Thursday, May 17, 2007
Sorry, Charlie

One has to wonder what a light of the world shops for when she goes grocery shopping? It looks like she's kicked her Red Bull addiction ... and her basket is curiously devoid of any Cheetos-like snack bags. Hmm ... this is so unlike her. I, for one, am also very pleased that Britney has graced the world with another one of her Letters of Truth ... I've been missing the sporadic communiques from her via her official website. I hope we get to hear from her again real soon ... and with godspeed. [Source]
So ... after last night's ep of Lost we're only 1 ep away from the season finale that, I can only hope, will be amazing. Producers are promising a spectacular end to this season (and they so owe us for wasting our time with the first half of this season) and with the way the eps have been going for the past few months, I must admit that I'm anxious and fairly sure that they are going to deliver. Last night's ep had all the tension of a great Lost ep ... I was holding my breath for a while during the ep ... but overall it felt like the calm before the storm ... which is only a week away now:

Screencaptures courtesy of Lost Media
As much as I hate to say it, I really hope that Charlie does die in the final ep next week. It's not even that I want him to die but there has been so much build-up about his impending death that I think I'll be pissed if we were just getting jerked around. Last night's whole ep was a really great Good-bye Charlie ep (which is something that neither Boone, Ecko or Anna Lucia got) and I really hope it wasn't all for naught. The only thing that makes me think that he won't die is that we didn't see Desmond's premonition of his death ... we only heard his telling of it (which also makes me doubt his vision of their helicopter rescue). I liked the whole "Greatest Hits" list that he compiled (tying in nicely with Naomi's story about the Drive Shaft Greatest Hits album) mostly because it was so sweet. Even tho the #1 was really cheesey (I mean, realllly cheesy) I didn't really mind so much ... it was nice. Okay ... the meat of the story ... the survivors are planning on blowing up the bad guys by using the dynamite from the Black Rock ship. What??? This sounds like such a bad idea ... and Jack thought it wise to put crazy Rosseau in charge of the explosives? LOL. He is really slipping as a leader ... I hope he blows up instead ;) I was so happy to see that Rose and Bernard are still around ... I didn't even know how much I missed seeing them til I saw them show up last night. They've been very absent this season ... another flaw, I think. Charlie's brother Liam was the one who gave him the DS ring that we found out stood for Dexter Stratton (whose initials they used to come up with the band name Drive Shaft) ... and you just know that that name will come up again somewhere down the line. I actually laughed out loud when Charlie was singing Wonderwall right before that lady called him a hero ... that was really funny. And we finally know where the cable in the jungle leads to ... the Looking Glass Station that is underwater. I love this ... just when you thought they knew where all the stations are ... AND I never believed for a second that the station was abandoned -- so either Juliet was lying or she was lied to. I'm leaning towards she is lying (about everything) ... I just don't trust her at all ... nor do I trust Naomi. The survivors, and Jack especially, just trust everyone who says they are a friend ... that is why their dumb asses are going to be stranded on that island for 3 more seasons (each with only 16 eps). OY! The showdown is coming next week -- 2-hour season finale. There is so much going on ... and there better be more deaths. I am really excited to see what happens ... finally. [Source]
UPDATE: Whoa ... here are a few little tidbits that I missed in last night's ep sent in by Pink readers: Pink readers Kimberlie and Courtney noted that the woman that Charlie helped in the alley was Sayid's girlfriend Nadia and Pink reader Aimee noted that Desmond (as a child) was at the same pool at the same time that Charlie learned how to swim. Thanks guys!!
The 60th Cannes Film Festival is already in full swing in Cannes, France which means that the celebs are streaming into town as we speak, er, read -- whatever. For some reason, the movie Zodiac which opened in the US earlier this year (and will prolly be out on DVD very soon) is "premiering" at Cannes this year. Eh, I don't get it ... at least I have an excuse to post this really cute picture of Jake Gyllenhaal and Mark Ruffalo from the Zodiac premiere at Cannes yesterday:

Oh, Jakey poo ... why do you tempt so? [Source]
Maxim magazine threw a tiny party in NYC at the Gansevoort Hotel in the Meat Packing District last night to celebrate their 100 Hottest People in the Universe issue ... and little Miss #1 Lindsay Lohan was there, with British beau Callum Best in tow (natch) for the festivities. Here are a few pics from the event's red carpet:

Since L. Lo was the belle of the ball she just had to have a dress to wear on the red carpet and a dress to wear inside the party (I think she also had a dress to wear on her way out of the party and a dress to wear to her hotel to end up crumpled up on the floor). I quite liked the rainbow thing she wore on the red carpet, the colors looked great on her ... I'm not a big fan of sequins so the blue dress looked ICK to me. The rest of the party guests looked really happy to be there ... except for DB Woodside (President Wayne Palmer on 24). He looked so unamused by Avril Lavigne's outfit ... I think he was expecting her to show up topless. Even *I'd* prefer a topless Avril to seeing her try to make that vest and tank top ensemble work. Ah well. [Source]
Back to the couple of the moment -- Lindsay and Callum ... earlier in the day the couple were spotted shopping around SoHo. Look at how cute Callum is to hold the umbrella for Lindsay:

Photo credit: Splash News
I wonder how much she pays him for such services ... er, on second thought I'd rather not know. [Source]
Sidebar: I am so in love with the new Rihanna song Umbrella (Featuring Jay-Z) right now. I hear it once and I'm singing it over and over again in my head. I'm not a big Rihanna fan but this song is really hot.
Many of this year's Tony Awards nominees (including Laura Bell Bundy and Orfeh from Legally Blonde and the hotties from Spring Awakening) were on hand for the 61st Annual Tony Awards Press Reception in NYC yesterday and here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Wireimage
I cannot believe that I failed to give a congratulatory shout to the fabulous Orfeh (who plays Paulette in LB) who is also nominated for a Tony Award this year (in the Best Featured Actress in a Musical category) ... I will be rootin' for her win as well. Actually, I hope that Spring Awakening wins every award it's nominated for (Duncan Sheik better win something!), except for the ones that Legally Blonde is nominated for -- there're enough awards to go around. LOL ... I can't believe I'm so excited about the Tony Awards this year. [Source]
Well, it looks like all the legal wrangling that Paris Hilton's attorneys have used to try and keep her out of jail was all for nothing. The latest word is that Paris Hilton will have to serve out her jail sentence ... well, at least 23 days of her sentence. Here are pictures of Paris as she tries to pump up her muscles before she has to turn herself in on June 5th:

Photo credit: Splash News
Paris Hilton will serve a significant portion of her jail sentence. Access Hollywood has learned that the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department decided today that after evaluating the court's order, Paris must serve her full time. The least amount of time the heiress will spend in the jail is 23 days if she practices "good time / work time" at the start of her sentence. Sheriff's Department spokesman Steve Whitmore confirmed the LASD reviewed the judge’s order that Hilton serve 45 days for violating her DUI probation twice, for driving on a suspended license. Based on "the nature of the offense," "the criminal history -- or lack thereof" and a number of other factors, Whitmore said the LASD determined Hilton will do the time and not be released mere hours after she is booked into the jail, as reports have suggested. "She will do fine if she follows the rules," he added. Actually, it turns out that Paris is getting credit for "good behavior" just because she showed up to court for her sentencing -- um, what?!? Paris Hilton's pals tried to get her sentence thrown out completely. That didn't work, but the heir-head will serve only 23 days of her 45-day jail sentence in a "special needs housing unit." The sentence reduction is the result of credit for "good behavior," said L.A. County sherrif spokesman Steve Whitmore. Good behavior, according to the sherrifs office, is showing up for one's scheduled court date. However, most perps don't get amnesty for showing up in court when required. Hilton's luxe accomodations are in a 2,200-inmate facility where police officers, public officials, celebrities and other high-profile clientele reside when they've behaved badly. On what planet do convicted people get credit for "good behavior" just for showing up to court? Wasn't she 20 minutes late ... shouldn't that negate her "good behavior"? This whole mess is so crazy ... I'm sure even 23 days will feel like 23 years to her. I won't actually believe anything until I see it. [Source, Source]
Well now ... Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are being a bit more open about their new relationship ... here they are out walking together in Manchester, England:

Yep, looks like love to me. [Source]
In other happy couples news, Reichen Lehmkuhl and his latest boyfriend Ryan Barry seem to be still keeping things together ... here are pictures of the lovebirds hanging out together by the pool:

The boys are also hanging out with Mila Kunis (rubbing her feet even) but I don't see how that's really relevant. They really do make a cute couple (Reichen and Ryan not Mila's feet). [Source]
Speaking of cute couples, here are pictures of Pax Thien and Zahara Jolie-Pitt as they are being led to kindergarten together by daddy Brad Pitt ... and, oh my, it looks like the sibling rivalry has begun already:

Photo credit: INFdaily
Aww ... aren't minicelebrities sooooo cute? My money, as always, is on Zahara. That little girl looks like she can whip some ass. I wouldn't wanna be messin' with her. [Source]
The freshly rehabbed Jonathan Rhys Meyers was spotted wearing one of his trademark plunging neckline t-shirts on his way out of the grocery store this week ...

... and it looks like he picked himself up a hefty loaf of bread. Damn, that thing looks illegal. I'm actually blushing. [Source]
Woot! Happy Day ... it seems that I failed to notice that the Queen of Country Pop Shania Twain dug herself out of the hole she's been hiding in and made an appearance at the Academy of Country Music Awards earlier this week ... and she was lookin' really good in white, if I do say so myself:

I can't lie ... I am a huge Shania fan. I really hope this reemergence is a sign that she is coming back with a new album. I can't explain why I love this Whose-Bed-Have-Your-Boots-Been-Under-
Any-Man-Of-Mine-That-Don't-Impress-Me-Much sangin' girl so much ... but I do. I think it comes from the same part of me that secretly likes Celine Dion ... and I'm gonna shut right up, right now. [Source]
The new Madonna song Hey You is now available for free download HERE:

Inspired by Live Earth, Madonna has written a new song titled "Hey You," which is available exclusively on MSN, free of charge, for seven days. "Hey You" was produced by Pharrell Williams and Madonna and recorded in London. Madonna will perform "Hey You" as one of the headliners for Live Earth U.K. ... As the exclusive online destination for Live Earth, MSN is pleased to offer this song in conjunction with Madonna and is proud to donate 25 cents for each of the first 1 million downloads to the Alliance for Climate Protection, in support of Live Earth. Hello ... go download it now! [Source]
Here are a couple of really fun pictures of Nigel Barker (the hot photographer on America's Next Top Model) on the set of The Young and the Restless where he will be making his acting debut:

Nigel will appear on the show (presumably as himself, or a character that is pretty much him but with a different name) as a fellow judge on the faux reality show Extreme Catwalk (which is based on America's Next Top model ... tho, at first I thought would be based on Project Runway) alongside the Y&R characters Jill and Gloria Abbott. You see, Gloria has been trying to get on Extreme Catwalk for months but has been hindered by her ex-son-in-law Jack Abbott who fears that her appearance will embarrass his family's name. You see, he has hated Gloria ever since she finagled her way into his father John's life (it should also be noted that Jill [the other judge on EC] was also previously married to John and even had an affair with Jack many years ago) ... he ended up marrying her but died without leaving her in the will ... well, actually, Jack tricked John into leaving her out of the will because John, who was incarcerated at the time for killing Gloria's former husband, wasn't feeling well when Jack tricked him. Er ... yeah, I'll stop now ... [Source]
To get back on track, here is a short vid of Nigel on the set of Y&R:
Isn't that fun? You don't even want me to get started on what is going on in the Newman family ... so I'll move on ...
The Harry Potter kids are featured in the new issue of Teen Vogue magazine:

They're so glamorous, aren't they? Sweaters and big hair are so hot right now. [Source]
Andy Roddick is featured on the cover of the new issue of Men's Fitness magazine:

Unfortch, his neck didn't make the cover with the rest of him. [Source]
Here is your first look at the cover artwork for the new Smashing Pumpkins album Zeigeitist:

I think it's supposed to be subversive ... or maybe it's just paying homage to the awesome Jake Gyllenhall movie The Day After Tomorrow. [Source]
And finally, Idina Menzel, the Broadway star of Rent (Maureen), Wicked (Elphaba) and more, is releasing a new album and apparently the first single will be a pop version of the song Defying Gravity from the musical Wicked:

Head on over to iTunes to download the track for yourself ... there are even Hi NRG club mixes of the song to download as well. Defying Gravity is my fave song from Wicked, so I love the pop version, but the remixes are a bit ... strange. But hey, anything to keep the club kids happy I suppose. [Source]
Les News:
- Peace the Spork Out goes to Veronica Mars.
- Johnny Depp <3s Keith Richards.
- Wait, WHO will Batman be battling in The Dark Knight?
- Hillary Clinton is looking for a campaign song.
- Click HERE to find out who is the newest America's Next Top Model.
- Disney sets its sights on China with an enchanted vegetable.
- Tori Amos helped Rufus Wainwright get over his abused past.
- Mel C is back again.
- Passions takes it on the Down Low.
- Callum Best makes Lindsay Lohan scream and vice versa.
- I guess I just don't get THIS.
- Actress extraordinaire Jessica Simspon does Cannes.
- Is there some shady biz going on on American Idol this year?
- Jordan Knight is 37, Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails is 42 and Enya is 46 years old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
- An Andy Warhol painting sells for $71 million bucks.
- OH NO! Get Well Soon, Bo Diddley!
DON'T FORGET about the Pink Zune Giveaway that I'm doing here on the blog ... you have until midnight tonight to submit your entry to win a Limited Edition Pink Zune MP3 player. Click HERE for all the deets and good luck! I'm posting the winner tomorrow.
And that is all ... I'm out.
PS: I am in so need of a new computer ... as you may have noticed; this comp has been leaving out letters in words that spell check doesn’t always catch. OY!