PINK is the new BLOG
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Green Day

Happy Earth Day, y'all! I know that I am not the most environmentally aware person on the planet but even I can see the importance of a day like today. If I've learned nothing from Al Gore's amazing documentary An Inconvenient Truth at the very least I've learned that things can better before they get worse:

I have no interest in preachin' at ya on this Earth Day, all I'm trying to do is remind y'all that today is Earth Day and that there are many, many small and easy things that you can do to help make the world a better, healthier place. Click HERE for a short list of the easiest things you can do to help celebrate Earth Day. Me? I'm going to spend some time outside today soaking up the beautiful California sun ... and I may hug a tree or two along the way. [Source, Source]

The most truthful thing that Britney Spears ever revealed about herself is that she is “country”. Yes siree, she is country all right. Take, for example, the lovely ensemble that Miss Britney wore out in public yesterday ... which looks like it was pilfered from the closet of Ms. Loretta Lynn circa 1954:

Right down to the rabbit fur coat ... ugh. Honestly, this stuff should be illegal North of the Mason Dixon line. Egads! [Source]

Did y'all catch Scarlett Johansson and Bjork on last night's episode of Saturday Night Live? Well, I didn't ... not yet at least. I did DVR the show but I fell asleep reading the memoir of Rue McClanahan My First Five Husbands ... And the Ones Who Got Away so I've yet to watch the ep. BUT ... here are pictures of the celebs as they made their way to the after party in the wee hours this morning:

Photo credit: Splash News

It looks like everyone had such fancy shoes ... well, except for Dave Chapelle. I'm not sure why Scarlett was so shy about having her picture taken ... it seems odd that she would make a big deal about after she just performed on live TV. [Source]

Ah well ... even tho I've yet to watch the show in its entirety, I did manage to watch both of Bjork's performances on YouTube. Here is her performance of her new single Earth Intruders:

You can click HERE to watch her performance of Wanderlust. I am so excited for Bjork's new album Volta ... I haven't been this excited for one of her album's since Homogenic (which is my all-time fave album). I hope this new album doesn't disappoint ... but I am confident that it will not.

Ugly Betty has filmed its last episode of the season recently and most of the principle cast got together to celebrate at the wrap party which was sponsored by Kaluha ... which is odd because I don't see the connection. But anyways ... here are a few pictures from the party:

Photo credit: Wireimage

I think it's safe to say that Ugly Betty was one of the few major hits of this TV season ... while it took me a little while to get into the storyline I must admit that I am now a fan. It'll be interesting to see if the characters hold up for seasons to come ... [Source]

David Beckham took to the field in gameplay this weekend as Real Madrid took on Valencia yesterday ... Becks came in as a second-half substitute and helped his team to victory in a final 2-1 score -- and Lord, he looked good doing so:

Le sigh. He needs to get his butt out here to LA quick ... I'd love to see all this sweaty hotness from close up. [Source]

Oh and speaking of close-ups, here is a close-up picture of Becks' new arm tattoos:

You can see that he added the words Perfectio In Spirito underneath the Roman Numeral 7 he had previously tattooed on his forearm. He may think he's perfecto in spirito but he is perfecto in more ways than just that ;) [Source]

Beyonce wowed the crowd at a concert she performed in Sydney, Australia ealier this week ... but it was her dramatics that really got to me:

LOL! She looks so freaky in this picture ... and I knew that it reminded me of something ... did any of y'all see Pan's Labyrinth? Don't you see the resemblance? [Source]

Jason Biggs was spotted hanging out with a new chick that he's supposedly dating ... and while that isn't very interesting to me there were a couple pictures from the set that I thought were worth posting:

Photo credit: Flynet

Normally, I stay away from the potty humor ... but this shizz is just too funny to not post (if you pardon the pun). LOL! [Source]

Ashlee Simpson is featured in the new issue of Harper's Bazaar magazine sporting her latest new look:

The question becomes, who did she steal this look from? Eh, who cares ... she got rid of that stupid hat she likes to wear so this is a vast improvement. [Source]

And now ... it's time for the Hot Dude of the Week ... let's give a warm hello to Matt:

Photo credit: All American Guys

Isn't this just a lovely sight to wake up to first thing in the morning? He looks like a nice chap who might be willing to get the day started off right. Enjoy!! [Source]

And finally, this is where I would normally post my David's Jossip TV weekly round-up from but, unfortch, he didn't do one this week :( So, to make up for his hilarity I bring you an interview that Tori Amos did for a Dutch TV station earlier this week where she talks about her, ahem, "12 inch cock" and other such things:

:) And you dare ask why I love her so? Wonder no more.

Les News:
  • The band The Season, made up of a couple of Virginia Tech Hokies, penned a song about the tragedy that took place earlier this week. Click HERE to hear it. [thanks Meghan]
  • Madonna and co. have left Malawi.
  • Mikey Way from My Chemical Romance got hitched.
  • From The Apprentice to Playboy magazine.
  • Eric Mabius (Ugly Betty) is 36, John Waters is 61 and Charlotte Rae (The Facts of Life) is 81 years old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
  • K-Fed keeps on keepin' on.
Ack ... I had grand plans to venture out yesterday but instead of spending the whole day watching TV on the couch I spent the whole day reading on the couch. As I mentioned above, I'm totally engulfed in Rue McClanahan's memoir and I can't put it down. She is a fascinating woman ... it's really a great read. I was planning on going out dancing last night but I kinda fell asleep reading instead ... which is incredibly lame but I did get a really good night's sleep. I also had a very interesting dream where I cut a huge gash in my knee which required stitches (I've never had stitches before in my life) but I kept trying to tell everyone that I wanted to super glue the gash closed so that I wouldn't have a scar. Strange.

Today, tho, I am going outside ... the weather is just too beautiful to not enjoy. It is Earth Day, after all ... I think I shall go out and enjoy some Earth.


OH -- and don't forget to enter for your chance to win a copy of Tori Amos' new album American Doll Posse!! Deets HERE.



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