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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Karma's A Beyotch

Say it ain't so Britney! Just when I thought that our dear Britney had put her partying ways behind her, new reports start to surface that she has fallen off the wagon and has started drinking again ... to the point of puking. First off, Ew! and secondly, why must she do this to me? It was reported last week that Britney was seen partying atop the Mondrian Hotel in Hollywood up until she had to be carried out of the bathroom after she puked her guts out. The report mentioned that her wig was all askew and that she was a mess. Initially, I discounted this report because we all know that Britney hasn't been wearing a wig for some time now (she does love her awful extensions) but this picture of Brit Brit with what looks to be drink firmly in hand has emerged from that fateful night, lending credence to the initial report:

Britney Spears was caught crying and being sick in the men's toilets at a hotel bar, it has been reported. The singer was apparently discovered in a bad way at the expensive Mondrian Hotel in LA some time after arriving with friends. A source told The Sun: "Britney was found slumped over the toilet bowl with make-up smeared over her face and her wig hanging off. "She had a room booked at the hotel but was too ill to stay and was begging her bodyguard to take her home. She looked a real mess and was sitting on the floor with her head over the bowl throwing up," continued the source. "There was vomit down the front of her black dress and around her mouth. Britney was on her knees and must have been sick four or five times. She didn't really seem with it, but I don't know if she was drunk or not." Boo. It's unclear whether or not this incident happened before or after Britney posted her most recent Letter of Truth to her official website but I would hope that this is the last of this sort of behavior. Seriously, if she doesn't get her act together and keep it together she's going to fall apart once and for all. No one wants that ... I just want the good ol' Britney that I know and love to come back. Damn ... now I feel like I need a drink. [Source]

UPDATE: It has been suggested that the thing in Britney's hand might be a candle and not a drink. I, for one, would be thrilled if this were the case ... but it's hard to tell. Perhaps I'll just assume it's a candle and content myself with my own denial :D

Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Matt Damon were all in Hollywood at the World-Famous Grauman's Chinese Theater to partake in a little ceremony to promote their new movie Ocean's 13. The trio (in addition to Ocean's producer Jerry Weintrab) were inducted into Hollywood History as they were immortalized forever in cement at the theater:

Photo credit: Splash News

Clooney and Brad joined their co-star Matt Damon and the film's producer Jerry Weintraub to plant their hands and feet in cement in front of the Hollywood landmark [Grauman's Chinese Theater]. "If I had to be on my hands and knees with three other guys, I can’t think of three better guys to do it with, and I mean that in the best possible way," Clooney said. Weintraub, who produced the film franchise that began with Ocean's Eleven in 2001, became the first film producer to leave his imprints in cement at the site. The honour usually goes to movie stars. "I know this is all about me and not about these three guys," Weintraub said. Damon added: "It should be noted this isn't the first time somebody tried to put Jerry Weintraub's feet in cement." Now, this is pretty cool. Just about anyone with a thick enough wallet can get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame but they don't let just anyone put their foot and handprints in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater. I don't think there are any bigger male stars around than Brad Pitt and George Clooney. They join the likes of Darth Vader and Donald Duck as celebs immortalized in cement at Grauman's ... that's really pretty cool. [Source]

Later on yesterday evening, the Hollywood premiere of Ocean's 13 brought out pretty much everyone who is even remotely associated with the film and big names like Angelina Jolie, Al Pacino and Casey Affleck thrilled the crowd on the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

Okay ... maybe notsomuch Casey Affleck with the thrilling but I kinda wanted to post a pic of the bleached mohawk he was rockin'. It kinda makes him look like a serial killer, don't it? Anyways, as far as premieres go, this one was a dooze ... I'm pretty sure that Ocean's 13 won't be generating the initial box office numbers that Spider-Man 3 or Pirates of the Caribbean 3 did but something tells me that this third installment will prove pretty lucrative in the long run. [Source]

Inmate #9818783 is finding that jail isn't all that it's cracked up to be. After only 2 days in the slammer, she's learning the hard lesson that jail isn't fun and that's why people who break the law are sent there. The report is that Inmate #9818783 is scared, y'all:

TMZ has multiple inside sources who have painted a bleak picture of day # 2 in the slammer. In three words, "Paris is scared." Paris has been crying on the phone, saying she's not sleeping or eating. Paris says her cell is "freezing cold." She has three little blankets and no pillow. She's using one of the blankets as a pillow. The room is bright and jail noise echoes through her space. Sleep isn't the only problem. Paris says she has no appetite and has eaten almost nothing. Inmates actually struck up a chant when Paris went back to her cell earlier today. As she walked by they struck up a chorus, "Paris! Paris! Paris!" We're told she smiled and waved. Some inmates have been coming up to her cell door, mostly to say hi ... She's called her lawyer and family, but found it really hard to talk because there's a recording, "You have one minute left. This call is being recorded." Hmm ... if all it takes to teach Inmate #9818783 a lesson is a small room that is unheated and pillowless then maybe this prison thing is a bit much. Ah well, maybe she'll really really learn her lesson then. It's hard to imagine how she is going to make it thru 21 more days of incarceration when she's already this miserable after day 2. Either she'll toughen up or she'll crack ... there's a good chance she's cracking already: Paris Hilton got her second visitor in jail: her psychiatrist. Dr. Charles Sophy, the Beverly Hills therapist who has been treating her for the past eight months, entered the jail with Hilton's lawyer Tuesday and stayed for about two hours. Both left without commenting. Last month, Sophy had told a judge that Hilton was so upset by her jail sentence that she was "not capable of any meaningful participation" in a $10 million slander and libel lawsuit against her. "She is emotionally distraught and traumatized as a consequence of the findings at the May 4 hearing, the jail sentence imposed upon her by the judge, and her fear of incarceration," Sophy wrote in papers filed by Hilton's lawyers. Can you imagine how "emotionally distraught" Inmate #9818783 is now that she is actually locked up? Man, I just know that Prison Diary is gonna be goooood. Additionally, and this should come as no big surprise, Inmate #9818783 is really, really pissed at Sarah Silverman for making fun of her at the MTV Movie Awards last Sunday: Paris Hilton may have smiled her way through Sarah Silverman’s raunchy monologue at the MTV Movie Awards where the show's host poked fun at Hilton's stint in jail, but she wasn't laughing backstage. Hilton, 26, who turned herself in to serve her sentence only hours after the ceremony ended, was overheard fuming, "She's a f--king bitch. I hate her." I can't imagine she's too thrilled with the LA County Sheriff either, he is adamant that Inmate #9818783 will serve her full 23 days in jail, saying "She's gonna do 23 days." Yeah, she's still got about 3 weeks to go. I bet she thought THIS was as bad as it was gonna get. I actually don't know if she's gonna be able to hack it. [Source, Source]

Inmate #9818783 isn't the only member of the Hilton family who's bummin' these days. Her little brother Barron Hilton, II was mugged in NYC on the very night that his big sis was locked away in jail after he unsuccessfully tried to get into the trendy Stereo nightclub:

WHILE PARIS Hilton was sneaking into prison in Los Angeles in the wee hours of Monday morning, her younger brother, Barron, was getting mugged at knifepoint near Penn Station. Barron, who is tall and blond and believed to be 18, had shown up earlier at Stereo on West 29th Street with three male friends and two girls. "They were all underage and they hung around for a while trying to get in the club," said an eyewitness. "They were waiting outside Stereo. Eventually they all left together at around 4 a.m. "An hour later, two security guards from Stereo were driving by Penn Station on their way home and they saw Barron and his friends. Then they saw two muggers confronting the group, and they all got out. One had a knife and was trying to get money out of the kids. "One guy had Barron at knifepoint, and the guards got out and chased away the guy with the knife. The attackers didn't get any money," said the witness. "Eventually Barron and his friends all piled into a cab." The insider added that the guards recognized Barron because "he tries to get into Stereo all the time." Wow, when it rains, it pours. Could it be that karma is finally reigning retribution down on the Hiltons for their crimes against Nature and society? If I were Nicky Hilton, I wouldn't be walking underneath any high-rise scaffolds or hanging safes ... I'm just saying. [Source, Source]

In the UK, Victoria Beckham was crowned the Queen of the Universe by Glamour magazine at their annual Women Of The Year awards, taking home trophies for being the Woman of the Year and the Entrepreneur of the Year. Here are pics of Posh on the red carpet trying to look like the Hooch of the Year at the awards ceremony last night:

Photo credit: Splash News

VICTORIA BECKHAM was crowned Britain's First Lady at the Glamour Women Of The Year awards last night. Posh picked up two gongs at the London ceremony -- and certainly added my award for sexiest outfit to her haul. She made a royal entrance to the bash in tiny sequined black hotpants, a revealing bustier and matching gloves. The head-to-toe Chanel outfit was designed by KARL LAGERFELD. And Victoria had a message for anyone who doesn't think she is posh enough to be Lady Beckham ... "Who cares if I'm not posh enough. All I care about is that Karl Lagerfeld said I'm cool -- and he's the man" ... Victoria picked up the mag's Entrepreneur Of The Year award for her business work as well as the night's Woman Of The Year gong ... On accepting the Entrepreneur gong Posh said: "In my years as a Spice Girl I won loads of awards but I haven't had many since." Hmmm ... well, I'm not so sure she should be placing too much validity on these awards, after all Teri Hatcher was named Writer Of The Year. LOL! You know, the first thing that I thought when I saw VB in this lovely outfit was, Wow, she is really fit to be a Lady ... oh wait, no, it wasn't Lady that I was thinking ... nevermind. [Source]

Can someone please tell me why Nicole Richie is trying to bite Prince Michael Jackson, II's style?

Photo credit: Splash News

I mean, Nicole is usually the type of person to start trends, not follow them. I must admit, tho, I am very impressed that she can drive with that thing covering her face. [Source]

Pete Wentz celebrated his 28th birthday with his friends and girlfriend Ashlee Simpson in NYC at his club Angels and Kings, here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Does anyone else think it's strange that Pete's birthday cake looks like it came from a grocery store? They could've at least got him a fun birthday cake with a great design on it. Ah well, Happy Birthday anyways, Pete! [Source]

Elsewhere in NYC, Sarah Michelle Gellar was spotted struttin' her stuff on the streets of SoHo lookin' as faboo as ever:

I just love her. Incidentally, I have recently started watching the entire Angel series on DVD since I've never sat thru the entire series in sequence. Erik and I watched the entire series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer together a couple of years ago but we never got around to watching Angel. I figured it was about time. I just completed the second season last night and I gotta say, I really miss TV shows like this. The writing is absolutely superb ... very witty, very smart and very funny. Joss Whedon and his crew are the absolute shit! I love all of their work. If it's been a while since you've seen Buffy or Angel, I highly recommend that you get the DVDs and watch the shows all over again. They really hold up ... better than a lot of junk on TV right now. [Source]

Also in NYC, Maggie Gyllenhaal was snapped grabbing a bite to eat with her baby daughter Ramona outside Bonsignor:

Photo credit: Splash News

Er, well ... it looks like Ramona is the one doing all the biting. I'm telling you, there is nothing more beautiful than a mother and child who look this happy together. [Source]

Madonna narrowly escaped a horrible conflagration that erupted at her gym in London earlier this week ...

... well, actually, she calmed walked out of the building while puffs of smoke wafted off the roof. But hey, it could've been way dangerous. Those track suits she loves to wear really hold on to that nasty smoke smell. [Source]

In other Madonna news, she graces 2 of the 20 African-themed Vanity Fair covers that were shot by Annie Lebowitz for the July issue. Here she is with Djimon Hounsou and Maya Angelou:

You gotta hand it to Vanity Fair, they really know how to hype up their magazines. Other folks featured on the magazine covers include Bono, Brad Pitt, Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Jay-Z, Chris Rock, Alicia Keys, Warren Buffett, Desmond Tutu, Muhammad Ali, Bill and Melinda Gates, Iman, Don Cheadle, Barack Obama, Queen Rania of Jordan, George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice. Gotta catch 'em all ... er, except for those last two. [Source, thanks Kevin]

Angelina Jolie didn't make the cut for the Vanity Fair covers but she does appear on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Marie Claire:

And really, isn't that more of an accomplishment altogether? [Source]

Here is the cover of Ryan Adams' new album Easy Tiger which hits stores on June 26:

I really like his calculator watch, so I'm gonna have to buy this album when it comes out. [Source]

Kate Moss has unveiled a few new Top Shop pieces to her collection:

You know, in case you were wondering. [Source]

And finally, I am VERY happy to report that Chris Evans, who stars as the Human Torch, will be featured in a few scenes of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer sans shirt:

Now this is worth the price of admission already. Woot! [Source]

Les News:
Yesterday was a pretty Blah day for me. The day was really overcast and it really bummed me out. I really didn't have the energy to do much of anything (which means that my mound of dirty clothes hasn't gotten any smaller) but I'm pretty much okay with it.

Today is a much sunnier day so I am gonna hafta venture out to soak up some sun. I hope it's bright and sunny wherever you are. I am out.



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