Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Cue The Calliope Music ...
Can you guess who this is?

... geeze, keep reading, it gets better.
First, let's talk about Courtney Love. It seems that her day of reckoning has finally come. Oh wait, it has only just begun to reckon for our dear Ms. Love. Courtney Love finally found her way into a courtroom for sentencing and was hit with an 18 month stint in drug rehab.

Courtney avoided jail time but has to submit to a rigorous drug rehabilitation program and is subject to frequent drug testing. She isn't allowed to take any non-prescription pills nor is she allowed to drink alcohol. She isn't even allowed to go to places that serve alcohol! There isn't a chance in hell that she is going to successfully complete her sentence. Next up for Courtney, she is due in court on Thursday for 2 other felony counts. Then is due in court on August 20 to be arraigned in a felony assault charge. And, finally, is due in court, again, on September 7 for a hearing on an assault charge. It would save so much time if they just locked her up already. But that wouldn't be nearly as much fun for me, now would it?
Next up in the cavalcade of goss, news of the just-sprung-from-
Poor Ryan Seacrest. His show On Air with Ryan Seacrest has been axed for good. This news comes Tuesday after 20 affiliates dropped his show from their schedules on Monday.

I guess Brian Dunkleman and his voodoo doll win in the end. It's too bad that Erik, Jeff and I didn't make it to a taping of On Air when we were in LA in June. It seems that our chance will never come. Seacrest Out ... for good!
And to round things up, Britney, Britney, Britney. I'm sure you know by now that 20 seconds can't go by without another tidbit of Brit news to emerge. Our beloved heroine and her w-t beau hit the high seas.

Were they out to celebrate her multiple MTV VMA nominations? Who knows. I'm just glad they ditched those fugly do-rags they purchased in Venice Beach, CA.

Where will she wind up in the next 20 seconds? I'll do my best to report it here.