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Friday, June 30, 2006

Boob Job

You can tell it's going to be a pretty slow news day when you have to start out with a pretty boring picture of Courteney Cox-Arquette and her hubby David Arquette lounging on lounges while on vacation in Sardinia, Italy. Eh ... who knows ... maybe if we watch the Cox-Arquettes long enough something exciting will happen ... OH LOOK ... Courteney is going for a little swim:

Swimming in the sea always sounds amazing but the reality is, that it's often absolutely freezing ... This Hollywood star is no chicken... she didn't waste any time in diving straight in for a Mediterranean swim ... In fact, she looks positively unimpressed by the chill factor whilst on holiday in Italy. Wow! Can you believe it ... Courteney Cox ... actually swimming in the ocean?! [Source, Source]

Boo! I think it's safe to say that nothing really exciting happens to Courteney Cox-Arquette ... except when she happens to be holding her daughter Coco, while wearing a skimpy bathing suit within reach of Coco's little hands:

Click image above to see the uncensored version

FRIENDS beauty Courteney Cox gives a tit-illating glimpse of her curves -- as her playful daughter pulls down her top. Coco, two, grabbed hold of a bikini strap and gave swimmers in the Med an eyeful of her gorgeous mum's charms. But an onlooker said of 42-year-old Courteney: "She has nothing to worry about. She looked fantastic." Whoops! Well, I suppose Court should all be thanking Coco for getting her mummy some attention. [Source]

Check out these really cute pictures of Madonna's kiddies Lourdes Ciccone-Leon and Rocco Ritchie play a little t-ball in Central Park in NYC earlier this week:

Little Rocco has inherited his British father Guy Ritchie's rugged looks, but he's obviously developed a taste for American sports, too. The five-year-old was putting all his energy into a baseball game when he was photographed in the Big Apple landmark. His sibling, who turns ten later this year, also tried her hand at hitting a few home runs, but in the end she was content to show off her gymnastic skills with a hand stand ... Madonna is well-known for her commitment to her children, but a burly minder was watching over the playful pair on this occasion. The Material Girl, who has just begun a four-night run at Madison Square Garden, was no doubt busy preparing for her spectacular show. Maddy's kids are so cute ... Lola looks exactly like her mother and Rocco looks exactly like his dad, Guy. The article ain't lying about Madonna being bizzy with her show ... that woman works hard on that stage. I wouldn't be surprised if she spends a lot of time recuperating after putting on one of her amazing performances. [Source]

Uh oh ... that scary homeless man who accosted Michelle Williams the other day seems to be still on the prowl ...

Yikes! He looks like he needs help in the worst way. [Source]

Charlize Theron is a hot chick. She tends to have that special effect on males of any species:

Charlize was honored at the Los Angeles Film Festival's Spirit of Independence award ceremony for her commitment to artistic independence. She was also honored with a little surprise from the Target mascot ... I wonder which honor she will cherish more? [Source]

While Pamela Anderson was bizzy taking off her clothes in support of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, 80's rockers Siouxsie Sioux and Chrissie Hynde were hob-nobbing with other PETA party-goers and managed to do so fully-clothed:

I love these chicks. Chrissie rocks and Siouxsie just plain rules. Siouxsie was actually on hand to present an award to Cosmopolitan magazine and Topshop for adopting a fur free policy. Who knew you could help save the animals even without the big silicone boobs? [Source]

Pink reader Eva sends in this picture of Taylor Cole who you may recall was marginally featured in the second season of Laguna Beach on MTV. Sure, she wasn't really interesting when she was on the show ... and no, she really didn't get much screentime and what little screentime she actually got wasn't very memorable -- actually, you prolly have no idea who this girl is after all:

At any rate, it looks like Taylor has really been keeping herself bizzy since leaving the shores of Laguna Beach for college life at the University of Arizona. It also looks like she likes to kick back a few brewskis when she and her friends gather to watch The Hills on MTV. [thanks Eva]

I'm not sure any World Cup picture is going to beat the incredible picture I posted yesterday but the show must go on. Pink reader TS sends in this cute picture of Team Portugal's prized possession Cristiano Ronaldo gettin' lots of L.U.R.V.E. from his amorous teammates in their game against Iran last week:

Soccer is such a sweet and nice sport. There's none of that awful brawling or meanness ... I half expect to see these guys start making out at any moment. Boo ... I wish they would start doing that actually. [thanks TS]

Scarlett Johansson has teamed up with her Match Point director Woody Allen to make another movie ... this one looks to be far less heady and a touch more funny. This time around, Woody has paired Scarlett up with Hugh Jackman in the romantic comedy Scoop which is due out on July 28th ... here are a couple of screencaps:

The trailer for this movie is very ... interesting. Apparently, Scarlett communes with a dead reporter who tries to convince her that Hugh Jackman is a serial killer and it's up to her to break the story (and Woody Allen tags along for comic relief). Uh ... yeah ... well at least Hugh Jackman is shirtless in parts of the film -- and therein you see its appeal. Yeah, I'm in. [Source]

Xtina Aguilera has unveiled the cover artwork for her new album Back to Basics ... she tells MTV News that she was going for a Marilyn Monroe vibe for the photo:

When Christina Aguilera started working on her bluesy, soulful follow-up to Stripped in February 2005, the singer was inspired not only by the sounds of the 1920s, '30s and '40s, but the look of those eras as well. So when it came time to shoot the artwork for Back to Basics a year later, Aguilera knew exactly what she wanted ... "The glamour from those eras was so amazing as well [as the music], so I'm referencing Marlene Dietrich ... Marilyn [Monroe] ... Carole Lombard ... Greta Garbo, Veronica Lake, there's so many," Aguilera said during a break from shooting, citing the most popular actresses of the era. "Whenever you collect all your tear sheets and your references and all that, to see everything come to life it's just really, really amazing and fun" ... Aguilera spent most of the first day in a bed, peering through the iron bars of a headboard, a shot inspired by a famous Marilyn Monroe picture. The Back to Basics cover shot, a sensual image that features her dressed in white and lounging on a bed, was taken during the same session. Even when Xtina goes classy she does so in a manner that's still a little bit dirrrty. I'm intrigued by her new sound ... I am looking forward to checking out the album as a whole. I'm not sure I'll be down with the whole old skool soul vibe ... but I am willing to give it a chance. [Source]

The official teaser trailer for the Transformers movie has been unleashed ... with all the fan-made stuff going around the InterWeb, I have been really anxious to see what the real deal will look like ... here are a few caps from the teaser trailer:

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Oh, I'm sorry ... I kinda lapsed into a coma while watching this lame as hell teaser trailer. There's nothing to be teased with! We get one split second flash of a Transformer and that's pretty much it. Do you need a nap? Click HERE if you need to take a quick snooze. The Spider-Man people really know what they're doing ... the Spider-Man 3 teaser trailer rocks balls -- this Transformers teaser sucks balls. I hope they get their shizz together somewhere along the way ... I'd hate to be disappointed by this movie. [Source]

If you're getting tired of waiting to see photographic proof that Suri Holmes-Cruise actually exists, how about you occupy your self with this fun little Save Suri game courtesy of the blog foureyedbat:

Save Suri! Game Rules -- Based on games like Parcheesi, the object of the game is to be the first player to get to the center and rescue Suri from the evil aliens threatening her. For 2 - 4 players, you'll need a pair of dice and game markers. Each player starts at the tail of one alien, rolls the dice and jumps that many spaces. The color you land on will indicate your next action. Click HERE to get the full set of rules ... then call up some friends (preferably the ones who aren't Scientologists), imbibe some booze and have yourself some fun this long 4th of July weekend. Wee! [Source]

And finally, Pink reader Suzy sends in this picture of her friend Nikee Pomper holding a sign that reads Pink is the new Ironman just moments after she completed her first Ironman competition in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho last Sunday:

Suzy writes: Myself and fellow pink fans Emily, Teri, and Matt made signs to help inspire her during the race. One of them was a pink sign declaring "Pink is the new Ironman" -- which made her crack up as she ran by us. Right after she crossed the finish line we all took a picture with the sign ... That is so awesome ... congratulations Nikee. I know my lazy ass couldn't handle anything that involves 2.5 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking, and a marathon. My hat is off to you, girl. Well done!!!

Da News:
So David and I were extremely fortunate enough to attend another night of Madonna goodness at Madison Square Garden as she took to the stage for her Confessions Tour. We were hooked up with amazing front row seats for the show ... here are a few pictures from that vantage point:

Yeah ... this time around, I took about 4 billion pictures! It was really hard to stop snapping when Madonna is singing and dancing about 10 feet in front of your face. We were super close to all of her dancers who kept sweating all over us ... believe me, I am not complaining. Madonna was a bit more animated this time ... she spent more time talking to the crowd -- she was way more familial with the audience than she was on Wednesday night. No lie, I got her to smile at me twice :) It was an utter blast.

I have to send out ALL MY LOVE to my favorite Semtex Girl Denise for being so generous to David and me. Her kindness and hospitality is much appreciated ... she is the best and I just love her!

I got to meet a few more Pink readers last night ... it is always a pleasure meeting people who enjoy PITNB. Thank you all for coming over to say hello. Here are a couple more pictures from last night:

David and I got to stare at ourselves all night long in the mirrors that line Madonna's stage -- believe me, at 102+ degrees, it wasn't always a pretty sight. A much better sight is my new friend Rob who I ran into again last night.

Last night was so fun ... I have been having the best time in NYC this time around -- despite all the rain ;)

Not sure what we're doing tonight ... I just hope we get to stay dry.

Last thing ... I have to send out a quick shout of congrats to Pink reader Jenn who got engaged earlier this week. XOXO

That is all ... I'm out.



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