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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I'm A BeLIEver

Attention! A few Pink readers have sent in, what is being claimed as, the first photo of Katie Holmes actually holding her real, live baby girl Suri Holmes-Cruise! Behold ... the first photo of mother and child:

And just like the whole TomKat phenomenon this picture looks FAKE AS HELL! I've seen photos of Big Foot that look more credible than this picture looks. I can't even begin to point out all the things wrong with this photo ... Katie looks like she's been Photoshopped out of another picture (if it's even her, it's not even a good picture of her) and the "baby" looks like a small sack of potatoes. Fake! Fake! Fake! [thanks John]

Speaking of the whole fake Suri Cruise thing, Pink reader Roberta sends in this scan from the Sacramento Bee newspaper that did a short story on how pretty much everyone in the blogosphere thinks the whole thing is a sham:

I've actually commented on this curiousness ever since the supposed birth of Suri. Tom Cruise was very quick to talk about the impending birth of his first child to anyone who would listen (and many who weren't even interested) when he was hyping his movie Mission:Impossible:III -- so it seemed pretty obvious that he would be throwing that baby in front of every news camera in sight ... but that never happened. He stopped talking about her, she's never been seen by actual human eyes and not a single picture exists. Smells like a sham to me. Personally, I think that Tom and Katie should just embrace the beach ball that they've been peddling around town as their "baby bump" as their own child and be done with it. C'mon, it wouldn't be any stranger than anything they've done already. [thanks Roberta]

Okay, enough Suri foolishness ... here are a few pictures from the NYC premiere of the new M. Night Shyamalan movie Lady in Water ... I know the movie isn't supposed to be a horror film (it's actually being marketed as a "fairy tale") but Bryce Dallas Howard is kinda scary-as-hell in these pictures from the red carpet:

BDH looks very elflike ... like an elf in a fugly and frumpy dress. Mr. Shyamalan looks pretty good in his tie-less tux and Paul Giamatti looks about the same as he always does. I ain't gonna lie, I'm intrigued by this movie. I'm gonna do my best to stay away from reviews (since it feels like this movie is going to get ripped apart by reviewers) and see it for myself. I can appreciate the vibe that M. Night goes for in his movies so I'm willing to check out this film with an open mind. Altho, I fear that it may turn out to be another The Village -- and no one really wants that. [Source]

Xtina Aguilera is on a short European tour in support of her new album Back to Basics ... here are new pictures from Xtina's Parisian concert that recently took place in France:

I love these pics ... yes, Xtina has made a believer out of me. I'm actually a fan of the little hot pants thing that she's been doing in live performances these days -- she definitely has the legs for this look. I'm still a little wary of what the new (old) sound on her album will sound like but so far, so good. I never would've thought that I'd be singing Xtina's praises while Britney and her career are nowhere to be seen. [Source]

Ryan Phillippe, in addition to being insanely hot, is a bizzy man. He tends to fill up his days with a whole cavalcade of errands and commitments and he manages to look good all the while. Here is what a typical day in the life of Ryan Phillippe might look like:

I love how he always makes time for play even tho he's got so much work to do. Y'all know I wouldn't mind if he spent more time running around tracks sans shirt (heaving and sweating underneath the hot California sun) but I do like seeing pictures of Ryan spending time with his family. The pictures of him and Ava or him and Deacon are the cutest things ever! [Source]

Lindsay Lohan is also a very bizzy person ... much like Ryan, Linds fills her day with important work and important play ... here is what a typical day might look like for our dear L. Lo:

All that suntanning is hard work. I know I couldn't smoke as many cigarettes or drink as many glasses of ... er, whatever it is that she drinks as Lindsay does on any given day ... that's commitment, y'all. If you take into account the fact that she's also taken on the hard task of messing around with Harry Morton ... well ... you see my point. A Hollywood "It" Girl's work is never done. [Source]

Here are new pictures of Madonna and her children Lourdes and Rocco as they are leaving Kabbalah services in NYC late last week:

There isn't really a story here, just another family (sans dad who was prolly at home sitting on the couch, enjoying a pint while he watches some sporting event on the tele) doing the church thing. I sincerely hope that Yahweh really appreciates all of this dedication. [Source]

Paris Hilton thinks she looks good in this yellow jumpsuit:

Paris Hilton is wrong. [Source]

Um, can someone tell me what the hell happened to Carson Daly?

He used to look like a normal and healthy human being, right? [Source]

I'm not sure what it is about seeing celebs eating that fascinates me so much ... I think it's intriguing to watch them shovel the food into their mouths as if they were just regular ol' people. While Josh Holloway tends to eat without any sort of care for decorum, Patrick Dempsey tends to eat with a little more class:

Celebs who eat ... who knew? [Source]

Wentworth Miller is on the cover of the new issue of Details magazine, here is a photo from his photoshoot:

Nice! I love the mug shot vibe. Wentworth and the gang are hard at work down in Texas working on the second season of Prison Break which is set to debut in just a little over a month's time. Man, those Prison Breakers are a smart bunch ... they'll be among the first shows of the new season to hit the air and will prolly enjoy a lion's share of the ratings. I, for one, am very excited to see new eps of the show ... season one was handled very well, I hope that season two is just as good. They have a bit more freedom (no pun intended) with the storyline this time around ... I just hope they don't screw it up. [Source]

Here is the cover artwork for Beyonce's new album B'Day which is due for release on September 4th:

It looks like she is really in love with that ridiculous hair piece that she's been wearin' around town lately. I dunno ... I still kinda hate it ... I think she'd look much better with a bowl of fruit strapped to her head, a la Carmen Miranda. Now that's a hot look that we don't see enough of. [Source]

Diddy's latest all-girl group, Danity Kane, are about to drop their debut album -- here is what their cover artwork will look like:

It's a'ight I suppose ... nothing too fancy ... the girls look hot, Aubrey is the star right in the middle. I dunno tho ... I am not impressed with their first single, Show Stopper, at all. Diddy's first all-girl group Dream actually had a couple of hits that weren't too bad and they still didn't make it work. And have we gotten a good answer for what the hell their name means? It's supposed to be the name of an animated character created by one of the girls or something? Boo! I fear this group is doomed already. I guess we'll see what happens. [Source]

And finally, Pink reader Laura from Detroit Rock City, sends in this cute picture of bride-to-be Elizabeth and her girls as they celebrated her bachelorette party in D-town this past weekend:

Laura writes that the partying got underway in Harper Woods, MI and then moved on to Boogie Fever in Ferndale, MI. Boogie Fever is so fun ... they play awesome 80's and have the best light-up dancefloor in town. Congrats to Elizabeth and best of luck on your upcoming marriage!! Thanks for including PITNB in your celebration!! XO [thanks Laura]

El News:
Not much new to report on the LA front ... altho, yesterday I did get my first haircut ... but I also got my first parking ticket. Oh the joy!

Tonight, David and I are planning on attending a Playboy magazine party which we were invited to. I believe the shindig is being held at Mood. I am really looking forward to enjoying my first LA party as a local resident. I'm also looking forward to seeing Hugh Hefner in person.

So ... I guess that's it for now ... I'm out!



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