Friday, June 02, 2006
O-Men: The Last Days

I'm not sure how many new cars Britney actually needs (didn't she *just* buy a Mini Cooper?) but it is quite a relief seeing her spend her own money on herself. I just hope she doesn't try and squeeze Sean Preston and his car seat in this new car ... altho, I wouldn't be surprised if she did. It just occurred to me that she might be buying this car as a gift for someone? Lordy, I really hope she doesn't do anything stupid ... no ... I'm gonna stay positive. Yay Britney! [Source]
Julia Stiles, Mia Farrow, Liev Shrieber and the trying-to-be-creepy Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick (Damien) were all on hand for a special screening of The Omen earlier this week. Here are a few pictures from the premiere in NYC:

Julia looks kinda cute ... but those red dots on the bosom of her dress look like nips -- not exactly a good look for her. I *love* that they cast Mia Farrow (the Rosemary from the horror classic Rosemary's Baby) as the satanic nanny in this version of The Omen. I got to see the movie last night -- you can read my thoughts on the movie at the end of this post. [Source]
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes spent some time hanging out with Jim Carrey at his home earlier this week. I know that Jehovah's Witnesses make housecalls but I was unaware that Scientologists proselytized at people's homes. Here are couple pictures of TomKat entering the Carrey manse:

Officially, TomKat were at Jim Carrey's home for a Memorial Day party but I think we really know what's going on here ... we should expect to see Jim Carrey amongst the ranks of Hollywood's most powerful Scientologists any day now. Isn't it interesting how Tom and Katie are carrying on with their everyday lives as if they never gave birth to a baby. [Source]
Check out these superhot pictures of Mariah Carey wearing a skintight, bright yellow dress as she leaves her NYC hotel ... it looks like she's going out to take her little doggie Jack for a walk:

Dayum! Mimi looks amazing ... that dress looks stunning on her. This is just the outfit that divas wear when they go dog walking ... she has to look hawt when she's scooping poopsies. [Source]
Here are more pictures of Ashlee Simpson and her brand new, super plump, phat lips:

I was cool with the new nose (it looks really cute on her and is a vast improvement over her last nose) and I don't mind the new lips so much (once the swelling went down a bit) but I really hope that this is her last venture into the world of cosmetic surgery. She looks great ... but she needs to stop now before she goes too far. [Source]
Uh ... if this picture of Kirstie Alley is meant to inspire people to join Jenny Craig in order to lose weight then I think they really need a new ad campaign ...

... or maybe they need a new spokeswoman. Kirstie is pretty damn frightening! [Source]
Kate Moss is also pretty frightening ... but only to the paparazzi. You may recall that Kate went apeshizz on a paparazzo a few days ago and it appears that she's at it again:

In these pictures, it doesn't look like Kate actually did anything to make that photographer eat pavement but it does appear to be a dangerous gig trying to get close enough to Kate Moss to try and snap a picture of her. [Source]
David Beckham is a hot man ...

... and that's all I really have to say about that. [Source]
Prince Harry is also a hot man ... er ... guy ... especially when he's not wearing half of his clothing. Here is a picture of a shirtless Harry at the Hurtwood Park Polo Club in Surrey, England for the charity polo match that he participated in last weekend:

Yes, please! I like my royals hot and half nekkid ... well, except for Prince Charles, Dutchess of Cornwall Camilla and the Queen herself -- I'm not sure anyone would want to see any of these ladies in any state of undress. [Source]
Yesterday we saw a picture of Adam Brody as a hot drummer (thanks to Pink reader Amy) and today we have a picture of Adam Brody as a hot ... er ... graduation card shopper:

Yeah, basically it doesn't matter what Adam does ... he usually does it in a hot way. [Source]
These pictures are supposedly from the top secret set of the Transformers movie that is currently in production:

If my Transformers memory serves me correctly, I believe the yellow sportscar is Sunstreaker and the tank is supposed to be Megatron (even tho he was originally a gun, he became a tank in later versions of the story). Of course, these could merely be pictures of random vehicles but I'm excited for a live-action Transformers movie so I think I'll believe that they're the real thing. [Source]
This Sunday night, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie are back for another season of The Simple Life. I was fortunate enough to be allowed to preview one of the episodes so here are a few screencaps from that ep:

The show has a new theme song and a cute animated opening ... but all of the usual sound effects (i.e. the boing!) are still intact. The ep that I got to preview involved the girls (individually and separately) helping out with a Pakistani family (remember those pictures of Nicole wearing the hot pink Middle Eastern outfit?) living in LA. The usual hijinks ensue ... much hilarity for all. I'm looking forward to this (final?) season of The Simple Life. I'll miss seeing the girls interact ... we'll see if the show still works with the girls operating without being able to play off one another. [Source]
I came across these screencaps of a bloody and fully nekkid Christian Bale from the unrated version of American Psycho and couldn't pass up the opportunity to share the wealth:

Um ... yeah ... I'm a fan. Head on over to the Famous Males Forums to see the uncensored screencaptures. You're very welcome. [Source]
And finally, Pink reader Tiffany (who finds herself in South Korea spending her holiday as an English teacher) sends in this picture of herself posing in her limited edition Pink is the new Blog t-shirt* underneath a bonsai tree:

I love it! Seeing the PITNB shirt show up all over the world is pretty cool. Thanks for the picture, Tiffany!
*Unfortch, the limited edition run of Pink shirts ended in December and are no longer available.
El News:
- Have you met the Mattress Mack?
- Britney Spears' new manny Perry is actually a Henry? It don't matter, he's better than a Kevin. [thanks Chrisa]
- Kanye West and Ludacris aren't thiefeses.
- Michelle Rodriguez claims she is no alcoholic.
- Rachel Weisz gives birth to a baby boy.
- Janet Jackson gained so much weight she couldn't even wear jewelry.
- LOL! Details cracks me up.
- Somebody stop the madness ... Brokeback By The Bell?
- Lindsay Lohan really knows how to shop.
- Jessica Simpson gets some work done ... is she trying to be like little sis Ash?
- Green Day are talkin' up their next album.
- Genre magazine talks to Nelly Furtado.
- Oh, Pete. [thanks Susan]
- Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt already has a home on the InterWeb.
- Katie Couric is already spending her CBS money.
- Fabrizio Moretti of The Strokes is 26, Wentworth Miller and Wayne Brady are both 34 and Jerry Mathers (Leave It To Beaver) is 58 years old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
- THIS is going to be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally bad.
- Ursprache and the Bee.

Right off the bat I felt that things moved really quickly in this version ... I don't remember things progressing so quickly in the original. But generally, this remake is very true to the original (all the death scenes pretty much match up with the original). I loved the original Damien because he was sooo cute and seemed to innocent. This made him all the more creepy. The new Damien isn't very scary ... and when he tries to look scary (with his furrowed brow and pouty mouth) it just makes him look funny (people in the audience even laughed when the camera focused in on his mean face). As I mentioned earlier, I think it was utter genius to cast Rosemary's Baby Mama as the satanic nanny ... Mia Farrow has an innate creepiness built in because she is so closely identified with the movie Rosemary's Baby.
The movie is scary ... but only because they hit you over the head with the scary parts. While the original had great suspese (and awesome music) the remake isn't very suspenseful ... but there are quiet, calm moments that suddently blast into LOUD SHOCKING MOMENTS that do a fine job of having the viewer jump in their seat (I jumped at least 3 times). Using this method, any movie can be scary.
One last complaint, I missed the music they used in the original version of the movie. Every time something evil was going to happen the orchestral music would crescendo and a chorus of unholy singers would wail DAMINAS! SANITAS! or something like that (Pink readers Mocha and The Muse inform me that the song actually says "sanguis Bebimus, Corpus Edimus" which is Latin for "We drink the blood, we eat the body") ... this remake had none of that. Boo.
That said, I did enjoy myself at this movie. They brought the modern world into the tale and just may get the 2006 movie-going public to fear the Anti-Christ again. Personally, I think Damien could've used a good old fashioned ass-whoopin'. Son of the Devil or no Son of the Devil, there is no excuse for temper tantrums.
Tonight David is flying into Detroit Rock City for a layover where I will meet up with him. We're going to LA together for the next week. I have the skinny on a great apartment and I'm gonna do my best to try and secure it. I really want to get my apt. sitch setteled so that I can move already!
David and I will be attending the 2006 MTV Movie Awards which tapes tomorrow evening so be on the look out for a full report.
I have some last minute packing to do ... so I gotta jet. Since I'll be operating on Pacific Standard Time for the next week I'll do my best to post as early as possible for all you East Coasters.
See ya'll on the Wesside! I'm out!