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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Forgive The Question But, Who Let The Dogs Out?

Last night MSNBC's Keith Olbermann announced on his show, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, that he would broadcast the worldwide premiere of the first video of Suri Holmes-Cruise. Of course I was immediately suspicious (SHAM!) but then I figured that MSNBC wouldn't be the kind of network to fool around with jokes ... I was wrong ... here is a screen cap of from the footage that they showed:

Click HERE to see the not-at-all-funny video footage for yourself. Actually, I wouldn't have been surprised at all if they had shown "actual footage of Suri" because it's been so long since the "baby" was "born" that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes could pretty much pass off any baby they may have procured on the sly as their own. I fully expect that we will see Suri Holmes-Cruise at some point (maybe very soon) but I don't think I'll ever believe she was borne naturally from the loins of TomKat. [Source]

JC Chasez turns 30 years today but he celebrated his 30th birthday this past weekend in West Hollywood with a few old friends ... here are a few pictures from his birthday party, including a picture of Lance Bass and Reichen Lehmkuhl happily and openly posing for the cameras:

Lance looks happy, y'all. I know it is a huge relief for him to be able to be out and happy with whomever he chooses to be out with without having to worry who will see him or what people will say. The party looks like a lot of fun ... JC looks happy and it was nice of other N*Syncers Justin Timberlake and Chris Kirkpatrick (not pictured) to show up for a drink or three. So I'm sending out lots of Birthday Lurve to JC Chasez! [Source]

Maggie Gyllenhaal, her baby daddy Peter Sarsgaard, David Duchovny and others were on hand for the NYC premiere of the new movie Trust the Man, here are a few photos:

Man, as pregs as Maggie is she sure is making the red carpet rounds these days. I think she's been to more movie premieres while she's been pregnant than she has in her whole career. She looks great ... normally, I hate the color that she's wearing but she wears it very well. Peter is beaming ... I bet he can't wait for his baby to be born. David Duchovny looks a little spaced out but that's what happens when you get on in years and there are flash bulbs going off in your face. [Source]

Channing Tatum was on hand for the Hollywood premiere of his latest movie Step Up in Los Angeles, CA last night ... here are pictures of his beefy hotness from the premiere:

I also threw in a couple of outtake pictures from his Interview magazine photoshoot because, well, you can never have too much Channing Tatum. I must admit, I'm prolly gonna go see this movie. It looks like it's in the same vein as Save the Last Dance and Honey so I think I'll enjoy the movie immensely. I'm always a fan of movies where you can save the world by overcoming the doubters and dancing your way to freedom. I'll bet $10 that Channing is shirtless in more than one scene ... yep, I'll be there for sure. [Source, Source]

Lord have mercy ... I don't care who complains, here are a few more of the latest pictures of Matthew McConaughey going out for yet another bike ride. Get a load of these lycra shorts and ... well ... the rest of him:

Hot DAMN! He sure does have a badonkadonk on him, don't he? If this summer has taught me anything, it is to not discount the allure of the right person wearing the right kind of skin tight clothing. I used to hate all forms of spandex and lycra (and generally, I still do) but I've come to realize that it can look really, really good on the right person. Wooooooo, and Matthew sure knows how to wear the stuff right. Oh, and there's another thing I've learned this summer ... Matthew McConaughey really is one of the sexiest men alive. Holla! [Source]

Speaking of hot mens, here are a few pictures of the Ocean's 13 dudes arriving on the set of their latest sequel to the hugely successful remake of Ocean's 11:

George Clooney sure is lookin' sassy in that first pic ... and I'm not exactly sure what Matt Damon is doing in the second pic but it is an interesting pose. I'm not sure how many Ocean's movies they are planning on making but I'm fairly certain that if these guys keep agreeing to make movies together then people will still flock to see them. [Source]

Madonna, ever the Queen of Controversy, is deffo not letting the latest hoopla surrounding her Confessions Tour get her down ... check out this picture of Madonna showing the world where her allegiance lies: reports that this shirt was designed by uberMadonna fan Fernando Lemus of theory NYC. Fernando wore the shirt at one of Madonna's Confessions shows in NYC and was spotted by Guy Oseary who asked him to make a shirt for Madonna ... and voila! It looks like she waited for the most appropriate time to wear it. Loves it! [Source]

Aww ... here are some new, really cute pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal taking his little baby Boo Radley for a walk in a dog park in LA earlier this week:

While I'm sure Jake is content to spend time with his babies, I'm sure he's missing out on the fun with his boys. I know that I'm missing seeing him riding his bike around town. [Source]

Hilary Duff has also been spending quality time with her little baby Lola ... here are new pictures of Hil and Lola going for a walk in her neighborhood:

Photo credit: X-17

While these pictures of Hilary with Lola are cute they're not near as cute as pictures of her boyfriend Joel Madden with Lola ... I know for a fact that homie likes to carry the little chihuahuha in her favorite pink blanket. He's a bad-ass like dat. [Source]

Fall Out Boy rocker Pete Wentz isn't merely satisfied with taking his dog for just a walk ... he's more interested in taking his dog Einstein out for a night on the town. Here are a couple pictures of Pete with his bulldog/boxer at the CK One Music Lounge after party at the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago, IL last night:

Hahahahahaha! They make a really cute couple. Altho, Einstein looks totally unimpressed with Pete's celebrity. [Source]

UPDATE: A few peeps have commented that Pete's dog's name is Hemingway but the source link says his name is Einstein. In either case, he's got a cool name.

Speaking of unimpressive celebrity, the semi-Goth-type band 30 Seconds to Mars were among the performers at this year's Lollapalooza Festival in Chicago, IL this past weekend and Pink reader Giselle was front and center for the performance. Here are a few photos (among them, photos taken by Giselle herself) of Jared Leto and his crew doing their thing at the show:

LOL at the Kabuki theatrics ... but to tell you the truth, I kind love that 30StM do this kind of weird shizz. It's, at the very least, a bit more interesting than just coming out on stage and singing their (awful?) songs. I say, keep on rockin' guys! If for no other reason that I like seeing the shizz they try and pull on stage. [Source, Source, thanks Giselle]

Hello Kitty has pimped herself out to almost every outlet possible ... she's been sold in toy stores, specialty shops, Targets and even McDonald's restaurants... but I never really thought she'd sell out to the likes of ... Paris Hilton?

Just when you thought Paris Hilton mania couldn't get any bigger, Sanrio, the folks behind Hello Kitty, have taken it to another level. They have created a signature Hello Kitty figure with a Paris Hilton look. Sorry folks, it's only available in Japan. Er ... so what exactly is the "Paris Hilton look"? Does this mean that Hello Kitty will not be wearing panties but will be wearing a birth control patch? I suppose we really shouldn't be so surprised at this news ... Paris has been a fan of Hello Kitty for quite some time now (along with Jack Osbourne, apparently) ... and if they can make a Hello Kitty vibrator then it's really not that much of a stretch to imagine a Hello Paris Kitty doll. [Source]

In other Paris Hilton news, she is on the cover of the new issue of Marie Claire magazine ... here are a few pictures from her photoshoot:

I was under the impression that Marie Claire was cleaning up their act but I think their new attitude will come with the Maggie Gyllenhaal cover issue. In any case, Paris looks pretty standard in these pics ... a bit more shiny than is acceptable but at least we're not forced to see her nether regions. [Source]

Frances Bean is featured in the new issue of Elle magazine and it looks like she's paying homage to both of her parents ... check out these pictures of Frances doing her best Kurt Cobain and lookin' a helluva lot like Courtney Love:

She is so big! And she really looks like both of her parents ... depending on the photo she could pass for a younger version of either Kurt or Courtney. I really hope she stays away from the baby doll dresses and, ... well ... you know ... the drugs ... because I believe the children are our future -- teach them well and let them lead the way. [Source]

And finally, here are a couple new Jessica Simpson promo pictures ... her new album A Public Affair (which has nothing at all do to with her ex-husband Nick Lachey) comes out at the end of this month and it's about time her promo machine kicks into high gear:

To tell the truth, I really like these pictures. This is a good look for her ... she really can do sophisticated really well. She deffo has hot legs and I'd be flashing those things every chance I could if they were mine ... not that I want her legs or anything ... I'm just saying. ANYWAYS ... I'm pretty anxious to hear what the rest of her album sounds like. I've never been a fan of her music so we'll see if she can pull some hits out of this new record. [Source]

El News:
Yesterday was a pretty chill day ... even with all the babysitting. Altho Zakiya is probably the most well-behaved baby I've ever encountered she was still a handful. One year old legs can really move fast ... I have to give it up to all the stay at home moms who take care of their little kiddies each and every day ... and oftentimes, they're taking care of more than one little set of legs at a time. Props to you, moms ... I have a new respect for your work -- that's for sure.

David, Sarah and I had dinner with my parents last night. I've been spending most of this trip hanging out with my friends so I wanted to spend at least one night at home with them. We had a pretty awesome time together ... afterwards, Sarah came over to Tracey's (where David and I have been staying) and she brought me a DVD that she made for me as a going-away present. It's a half-hour video made up of about 300 pictures of me and Sarah and me and my other friends (altho, truth be told, it's mostly pictures of me and Sarah). It is seriously the coolest thing ever. I love her to death! I'm bummed we couldn't spend more time together this trip home but we're meeting up in NYC at the end of the month to hang out and do fun stuff so I'm really looking forward to that.

Annnnd ... I guess that's it. David flies home to NYC and I fly home to LA this evening so I'll be comin' atcha tomorrow from the West Side. Thanks for an awesome time Detroit, I can't wait to come home again! XO

I'm out.




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