PINK is the new BLOG
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Monday, August 07, 2006

Mr. Moms

So ... today instead of being merely a blogger supreme I'm also acting as day-care provider for my dear friend Tracey. David and I are being stay-at-home uncles for baby Zakiya today ... it's still early in the day and it's already been an experience. She's down for her morning nap ... so let's get to the day's goss ...

Britney Spears is back on the scene after going out of sight for a few weeks recently. Yesterday we saw pictures of Brit Brit doing a little shopping with her mom, sister and manny/bodyguard ... today we have pictures of Miss Brit doing some more shopping all on her own. Oh look, it appears that she dressed herself, too:

Photo credit: X-17

You can tell that she dressed herself because nothing matches or fits right. Remember when Britney got those sexy tattoos when she was younger? She got one on her lower back and one on her lower stomach ... remember how they seemed like such a good idea back then? Yeah ... there ain't nothin' classier than a stretched out tattoo peeking out from a pair of maternity shorts. Oh who the hell am I kidding ... I still lurve me some Britney! [Source]

Madonna continues to tour the world with her Confessions Tour and she isn't letting any criticism get in her way. Madonna was in Rome, Italy over the weekend (near the home of the Catholic church) for her latest tour stop. She did not censor her show in any way ... and in fact, added something a little extra to her performance:

Her on-stage antics with religious symbols may have riled believers the world over but Madonna's ticket sales in Roman Catholic Italy appear not to have suffered. Not put off -- or perhaps on the contrary -- 70,000 fans came to see the enduring US pop diva perform on Sunday night in Rome's Olympic stadium, her first concert in the city for 16 years ... he original "Material Girl" gyrated on a saddle, called for world peace and performed her infamous crucifixion routine in which she sings wearing a crown of thorns and hitched to a wooden cross ... Italian commentators remained unimpressed, however. Madonna's crucifixion scene is a "provocative act offensive to the faith of millions of Christians," religious daily Avvenire thundered. "It is an idea in the worst possible taste and she would be better to return home," suggested Mario Scajola, head of the Italian Muslim League. Her fans, on the other hand, had much praise for Madonna and her show: Religious leaders may have snubbed Madonna, but Italian fans cheered the pop star as she staged a mock crucifixion at her concert in Rome. A crowd of 70,000 attended Sunday night's performance at Olympic Stadium, some two miles from the Vatican ... "She does it to play, not to offend," said Benedetta Mori, a 31-year-old fan wearing a T-shirt with an image of Madonna on the cross. "If they allowed her to stage the show here they must also play by her rules." Madonna's representatives have said the performance on the cross, which has been included from the outset of the tour in May, is not disrespectful toward the church. The 47-year-old singer is known for her theatrical, action-packed shows. Besides her rendition of "Live to Tell" while on the cross, her two-hour performance included two dancers with a Star of David and a Muslim crescent painted on their torsos who embraced and held hands ... "Two miracles have happened," Madonna told the crowd. "Italy won the World Cup and it stopped raining before my show" ... "Ciao Roma! Are you ready to ride with me?" said the equestrian-styled singer as she opened a concert that included "Hung Up," "Music," "Like a Virgin" and "La Isla Bonita." This new controversy reminds me of her tour stop in Toronto, Canada on the Blonde Ambition Tour when the Canadian officials threatened to arrest her if she simulated sex on stage during her then rendition of Like A Virgin. Madonna is Madonna ... I'd expect nothing less. It's cool to see that a couple of her famous friends (director Pedro Almodvar and Lenny Kravitz) were on hand to support her as well. [Source]

Boo! It appears that Victoria Beckham has really removed her longer, fake hair and has decided to stick with the shorter look. Here are the latest pictures of Posh and Becks from over the weekend:

While Becks' knit hat is atrocious, it really doesn't take away from his beauty ... much. It looks like Victoria has time-warped back into 1983 with that outfit. Blah ... it looks like we'll be dealing with this fug look for quite some time to come. [Source]

On the other hand, Kylie Minogue is an absolute dream in these new pictures of her in London:

Photo credit: Splash News

Whether she dresses simply or she glams it up, Kylie really knows how to put together an outfit. Why don't we just forget that tiny little infraction that she made a couple of days ago and pretend that it never happened? [Source, Source]

Paris Hilton continues to haul out her goodies at various locales around the world ... the poor girl is so obscene even when she doesn't mean to be ... check out these pictures of Paris doing her thing at Caves Du Roy in St. Tropez:

I'm fairly certain that we are all better acquainted with Paris' nether region than her own gynecologist is. I really feel bad for the guy who gets too close to her ravenous body. If you are at all interested in seeing what Paris is NOT hiding in her short skirt, click the stars above to see what you're missing ... but seriously, it's nothing we haven't seen before. [Source]

It looks like Diddy (or is he back to being Puff Daddy again? I'm not sure) has taken a page from the Mariah Carey playbook (circa her video for Honey) and jumped aboard the Spy bandwagon. Here are a few pictures of Mr. Diddy doing his best James Bond as he promotes his new fragrance by Estee Lauder called Unforgiveable:

I bet he thinks he is such a pimp. Altho, I gotta admit, the man does look sharp in a tux. I'm not sure if this 00-Diddy act is gonna sell more bottles of his fragrance but you gotta give the man props for going all out. [Source]

It's been a while since we've seen Kelly Osbourne out and about in public, I wonder what she is doing these days to keep herself bizzy:

Photo credit: X-17

Yeah ... that looks about right. LOL kinda sums it all up nicely. I'm just glad that Kelly's beach dress isn't any shorter ... that picture of her from behind could have been totally heinous. [Source]

But if we want to go down the heinous route then we have to turn to the lovely P!nk. Gross ... the woman is utterly foul and totally disgusting ... here are pictures of P!nk "relieving" herself onto the pavement, outside her car, in a parking lot:

If you MUST see the sick uncensored photos you can click the picture and see them for yourself. I'm at a total loss ... this is, by far, the grossest thing I've seen in a very long while. EW! [Source]

With the new season of Laguna Beach just around the corner, I've been spending some time watching episodes of the first season of LB in preparation ... can I just say that I miss Lo terribly? She was, seriously, one of my most favorite Laguna Beachers ever ... here are newish pictures of Lo playing around with her BFF Zack and his boyfriend Colton at a club:

Sigh. I miss the old Laguna kids ... Lo was cooler than both Alexes, Taylor, Casey AND Jessica combined. It's been so long since we've seen the old skool kids, it'd be really cool if MTV put together a reunion so that we can catch up with Trey, Polster, Lo, Dieter, Morgan and Christina. Can someone make that happen please? [Source]

One last bit of Laguna Beach news, it appears that Alex H. is the new face feet of EMU Australia Footwear, which lauds itself as "the global leader in authentic Australian lifestyle footwear." Here is a picture found on her My Space profile of Alex posing with a poster from her ad campaign:

I don't really get what UGGs rip-off boots have to do with beachwear but I'm sure that Alex H. is the perfect person to represent the company. Congrats! [Source, thanks Melissa]

Lindsay Lohan is on the cover of the new issue of Elle magazine, here are a few pictures from her photoshoot:

I really <3 Linds! [Source]

Here is a quick preview of the new cover of Vogue magazine with Kirsten Dunst as Marie Antoinette on the cover:

Kirsten looks awesome! I am so excited to see Marie Antoinette when it opens later this year. I really love the new trailer that is playing in theaters now ... it's much more interesting than the teaser trailer that was released earlier this year. It remains to be seen if Sofia Coppola and Kirsten Dunst can pull off this movie without angering the entire population of France. I can't wait to see what happens. [thanks Kay]

Justin Timberlake is featured in the new issue of Fashion Rocks magazine, here are the couple of pictures from his photo shoot:

He is really lookin' good these days, ain't he? I can't wait to see his SexyBack on tour. [Source]

And finally, I am scheduled to do a little interview with Nina Gordon later on this week. I am doing my best to come up with some interesting questions to ask her but I need y'alls help. I know there are quite a few Nina and Veruca Salt fans who read this blog ... if you had the chance to ask her a question, what would you ask her?

I want to ask her at least two questions from Pink is the new Blog readers. If you have a question to ask, please email it to me HERE and please put Question for Nina in the subject line. The interview is supposed to take place on Thursday so send in your questions now! [Source]

Les News:
Yesterday, David and I double dated with Sarah and Mark ... we did dinner and a movie. Unfortch, we got off to a late start so we didn't get to spend much time together hanging out. We decided to see Talladega Nights because we wanted to laugh our asses off ... yeah, that wasn't what happened:

I realize this was the #1 movie at the box office this weekend and I was really hoping this movie would be funny ... the trailer made it look hilarious. I couldn't have been more disappointed. The movie wasn't that funny, it was poorly edited and was kind of offensive. I was really turned off by the whole gay thing in the movie. You know, I can forgive most things if the movie is at least entertaining but there wasn't a thing about this movie that I liked. David and I almost walked out mid-way thru the movie. Because we were spending so little time with Sarah and Mark we decided it would be easier to just sit there for the duration of the film. Will Ferrell movies are really hit-or-miss with me. I didn't like Anchor Man but I did like Old School. Talladega Nights was not for me at all.

Today, David and I are spending the rest of the day taking care of baby Z until Tracey gets home from work. I'm not sure what we're doing on our last night here in Detroit (we both fly home tomorrow) but I am a little sad to be leaving so soon.

Hope y'all are having a great Monday ... I'm out.




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