Sunday, August 15, 2004
Where's The Baby Powder When You Need It?

After lunch/dinner, Brandon, Jacob, VLB and I all went to see Garden State. Erik saw the movie earlier in the week with Kirsten so he opted out. He wanted to stay home and do some stuff any way so that's what he did. The movie, I thought, was good but there were just too many "weird" and quirky things in it that made it seem that much more unbelievable. I really didn't like the ending but it doesn't hurt the film (I did, however, love the use of Frou Frou's song Let Go at the end of the film. That song is amazing). VLB, on the other hand, loved it. She left the theater in her tear-stained blouse ... she is so cute!
That was pretty much our day. We are all banged out (well, at least until next month -- September 11 is the date for the next Bang!) and are ready for a nice rest.
I'm looking forward to happy slumber. So, that's what I'm off to do.