Sunday, July 25, 2004
Gardeners Do It With Hoes

Whew! Today turned out a lot better than I expected it to. I figured that we would all be wrecked from the party last night. But we all woke up pretty early, had a nice bagel breakfast and then got right to work. Jake (Horticulturist-extraordinaire) and Erik started tearing stuff up in the front yard in preparation for new bushes. I helped with the lava rock removal. There were millions of those ugly little rocks all across the front of the house. It took a while but we got them all out of there. I got dirty and sweaty even! I came across a few slugs and centipedes which was not fun! I did my part though so I'm pretty proud of myself. The yard looks amazing now and work has only just begun.

Newsflash: Britney and Kevin seen on the streets of Santa Monica:

Kevin has a trashy tattoo.

Britney actually wears shoes!
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
Oh no! Paris Hilton and Nick Carter are a couple no longer!
"This is the time of my life," Carter said. "I'm back in the studio, ready to go on tour with the [Backstreet Boys]. I want to be free to date other people, and I got tired of all the rumors."I post this news only on the off chance that anyone actually gives a shit. There really isn't any other goss today. Lance Armstrong won a record 6th straight Tour de France and GWB still sucks.
If the yard work gets done early enough Erik, Brandon and I are going to see Catwoman.

I need to see for myself if the movie really sucks as much as the critics are saying. More soon ...