PINK is the new BLOG
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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Razzle Dazzle

Britney Spears caused a stir yesterday afternoon when she was spotted making a return trip to the Century City Medical Center ... the same medical center she visited on Sunday afternoon. Apparently, Britney went back to see the same dentist who treated her tooth ache over the weekend. This time around, Britters went back for a tooth whitening procedure. This isn't actually too bizarre ... except for the fact that she opted to clean her teeth rather than stay and visit with her children:

Photo credit: Splash News

Britney Spears' kids (and their nanny) visited for a bit on Wednesday, but their mommy soon ducked out, leaving them at her Beverly Hills home to go to the dentist. Sean, 1 1/2, and Jayden, 6 months, hung out at mom's house on Tuesday and were driven back to Kevin Federline's Tarzana home at 7:30 p.m. by a bodyguard in a white Yukon ... A bodyguard returned the kids (and nanny, natch), to Spears, 25, at around noon Wednesday. But the dentally challenged pop star quickly popped out for more than two hours, leaving the kids home with the nanny. What could be more important than time with the kids? Getting her teeth whitened. Well, duh! Of course her teeth are more important than her kids. [Source]


Many people contend that last week's Locke-centric episode was the best ep of the season so far ... but I must disagree. I believe last night's episode, which revolved around the Newsome Twosome Nikki and Paulo, was the season's best ep. It was the cleverest, most interesting episode I've seen all season long ... hearkening back to the early days of Lost when the viewer was totally engrossed in each and every episode. I knew it wouldn't be long before this season's new cast members would get an ep of their own ... who'd of guessed it might be their last:

Screencaptures courtesy of Lost Media

Where to begin? I really loved this ep ... it had all the confusion and intrigue that the show used to give us each week. I loved how we didn't know what the last thing that Nikki whispered was until the very last scene -- classic Lost! This ep, especially, reminded me of the awesome ep last season that showed us what happened to the Tailies after they crashed on the other side of the island. This ep took the same approach to telling the story of Nikki and Paulo -- brills! When the ep began the first thing I thought was, "Oh good, the useless new girl is finally getting some screen-time." It didn't occur to me that the ep would heavily feature Paulo as well but I suppose I should've known -- they come as a pair. When she made the joke to the old director about "what happens to the guest star" on a TV show I actually laughed out loud. I didn't necessarily believe that she would actually die in the show's cold open (i.e. the portion of the show that airs before the credits begin) but it struck me that this is something that Lost would do ... so I tried not to focus on her assumed death. I loved the way they interjected Nikki and Paulo into the show's history ... it was nice seeing bitchy Shannon and hot Boone again, it was interesting to see that Nikki had a relationship of sorts with Artz (er, before he blew up) and I'm so glad we got to see the guy get sucked into the turbine engine again -- that is my fave part of the pilot episode. The bit about how Paulo wasn't dumb enough to climb into the other airplane was hilarious ... the whole way they handled their history on the island was very clever. The question remains tho ... are they really dead? We know they're paralyzed and have been buried alive but will they suffocate and die? If you consider what Locke told Paulo, that things never stay buried on the island, then one can assume that they will be uncovered and saved. But it would be soooo JJ Abrams to kill off the 2 new characters in their starring ep. They did come as a pair, like Shannon and Boone and they're both dead. Also remember that Rodrigo Santoro told Brazilian Rolling Stone magazine that his character would die before the end of season 3: Rodrigo gave an interview to the Brazilian Rolling Stone magazine and said that his character will die before the end of the third season ... "It's not that I don't give a s**t to the series, it's wonderful to have the opportunity to do this. Actually I'd like to participate more in Lost, but I'm more engaged in participating in movies now." He also said: "If they have some dazzling idea for me to come back in the future, there's a chance [I do]". His last scenes in Lost will be shot this month. So ... at the very least he has or will Peace the Spork Out very soon. I think it's safe to say that both Nikki and Paulo are pretty generally reviled amongst most Lost fans ... but it's a shame that their episode turned out to be the most Lost-like ep of the season. As soon as I get a chance to like them ... they die. You know, that happens a lot on this island. Great ep! I'm glad I watched it. [Source, thanks Amy]

Will Ferrell, Jon Heder and others were on hand in Hollywood last night for the premiere of their new movie Blades of Glory. Here are a few pics from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

The fact that figure skaters Brian Boitano and Dorothy Hamill (who both make cameos in the film) showed up for the premiere is awesome. We don't get enough Brian Boitano on the red carpet these days. The movie opens in theaters tomorrow but I was lucky enough to attend an advance screening last week and I gotta admit, the movie is pretty damn funny. If for no other reason, you must check out the movie to watch the chemistry between Will Farrell and Jon Heder as they skate together on the ice ... it's magical. [Source]

Well now ... what have we here? For about 3 consecutive days now, Naomi Campbell and Gerard Butler have been seen sneaking around together. They have been taking great pains to not be photographed right next to one another but they have been seen exiting the same places together ... even exiting the same vehicles together ...

Photo credit: Splash News

... which of course means that they are secretly dating and are possibly engaged. Well, ok ... maybe not ... but they have been spending an awful lot of time together which means something is up. I'll have to keep my eye on these two to see if anything of substance really develops. [Source]

Jennifer Lopez went back to her roots yesterday as she made a public appearance for a record signing in her hometown ... the Bronx:

Photo credit: Splash News

You gotta respect the woman for keepin' it real and not forgetting where she came from. Don't be fooled by the rocks that she's got, indeed. [Source]

Darren Hayes (formerly of Savage Garden) is back with some new solo material which he showcased at an amazing New York City concert last night at Joe's Pub. Unfortch, I could not be in NYC for his performance but my good friend Jim was able to attend the show -- even getting to meet Darren himself afterwards. Here are some pictures from the show and Jim's email to me about his experience:

The concert was amazing! Darren has a way of interacting with the audience that makes you feel like you are his best friend; he shares the most intimate, energetic, blissful, and painful experiences of his life through his music. His first single to be released Step Into the Light features the lyric "I've never been in love before" which paves they way into the emotional and personal journey of his new album. His dance singles are incredible, one in which he mixes Rock me Amadeus -- a excellent throwback into the 80's synth revolution. But perhaps my favorite was How to Build a Time Machine -- the title alone gives me tingles. Words, another track from his new album, ripped my heart out in a way that only he could. But the absolute best was Me Myself and I which, let me tell you, has to be played in every dance club come the release in August. One of my favorite moments was when Darren was speaking to the audience and accidentally introduced the wrong song. "Forgive me, I don't have my glasses on. I have glasses now ... and I'm gay." This is met by thunderous applause, followed by "Yes, I look quite nice in glasses." The evening was purely orgasmic, followed by Vicki and I meeting Darren. He was sooooo sweet and his husband Richard is adorable. Let me tell you, this album is going to be Insatiable. And can I just brag once more, I hugged Darren Hayes tonight!!!! :) I am so glad that Jim got to go to this show ... he is a huge Darren Hayes fan. Darren plays another night at Joe's Pub in NYC tonight but it's already sold out. Head on over to his official My Space page for his other upcoming dates. [thanks Jim]

Heather Mills has hit the ground running in her campaign to win this year's competition of Dancing with the Stars and if you think that she doesn't have a chance at winning then you'd be wrong ... she's got a few tricks hidden up her sleeve ...

Photo credit: Splash News

... er, or up her pants leg rather. It appears that she has many tools in her arsenal and that she won't go down with out a fight. My best friend Sarah is rooting for Ian Ziering to win it all (actually, he's got a great shot being teamed up with 2-time winner Cheryl Burke) but I'm rootin' for Heather to win. She doesn't have many fans out there right now so she needs all the support she can get. I'm pulling for her ... and I'm not pulling your leg, either. [Source]

Um ... as if Kimberly Stewart didn't have enough problems already -- must we be subjected to her horrifying receding hairline?

Photo credit: Splash News

Is that hair even real? It looks glued on ... to the center of her scalp. No wonder the poor dear wears bangs all the time ... I'd cover that forehead up too. Blech! [Source]

Kelly Clarkson is spending some time down in Hawaii enjoying the sand, surf and everything else the beach has to offer. But what I don't understand is why is she fully dressed for the occasion?

Photo credit: Splash News

Who goes to the beach wearing a full length black dress? Either she's afraid to sunburn or she's hiding something. Hmm ... [Source]

Anna Nicole Smith has been immortalized in doll form ... which is being auctioned off on eBay right now:

Photo credit: Splash News

The doll, whose current bid is at $200, was inspired by Anna Nicole Smith as a tribute to her and features her trademark beauty mark (which was "inspired" by Marilyn Monroe) complete with a "sexy figure with large bust":

Missing from the doll are Anna Nicole's classic tattoos (the ones on her ankle were my faves). ANS fans might not want to miss this opportunity to own an idealized version of Anna Nicole. Get your bids in now! [Source]

The US Postal Service is trying to lessen the sting of another postage price hike (from $.39 to $.41) by introducing a new set of fun stamps ... and allowing the public to vote on their favorite stamp of the bunch. Here are the Star Wars stamps that will be on sale May 26th ... one of which will be chosen by voters as the fan favorite:

This is only the second time that the USPS is allowing the public to vote on which stamp goes into special production (you may remember that the public was asked to cast their vote for either the "young Elvis" or the "old Elvis"). While I like that the Postal Service is offering these fun stamps, I'd much prefer if they did so without having to charge us more to mail letters. See ... this is why email is so much better than snail mail. [Source]

Brody Jenner is featured in the new issue of CosmoGirl magazine ... and is also featured in a short video of behind the scenes footage from his photoshoot:

It's easy to not pay attention to what he's talking about with all that shirtlessness he's got going on. Head on over to The Big, Bad Blog to see the pictures from his CosmoGirl photoshoot. [Source, Source]

Abercrombie & Fitch has unveiled it's new Summer line of clothing ... and a couple of their new male models:

Unfortch, this is pretty much all we get. Ever since A&F caved to public pressure and stopped publishing their sexy catalog (which featured more nekkid folk than clothing) they have steadily lessened the number of pictures that they release at all. The website used to feature computer wallpapers and photos to augment the cancelled catalog but now ... they don't even offer that anymore. How do they expect people to want to buy their clothing if they stop featuring hot models not wearing their clothing in the first place. It makes no sense. [Source]

And finally ... I have to send a huge birthday shout-out to my dear friend Mike G. back in Detroit who is celebrating his birthday today. Mike would absolutely MURDER me if I mentioned his age so I'll just say that he's another year older today and leave it at that. See Mike, I do <3 you :)

The gang is getting together this weekend back in Detroit for Mike's birfday celebration but I, unfortch, will not be able to attend. But I'm sending all my Birthday Lurve to Mike G. and my sincerest wish that he gets exactly what he wants for his birthday ... yeah, he'd also murder me if posted what that was ;)

Happy Birthday, Mikey! XOXO

Les News:
Lessee ... what did I do yesterday? Oh, that's right ... I did absolutely nothing yesterday. The only time I left my apartment yesterday was to do a few loads of laundry and that was pretty much it.

It's so quiet here without a baby running around all over the place. Actually, truth be told ... I kinda miss having little Z running around. She is absolutely the most adorable baby on Earth.

No plans for today or tomorrow ... I think I'm just gonna chill out, write, read.

And that is all ... I'm out.



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