Thursday, July 29, 2004
I'm pretty cranky when I'm sleep-deprived.
Anyways, let's just talk about the f-ing gossip already ...
Britney and her trashy beau spent some time at a "friend's" house. Judging by the bars on the door and windows one can assume that it was a friend of his:

Why is she holding her checkbook in the first picture? Was she giving him money? Was she giving the "friend" money? This story is still developing ...
In other news;
- Because Gays need lots of validation, I am happy to report that Psychologists are set to endorse same-sex marriages. Imagine that, the American Psychological Association thinks that Gays should be allowed to marry. Isn't that crazy?
- Whoops! American Idol runner-up Diana DeGarmo suffered an injury when she fell down some stairs at a concert in Grand Rapids, MI. Now, I think it sucks that she got hurt but some AI fans were a little more upset and took things a little too far: "After the show, fans held a vigil at the hotel where the "American Idol" performers were staying." WTF?!? I don't think a vigil was necessary but I'll defer to Shane on that one.
- Ashlee Simpson has bested older sister Jessica. According to reports, Ashlee's debut album has already outsold ALL of Jessica's albums in just one week. Autobiography debuted at #1. Have I underestimated the younger Simpson? I listened to the whole album and wasn't immediately impressed but I do tend to be a pretty harsh critic of music on my first listen. Maybe I'll give it another listen.
- Holy Teaser, Batman! Head on over to the official Batman Begins website to see the first photos and trailer for the film, due out summer 2005. Or you can click HERE to go directly to the trailer. I am so excited for this film.
Tonight The Quop Brigade has a set of kickball games. The games tonight are rescheduled from NEXT Friday which half the team can't make because of Steve & Stephanie's wedding. Tomorrow night we play our last 2 games of the regular season. If we do well tonight and tomorrow then we make it to the playoffs. Wish us luck!
I need to go finish laundry, eat something and get ready for kickball. Later on tonight Mike, Erik, Kirsten and I are heading to the Detroit Art Space to see the band Xiu Xiu perform ... I hope I can stay awake.