Monday, July 26, 2004
Get The Party Started!

are you?
Oh how I wish this was real:

Xtina has been telling reporters that she is Dirrty no longer, saying that she is not interested in dressing like a skank anymore.
Christina revealed: "I have grown up now and have no need to dress like that anymore. I want my music to speak for me rather than the dress or lack of dresses I wore ... I've even ditched all my piercings - it's a new me," she exclaimed.I thought she said that the whole reason for the piercings and the street-walker-wear was because she had "grown up". $10 says that she's going to "grow up", yet again, into a more "mature" look. She probably shouldn't throw away those edible panties quite yet. Blah! She bugs me to death.
In other goss:
- This weekend, George Lucas announced the title for Star Wars Episode III -- it will be called Revenge of the Sith. Do people still care about Star Wars? I'm just wondering.
- I find it disturbing that Saddam is spending his time enjoying muffins and gardening while American soldiers are still toiling away in Iraq. What is wrong with this scenario?
- Fahrenheit 9/11 has just become the first documentary to make 100 million dollars at the box office. It's an important film, people should be seeing it more than once. Hurray for Michael Moore!
- Showgirls is about to be re-released in a deluxe DVD set; a V.I.P. edition. I think it comes bundled with a do-it-yourself H.I.V. test.
- Michael Jackson has been trying to score a date with Nicole Kidman. As if we needed further proof that the man is completely delusional. He reportedly asked her to accompany him to this year's MTV VMAs. Nicole claims that she took his proposal as a "great compliment." Yeah, right.
- The Fantastic Four movie is really taking shape. Jessica Alba has been confirmed to play the Invisible Girl. THIS GUY has designed a rendering of what the F4 might look like:

And that's all folks. Today will be another quiet one for me. Erik has my car (his truck will be ready later on today) so I'm stuck at home. I've got a lot of reading to do so I'll be fine. But, if duty calls, I'll be back.