Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down

Thumbs up!
It has 3 new songs that totally rock! The Mozzer is really releasing some great stuff this time around. I am totally digging his vocal structure and, of course, his lyrical style. Of the new songs I think I like Mexico the best. It's a cute little song that manages to get another dig in at America; Pure Moz!
On the other hand, I listened to Ashlee Simpson's entire album Autobiography (courtesy of MTV's The Leak) and found it bland and boring.

Thumbs down.
There wasn't one song that I even wanted to download via iTunes. The only songs that sounded remotely interesting where the ones that have been featured on her MTV show. Those songs aren't particularly good they are just familiar because I've already heard them on the show.
As a side note, I figured out today that I have downloaded over $50 worth of music from iTunes since I got my iPod. That's a lot of money for downloaded music! And to be completely honest, 98% of all my downloaded music now is strictly from iTunes. The only songs I download from other sources are songs that are not available at iTunes. And even then I'm very wary of downloading the music from other sources because I'm afraid I'm going to get a shitty-quality sounding song; I only want pristine music on my iPod. It's interesting how iTunes and my iPod have completely changed my downloading habits.