Wednesday, July 28, 2004
My So-Called Band

C'mon feel the noise.
I'm a big Requiem for a Dream fan so I thought it would be neat-o to go see Leto's band play when they came to Detroit a couple of years ago. I was pleasantly surprised by the album and was really surprised by the concert (photos HERE). Ever since then I've been on the 30STM mailing list (I'll admit it, I'm an Echelon member) and yesterday I got an update that the guys were in the studio working on the follow-up album. The official site has pix of Jared & co. in the studio:

I wonder if the new album, tenatively titled The Battle Of One, is going to be influenced by Jared's break-up with Cameron Diaz. As long as they lose the latin lingo they were using on the first album (PROVEHITO IN ALTUM) I think they're going to be okay.
Watching re-runs of My So-Called Life on The N has rekindled my affection for J. Requiem was such a good movie, I loved his part in Fight Club and I'm looking forward to seeing him in Alexander.
If you are interested in seeing 30STM in action visit THIS SITE, a fan page, for some videos and live performances. C'mon, Angela Chase would want you to do it.
