Sunday, July 25, 2004
Don't Believe The Hype! Catwoman Rocks!

There were a few really cheesey lines but given that it was a superhero/comic movie what do you expect? The script paid homage to Catwomen of the past (with a tiny kinda-cameo from Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle/Catwoman)

and did a great job with introducing Patience Phillips (giving her a great origin story) and making Sharon Stone a great villain. I am not a Halle Berry fan by any means but trust me, if you are a comic book fan go see this movie. I totally loved it (Brandon didn't like it as much as I did but didn't hate it either). I found one review that was favorable and well written.
OH and before the movie they showed the trailer for The Exorcist: The Beginning. Yowza! It looks good and scary. It looks like it's going to scare the shizz out of me. I might even schmear my undies!
And finally, 2XY posted this awesome picture

which I have put up permanently on my journal index page (at the bottom). I love it!