Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Is the summer half-empty? Half-full?
(Not to start talking about my birthday again but) I've always loved that my birthday was in the middle of July. I always thought it was so cool to have my birthday in the middle of summer vacation because I never had to bring cupcakes to school (Elementary, that is) for my classmates. I also loved that my birthday is so far away from any other holiday and that I never got cheated out of presents.
But since I've become a teacher (with paid summers off) I now see my birthday as the half-way point. Summer vacation is half-over and with each passing day I get closer to having to go back to work.
:: Sigh ::
But it is only one day after the half-way point (and technically, July 15th is the actual half-way point) so I shant be too concerned about it ... yet.
A bit of surprising news:
Following his stints behind the kit for Queens Of The Stone Age, Killing Joke and Garbage, the ex - Nirvana sticksman is now playing with Trent Reznor's industrial metal band ... "I guess Trent Reznor is going for real drums this time around. Good call, I say. Anyway, enough of the name dropping (sorry, I'm still a huge fan myself!) but it is pretty cool to be around these guys."
Interesting goss. It seems strange to me that Trent Reznor would tap Grohl to play on the new NIN album. Perhaps the control freak has decided to loosen up listen to other people. I doubt it's because he needs his help, but who knows? It does seem to take Reznor longer to put out material these past few years.
I'm such a bad NINer lately (I'm just not as Infamous as I used to be it seems). I never keep on top of what's going on with NIN in the off season but I do manage to catch up pretty quickly. It seems that, this go-round, Trent is offering a webcam that goes live at random times (or maybe at usual times I'm not sure yet) and rabid fans have been capturing the images. This picture seems to confirm the Dave Grohl news

Here are other images that I've pilfered from a NIN fansite:

Trent strumming his guitar.

Trent at the deck (Nothing Studios? Le Pig?)

(Most likely) Trent's cat.
I may have to keep an eye on this webcam business.
And, in the No Shit portion of today's entry, a documentary is being released that claims that Fox News operates with a conservative/Right-wing bias.
"What we found is not that Fox is a conservative network, but that it's a network that follows the party line of the Bush administration," said Outfoxed filmmaker Robert Greenwald.
To which I reply, No Duh!!!
Anyways, today is the day that Majik comes to live with us! I'm actually pretty excited. I don't get to see her as often as I'd like so it will be nice to have her with me full-time now. Sherri has taken such good care of her for a very long time (as a good mother should). She really came through for both Majik and me and I am extremely grateful for her surrogate parenting. There's much to do though. I have to get another litter box, more cat food and make an appointment to get Majik groomed.
Our little family is growing with the addition of our new child. Though I doubt the other children will be very pleased.