PINK is the new BLOG
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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Successful Living

With one day under her belt at the Promises Rehab Facility in Malibu, CA, Lindsay Lohan appears to be doing well ... at least according to her friends who are happily giving updates on the troubled starlet. According to friends of L. Lo who have been "in contact" with her since she admitted herself to rehab, Linds is doing very well at Promises ... going so far as to say that she even "happy" there:

Photo credit: X17

Maybe the second time's the charm for Lindsay Lohan, who a friend says is settling well into her rehab treatment. "She's happy where she is and is just taking time to herself to learn and be okay," stylist friend Nate Newell told PEOPLE at Wednesday's Los Angeles opening of the flagship Diesel store on Melrose Place. "I've been in touch with her and she likes it." After a weekend of partying following her DUI citation, Lohan checked into Promises treatment center in Malibu on Memorial Day. "She's so much in the public eye 24 hours a day that she's gotten so caught up," Newell explained of the factors contributing to Lohan's ongoing struggle. "I think she surrounds herself with good people generally, but all the pressure that she's around has created this alternate universe in a way and it's hard for her to stay grounded" ... "She's doing really, really well," he added. "She probably should be there and it will be the best for her. I think [now] she's ready for it." Lohan's next movie, Poor Things, was slated to begin filming on Thursday in Los Angeles, and at the actress's request, the project will find a way to ensure her continued involvement. "We are trying to rearrange the shooting schedule to facilitate her working at the end of the shoot to coincide with the completion of her rehabilitation," producers Rob Hickman and Shirley MacLaine said Wednesday "We wish her love and the blending of mind, body, and spirit." I think it's clear that Lindsay was in dire need of some time away from all the partying and the working and the partying ... but here's hoping that she really learns how to cope with her addictions. It's easier to walk the straight and narrow when you're inside a treatment facility under constant supervision ... it's a completely different matter once you're out on your own again. While Lindsay's friends are championing her happiness in rehab, her father Michael Lohan is alleging that Lindsay's problems are worse than we think ... this from the Daily Mail: [Lindsay's] estranged father Michael Lohan has made claims that the Mean Girls star suffers a number of addictions including alcohol and the painkiller OxyContin, according to reports. The drug, also know as Oxycodone, is regularly referred to in parts of America as 'hillbilly heroin' and has been linked to scores of deaths in the US. Michael, who recently served jail time for assault and driving while intoxicated, told E! Online: "I spoke to the people treating Lindsay, because I wanted to make sure she was getting the right care. And I'm satisfied they are doing the right thing for her, helping her detox from the painkillers and things. That's a very important step." Lindsay publicist Leslie Sloane Zelnik has not yet responded to the claims. If this is true, L. Lo is in pretty bad shape. I really hope that her current 30-day stint in rehab helps her get better but addictions like these require more than I fear Promises can offer. No one wants to see Lindsay sink any lower ... I'm really pulling for her to have a complete recovery -- some day. [Source, Source]

In other troubled Hollywood "It" Girl news, Paris Hilton has been a bizzy girl over the past couple of days. With only about 5 days left to go before she has to turn herself in to begin her jail sentence, it looks like Paris is trying to get as much accomplished as she can ... while she can. There will prolly be a big run on Paris Hilton stuff here on the blog over the next few days (especially if today's Paris-heavy post is any indication) but I guess it's what must be done since she's about to go away for a few weeks. Now, before we start pontificating on what a Paris-free world might be like, let's deal with the stuff at hand now. Here are pictures of Paris, with laptop in hand, making her way to a studio earlier this week to work on some of her music before heading off to do a photoshoot:

Photo credit: Splash News

Sad Paris doesn't look like she's having much fun. It looks as if she is trying to channel her pain into her art. While I'm all for musicians [sic] using their real-life experience in their work, I'm not sure the world is ready for a jailhouse ditty from Miss Hilton. I just don't see how she can make jail seem "hot". [Source]

Paris managed to perk herself up later on when she took herself to Pinkberry for some fake ice cream deliciousness:

Photo credit: Splash News

Yeah, I don't think they serve Pinkberry in jail so it's a good idea that's she's filling up now. If she's allowed any dessert at all she might have to make do with ... gasp ... generic ice cream served in a plastic cup ... with a wooden spoon! [Source]

After Paris filled herself up with the fake ice cream, she went out and picked up a couple of new things to pass the time ... a new guy and new reading material:

Photo credit: Splash News

I have no idea who the guy is but seeing as this will be Paris' last weekend of freedom for a while, he might be in for one lucky weekend (er, depending on one's perspective). Paris was also seen carrying around new script either because the books have become too challenging or Paris wants to start planning her big comeback project once she gets sprung from the slammer. [Source]

Speaking of the slammer, here is our first look at Miss Hilton's new jailhouse digs:

Jail bound, Paris Hilton, knows exactly what her new bedroom of 23 days will look like, after pictures were released of a typical cell at the prison where she'll be detained. The heiress, 26, begins her first stint in jail next Tuesday and will be penned in a 10x7 ft cell at the Century Regional Detention Facility, Lynwood, California. Nicknamed the Lynwood Hilton, the rooms starkly contrast the plush hotel rooms the Simple Life star is accustomed to at her family's hotel chain. To keep her entertained will be a fixed small white stool and desk, bunk beds with single green vinyl mattress, a steel toilet and sink. It's not all bad though. She'll be glad to know the cell doors are painted ditzy pink, which should cheer her up no-end. Prison officials have already chosen Paris's a cell mate. Officials will stick like-with-like when they house her with an inmate who is serving a sentence for reckless driving ... The thought of being cooped up and losing her freedom is said to be affecting her greatly. Reports say Paris has stopped eating under the stress of her impending jail sentence. A source said: "Paris hasn't been eating at all and her parents and friends are beyond worried about her. She breaks down crying a lot because she just can't deal with the reality and the pressure of everything that is happening" ... And it seems some spoilt socialites will just never learn. In an unbelievable turn of events, Paris has bagged one final driving offence for the road before she's locked up. She was reportedly handed a parking ticket this week. Her vehicle was slapped with the fine as she was busy at her new painting hobby in a craft store. OY! Someone take the girl's keys away from her before she gets locked up for an even longer sentence ... er ... well ... nevermind. Yeah, this jail cell does not look comfy at all. At least the toilet looks clean. [Source]

In happier Hollywood "It" Girl news, Mischa Barton is alive and well:

With Lindsay in rehab and Paris going to jail, it's a good thing that Mischa didn't bite the big one ... we're already losing Hollywood "It" Girls left and right. [Source]

Last night Diesel expanded its global domination by one more flagship store in LA. Celebs of all types (including Callum Best, who supposedly flew into town to lend support to Lindsay in her time of need) came out for the opening party for the new Diesel Flagship Store on Melrose Place in West Hollywood, CA ... here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Wireimage

I was lucky enough to score an invite for this event last night and brought along Mike to enjoy the fun with me. I am a *huge* fan of Diesel so there was no way I was going to miss this party. Mike and I arrived kinda late because I had to drive Davey to LAX first but the party did not disappoint. The MisShapes DJed the party up until Hot Hot Heat performed a short set to close things out. The most surprising thing that I saw last night was how cozy Chloe Sevigny was with Constantine from American Idol. While Hot Hot Heat was performing, Chloe was rocking out, jumping on a chair while wearing her trademark white sunglasses. Constantine was right in front of her and she kept kneeling down to talk in his ear. After the band finished their set, they walked off together hand in hand. Soo strange. The party was well attended and packed ... we had a great time. My personal pics are down at the end of today's post. [Source]

Elsewhere in LA last night, members of "young Hollywood" came out in support of Senator Hillary Clinton at the (you guessed it) Young Hollywood Reception with Senator Hilary Clinton hosted by Brett Ratner at the Hillhaven Lodge. Here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Wireimage

It's always nice seeing young Hollywood gettin' involved in politics. Miss Michelle Trachtenberg was lookin' lovely in her little red dress. It's nice to see that director Kevin Smith has stopped stalking me for a change, opting to go the Hillary event instead of the Diesel event. I also have to note that he appears to be wearing the exact same clothing from the last 2 times I saw in around town. It's just nice to see Eric Dane, period. [Source]

In NYC, Jennifer Lopez made an appearance at Paul Simon's Children's Health Fund Gala last night where she warmed up the crowd before her undead hubby Marc Anthony took to the stage at the Hilton Hotel:

I opted to post only pictures of the beautiful Jennifer Lopez and none of Marc Anthony. You can thank me later. [Source]

For no apparent reason whatsoever, Adam Brody started running amok on the streets of Vienna, Austria with a friend of his earlier this week:

Even crazy the boy is still hawt! Woot! [Source]

Jude Law brought his swishy 'tude and his super tight jeans to the 2007 Formula One Monaco Grand Prix earlier this week in Monaco ... here are a couple of pics:

I don't know what got Jude to bust out the Oprah neck at the event but I must say that it is a good look for him. Jude was paling around with his friend Jonny Lee Miller at the race so I wonder if he had anything to do with Jude's 'tude. I can see how a man like JLM can get a guy all bent out of shape ;) [Source]

Here is a cute pic of Angelina Jolie taking little Zahara and Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt to school earlier this week. It appears that mommy duty has gone back to Angelina while Brad Pitt is off in Montreal, Canada working his his new film:

Photo credit: INFdaily

You will recall that it was Brad who was dropping the kiddies off at school while Angelina was filming her new movie in Prague. It's amazing how Brangelina can manage to juggle working on multi-million dollar films with mundane tasks like dropping off and picking up the kids from school. They make it look so easy. I believe that Maddox was already at school when this pic was taken ... no word on where Shiloh Nouvel was ... [Source]

... AH ... she was bizzy appearing on the cover of the new issue of US Weekly:

Are you seriously kidding me? Look at those eyes. Look at those cheeks. Look at those lips. Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt surely is the newborn savior of the Universe. [Source]

And finally, the fine folks who are bringing you the family fun-time movie Hostel II want to wing you away to Europe so that you can enjoy a Hostel-like vacay of your very own:

Now, there's no way in HELL that I would want to take a trip like this, no matter how innocent it may seem. After seeing Hostel, I doubt I'll ever set foot in a real hostel ... ever. But, if you're feeling lucky and you're up for it you can enter for a chance to win a trip of your own. I'm not sure what it may cost to enter (nor do I know what kind of "mobile spam" you might be signing up for to enter) so do so at your own risk -- OR click HERE to enter online. Good luck! [Source]

Les News:
Yesterday was supposed to be a fairly quiet day. The only thing on my agenda was a quick trip to LAX to drop off Davey so that he can fly off to Florida for the weekend. Late in the day I got an invite for the Diesel Flagship Store opening on Melrose Place and I knew that I couldn't miss it. Mike and I arrived at about 8:30 and really had a great time together. We immediately met Ross Mathews (the artist currently known as Ross the Intern) and his friend Kim upon arrival and ended up hanging out with them all night long. Ross and Kim promised to take Mike and me roller-skating with the trannys at the Moonlight Roller Rink sometime soon so I'm mentioning this publicly so that he will be FORCED to honor his offer :)

Here are a few pics that I snapped of Hot Hot Heat's performance along with some pics of some peeps I got to meet last night:

I have to give a huge shout-out to Pink readers Melissa (who is pictured above in the third pic), Vanessa (who promised to give her mom and fellow Pink reader a hug for me), Lauren, Billy, Shabi and Becca (who I ran into at Norm's Diner after the party). It was my pleasure meeting you all ... much love goes out to Jordan for taking such great care of Mike and me at the party.

So ... the stupid cable person from Time Warner is supposed to come out to fix my internet connection today but is supposed to arrive sometime between 8AM and 7PM so I'm pretty much stuck at home all day long until he/she decides to show up. Blech.

Ah well ... life is good ... I'm doing dinner tonight with Tony at some point after the cable person comes so it's all good. Hope y'all are having a great day. I am out.



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