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Friday, August 11, 2006

Curiouser & Curiouser

It looks like it's gonna be a slow newsday ... but we'll make the best of it ... let's get to it ...

In case you weren't sufficiently horrified yesterday by the first grainy pics of the supposed baby Suri Holmes Cruise allegedly borne of the sexual union of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes then here's one more chance to get the willies. X-17 has added one extra photo to the Suri Holmes Cruise photoset they released yesterday ...

This picture is supposed to be a clearer look at the "mother and child" but really, it looks like a scene out of a horror movie. So now we're supposed to believe that the whole sham isn't really a sham? C'mon ... if anything, these first pictures of Suri just fit right into the cruiseaziness that has been occurring all along. Oh who am I kidding ... I love this shizz! More, more, more! [Source]

You know, I was actually thinking to myself that we don't really get to see enough pictures of Sienna Miller's crotch ... and then, as if by magic, these pictures showed up ... here are a couple of your normal, run-of-the-mill picture of Sienna mounting a blue horse while showing all the world that she's due for another shave:

Maybe this is why Jude Law broke up with her once and for all. He was prolly appalled that Sienna shaves instead of waxes ... cuz you know that Jude Law waxes. [Source]

Nicole Richie and Tyra Banks have been running all over Southern California taping a segment for Tyra Banks' talk show ... here are a couple pictures of the new BFFs spending the day together earlier this week:

It looks like both girls have a serious case of Oprah neck. I'm not sure what the segment they're taping is about (bargain shopping, perhaps?) but I'm just dying to find out ... I may have to actually watch an episode of The Tyra Banks Show to find out. [Source]

Jilary have finally been reunited! Hilary Duff has been off on tour for the past few weeks but is back at home and back in the arms of her boyfriend Joel Madden. Here are a couple pictures of the happy pair, along with Benji Madden celebrating the 10th birthday of BPM magazine on Wednesday night:

They are the cutest! Here's a wee bit of Good Charlotte news for y'all ... the guys are finishing up a few last minute things here in LA and then will be heading up North to Vancouver to finish up their next album. Last I heard, the album is due out in October. We should be hearing some new stuff from the boys very soon. [Source]

Now, I have to admit that I haven't been following So You Think You Can Dance? very closely this season, but I have been watching the show every now and then from time to time (David is a huge fan, I usually watch it when I'm with him). But I did catch this week's episodes and was happy to see that Travis (who I have been rooting for) and Benji made it to the final four -- along with Donyelle (who David has been rooting for) and Heidi. The whole shebang ends next week and then we'll know who thinks that they can dance ... or something like that. Anyways, I came upon this picture of Travis and figured it'd be worthy of sharing with all y'all:

Click above to see larger uncensored semi-NSFW photo

Hahahhaha! I love it ... as soon as anybody gets on TV the scandalous photos hit the Internets. But you know ... I think Travis looks good in pink. I'll be rooting for him next week ... I guess we'll see if he can win it all. [Source]

Justin Timberlake is hard at work promoting his new album FutureSex/LoveSounds these days ... here are a couple pictures of a very skinny-looking JT doing a radio interview for Power 106 here in LA:

Don't get me wrong, he still looks great but he does look a bit skinnier than usual ... either that or his head has just gotten bigger. [Source]

Let's bring the SexyBack, shall we? Here are a few photos from a new Justin photoshoot with photographer Rankin:

Images removed by request

He's so purdy. It's good to have him back. [Source]

While some people are up in arms over Madonna's latest tour antics, her larger than life image in the new H&M ad campaign is going up on high profile buildings all over the world ... here is a picture of Maddy's new billboard hanging on a church in Milan, Italy:

Is it appropriate for one of the Roman Catholic church's best known cathedrals to be draped with the giant picture of a pop artist who has made millions from hit songs about sex? Yes, according to the most senior priest at Milan's landmark Duomo who has rebuffed requests to remove a picture of Madonna as part of an advertisement for Swedish fashion chain Hennes & Maritz. It's not the contents of the picture on the cathedral that has upset the critics. The ad shows the woman behind such hits about unmarried sex as "Like a Virgin" and "Papa Don't Preach" in a white sports jacket zipped to the top, eyes downcast. But the appearance of the banner on scaffolding erected on the Duomo coincided with protests over a Madonna show near the Vatican during which the "Queen of Pop" had herself hoisted on a glittery cross wearing a crown of thorns in a mock crucifixion. "It's diabolical," said Albertina Santos, 53, the wife of an evangelical pastor from Verona, Italy. "This doesn't look right, it's not the right thing for a Christian." However, the Duomo's Monsignor Luigi Manganini told Italy's Ansa news agency that the ad -- part of money-raising efforts to restore the cathedral -- can stay and was appropriate. "It's just an ad, certainly not a canonization," Manganini said. "When it was accepted, the poster seemed all correct and appropriate for its place, and it still is." I don't see what the problem is ... images of the Madonna have been seen in churches for centuries. [Source]

Mariah Carey is sitting down to take part in a 2-part segment on the latest edition of The Advocate Newsmagazine premiering this coming Tuesday August 15th at 9pm on LOGO. Here are a few screencaps from the show:

In the interview, Mariah talks about her new tour, her relationship with her gay fans, making remixes just for the gay club crowd, her thoughts on gay marriage, Hip-Hop & Homophobia and a whole lot more. LOGO, like it's sister network MTV, repeats things endlessly so if you miss the premiere on Tuesday you'll have lots of chances to check it out for the rest of the month. Mariah has always been so good to her gay fans ... I can't wait to see the interview. [Source]

Gwyneth Paltrow is looking stunning in the new issue of Harper's Bazaar magazine, here are a couple of pictures from her photospread:

She is seriously a hot mom. And I love how she doesn't have to pose nude on the cover to show that she is a hot mom. Gwyneth has the uncanny ability to birth babies and then immediately go back to her usual fab self. [Source]

Check out the cover artwork for the new Veruca Salt album titled IV which is due out next month on Sympathy for the Record Industry records ... while perusing the site I also found the cover artwork for the new album by The Fondas -- who are one of my fave local Detroit bands ever:

Since I was fortunate enough to get some time to hang out with Nina Gordon yesterday (deets below) I thought it'd be cool to check in on Louise Post to see what she's been up to. I am looking forward to hearing the new Veruca Salt record. I was also very happy to see that The Fondas are about to release a new album. Lead singer Julie is a good friend and her band rocks. It's about time some great new music was released. [Source]

And finally, I have to send out some lurve to a few Pink readers who have been showing me some lurve lately. Pink reader Reba sent in the picture of the newest PITNB fan -- her newborn baby boy Daniel, Kortney did a little PITNB graffiti at Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, TX to share with all y'all and Jen, Miriam, Eva and Christy hiked to the top of Half Dome at Yosemite and brought along a little Pink love with them. Lucky Natalie got to meet both Tim Gunn and Nina Garcia from Project Runway in NYC just last week:

Thank you all for your awesome pictures ... and all the love and support. It means so much ... I heart you all! XOXO [thanks Reba & Daniel, Kortney, Jen, Miriam, Eva & Christy and Natalie]

The News:
Yesterday was seriously one of the coolest days of my life. I am going to refrain from going on and on about how much of a Veruca Salt/Nina Gordon/Louise Post fan I am and just say that getting the opportunity to have a sit down chat with Nina was truly a dream come true. Nina and I met at Warner Bros. Records yesterday afternoon to do a little interview which turned into almost a 2-hour lovefest. I was thrilled to know that she reads the site and was equally thrilled that she remembered that we met many years ago after a Veruca Salt show in Detroit. Nina was glowing lookin' all pregs and stuff ... we really had a great time talking:

Because the interview is about 45 minutes long I decided to just upload the MP3 so that you can hear the whole thing instead of just excerpts. It's a great interview ... find out what connection Nina has with this season of Project Runway, hear her talk about her guiltiest pleasure, find out what Nina thinks about the song My Humps and hear her talk about the break-up of the original version of the band Veruca Salt. Pink readers Jason, Joe, Nick and Katie submitted questions that I was able to include in the interview.

OH ... and she revealed to me that she's having a baby girl! Love it!!!

Click HERE to download the full interview. And don't forget to pick up a copy of her new album Bleeding Heart Graffiti -- you can download it from iTunes HERE.

NOTE: My interview skills still need to be honed ... Nina gave great answers, I think I was bit messy with my questions ... but I eased into it the more we talked. Listen to the interview and you'll hear what I mean.

I need to send out lots of love to Ayal from Warner Bros. for setting up this interview for me ... he also took the pictures above. XO

After my great session with Nina I got to check out the play Lobster Alice starring Noah Wyle and Nicholas Brendon at the 2nd Stage Theater here in LA:

The play also starred Dorie Barton as Alice and I was very impressed with her performance ... with all their performances actually. Noah was completely over the top as Salvador Dali -- he played the character perfectly. I was unsure how the play would unfold and found the way it was presented very satisfying. Nicholas Brendon is a very funny actor and he managed to pull off a very funny performance. The play is a bit trippy and some of the stuff that happens you just have to take a face value but it's a fun ride. I wasn't really prepared for all the yelling and screaming that takes place but, believe it or not, it was very appropriate. The theater is very intimate so no matter where you are sitting you are very close to the action. I'm so glad I got to see this play ... if you get the chance to check it out before it ends next month I urge you to do so. I loved it!

Oy ... this post is so late ... all apologies ... I'm out.



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