Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Lick It Up

And, apparently, it's very funny. But when Britney is not out shopping then she's out with her hubby Kevin Federline (fresh from the golf course) for a very nice dinner ... we can assume:

The doggie bag isn't from McDonald's so we can hope it was a nice restaurant. But it's not all fun and games for our dear Spederline ... no siree ... they are working too. It appears that they are filming some promo spots for their new UPN reality show, tentatively titled, Britney & Kevin:

May 17th can't get here soon enough for me! Woot!
Well look at this ... it seems that Ryan Phillipe and Reese Witherspoon actually know one another:

To be quite honest, just because she accompanied him to the premiere of his new movie Crash it doesn't mean that all is swell in Pleasantville. The last time the 2 of them were seen together in public was for an Academy Award party ... where they showed up together and then proceeded to ignore each other for the rest of the night. Hmmm ...
Another day, another bar for Tara Reid:

She has got to be the epitome of the poster child for barflies everywhere.
Additionally, another day, another man for a drunken Tara to be draped all over:

This time it's some random guy who got to savor Tara Reid in all her glory. I hope he likes living with herpes.
Angelina Jolie and son Maddox were all over New York City yesterday ...

I heard that Brad Pitt is still in Africa doing some charity work. I can totally believe the story that Angelina tipped off the paparazzi that the 2 were vacationing in Africa last week ... the sooner they can be open about what they are doing together, the sooner she can get a daddy for Maddox.
What is Jessica Simpson doing in this ridiculous-looking military outfit?

Hahahaha! Whatever, I'm sure she's a great morale boost for our troops but she looks like an emaciated Private Benjamin in that outfit. [via ONTD!]
Queen Latifa is usually a beautiful woman:

... usually ... What is going on with those braids?! They look terrible ... I really hope they are for some movie role because if she thinks that is a good look for her then she is sorely mistaken.
Hilary Duff and Michelle Trachtenberg have become fast friends:

Awww, aren't they so cute?
Colin Farrell looks like he loves being a daddy to son James:

What a cute picture ... what is going on with all these hot dads? Maybe I need to get a kid to carry around too.
Prince Harry looks pissed in this picture:

And you can't even see his girlfriends face. Does Harry look at all like Prince Charles to you? Doesn't he look more like Princess Diana's horse riding instructor, James Hewitt? I'm just saying ...
Wow, Jesse McCartney is all growed up:

I really doubt he knows what to do with all those boobs but ... he's gotta learn sometime. Check out more pictures at Oh No They Didn't.
Here's another picture for the WTF?! file:

I love My Chemical Romance ... and I like pineapples ... but I'm not sure how I feel about this picture.
Kirsten Dunst is making a movie:

Something to do with Marie Antionette ... but she looks a lot like a reject from the Madonna Vogue performance from the MTV VMA's in the early 90's.
Christina Applegate is a far cry from her Married With Children days:

She fancies herself a Broadway star now ... well, as long as she stops breaking her ankles ... she might have a chance.
Kelly Osbourne showed up at MisShapes in NYC this past weekend but Annie, the electro Kylie Minogue, showed up the weekend before last:

Boo! I would have loved to have been there. I love her!
These pictures are making the rounds ... the French Anti-AIDS campaign is quite eye-catching:

SO GROSS!!! You can see the full size pictures of THE GUY and THE GIRL at
The news:
- Whatevs! Britney Spears would be the coolest mom to have ... you know she'd buy your smokes for you!
- Foxy Brown will kick your ass.
- THIS has got to be a joke, right?
- Watch the Serenity trailer HERE.
- Are The Newlyweds moving to Vegas?
- Oasis <3s Scissor Sisters.
- Did Mirielle and Robert teach you french in high school or college? Good news, now you can watch those French in Action films online!
- 30 Seconds To Mars have something to say to you. You should check it out, Jared Leto sounds drunk as hell.
- I told Maggie Gyllenhaal that she better watch what she says.
- Kylie Minogue plays Cupid.
- Starting May 3rd you're going to have to register to read The New York Post online. Boo!
- THIS is kinda cool. [via Markus]
- The Simpsons hit their 350th episode with no signs of slowing down.
- Victoria buys bling for Becks' 30th birthday.
- Play Bejeweled Hello Kitty style.
- Does anyone else see the irony in THIS story?

At first she was a little subdued ... I looked over and Kirsten and gave her a look like "Is this all that we're gonna get?" but as soon as she warmed up (and as soon as the crowd warmed up) she exploded! It was such a fun show ... I managed to get a setlist and we got to meet her afterwards:

Kirsten took this picture of the 2 of us. We had so much fun!
You can see all of the pictures that I took last night HERE.
username: pinkblog
password: pinkblog
Tonight I'm seeing Garbage:

And I can't wait ... I hear they are allowing cameras on this tour ... so we'll see ... and I'm out.
PS: Much love goes to They gave me a shout out yesterday that made my one-day traffic soar to over 20,000!