Friday, June 06, 2008
Berry Suspicious
HMMM. Incidentally, neither Angelina Jolie nor Holly Goline have been seen since this "birth story" got out of hand. Has it occurred to anyone that maybe Holly Goline received an email from ET asking if Angelina gave birth, Holly might've then ran over to show the email to Angelina who might've said, "Let's eff with them. Email them back and tell them I did." Holly might've done as she was told, giggling all the while, only to spark this mess of a story. And now, maybe, these anonymous "Jolie confidants" are trying to deflect attention from the fact that perhaps it was just a joke and are trying to remove Goline from the story as best they can? I mean, I'm merely guessing here ... but it's possible and it would explain how this thing got started in the first place. Of course, I suppose it's also possible that Angelina hasn't been seen in the past week because she's bizzy playing with her newborn twins in seclusion ;) In the end, ET never should've run with the story without knowing for sure the report was genuine. They look totally foolish here and have severely hurt what smidge of credibility they used to have. Don't be surprised if Holly Goline resurfaces holding an iPhone from here on out. [Source]