Monday, August 16, 2004
Monster's Brawl

Anyways, after Erik and I had a nice takeout sushi dinner I jetted off to see Alien Vs. Predator (or AVP as some people like to call it). I had a free ticket from using my AMC Movie Watcher card and it was about to expire. It was now or never so I chose "now" even if I had to go by myself (Erik had *no interest* in AVP). I must be a fan of really crappy movies or something because I loved this movie! If you are a fan of the Alien movies or the Predator movies you will like this flick. They came up with a great history for these two characters and fashioned a very fun storyline. And can I get a Whut Whut for my peoples?! The Aztecs were in the hizzy, y'all!!!
I'm not going to spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it (many of you have though, it was the #1 movie of the weekend raking in more than $38 million bucks) but the individual(s) that I thought would win in the end did win in the end (kind of). Of course there was a surprise it's-not-really-over ending which leaves the possibility for a sequel but I was pleased nonetheless. I went in expecting a lot less considering the movie was rated PG-13 but it was very good regardless. And HELLO!!! How come I didn't know that Raoul Bova (the star of those HOT Gap commercials) was starring in this movie?!?

I was *very* happy to see him in this movie. I was very *unhappy* to find out that he wasn't going to be slipping in and out of Gap jeans.
But, the best part of the evening was the fact that I had my first soda pop in 3 months! Yes folks, the fast is over and I'm back in carbonated beverage land. I haven't had pop to drink since April and let me tell you, it went down like sweet, sweet nectar falling from the heavens. My new thing is that I'm only going to drink pop when I go to the movies with very rare exceptions to the rule. Michael T. promised me a Mexican Coke so I'm very much looking forward to it. Mexican Coca-Cola only comes in bottles and is made with sucrose (which isn't used in American Coke) ... Mmmmm!
Once again, can we give it up for my peoples!?