Free and I'm Savin' IT For Carats, we learned a lot about Anna Paquin, Sarah got Brandon to dance and we beat the hell out of a tambourine. I guess the end of the night can be summed up with one picture:

Today is Erik's real birthday so we need to get out and celebrate some more ... laters!