Whoo Hoo! After debuting at #1 on top of the
Billboard Album Chart (selling over 1 million copies)
Ashlee fell to #2 last week.
This week she reclaims the #1 spot selling more than 286,000 copies! I love it when I pick a winner. It's easy to say that her first week's success atop the music charts was due to the throng of teeny-boppers who rushed right out and purchased her album because of the incessant influence of
her reality show on MTV. It would be valid to believe that was the case. But going back to #1 after being bumped down to #2 would make it seem that her album is actually good. She is getting great
reviews which I think is helping sales of the album. She's already had more success musically than big sis
Jessica (who hasn't recorded a single song that I have liked). But now it's time for
Ashlee to tour! She needs to strike while the iron is hot.

On a completely unrelated note, have you heard of
QBoy the U.K.'s "hottest gay rapper"? From his web site:
The UK's hottest leading gay rapper QBoy is not shy by any means and at the age of 25 exudes confidence and a cute cocky nature that is both sexy and witty, prominently displayed in the title of his debut EP release that covers the humour, attitudes and experiences of the "half Essex, half Spanish but 100% queer” rapper.
It's funny, you would never know that he was a "gay rapper" by looking at his
promotional pictures (which is actually more or less true,
Eminem has been known to show off his ass on stage and on TV; see for yourself
HERE). It's only when he opens his mouth that you can tell that he's reallllllly gay.
"A lot of gay people are rap-phobic... brought up in a culture where gay people are supposed to like Kylie Minogue or going to G.A.Y. (club), doing all that stereotypical bullshit … just because I like cock in my mouth doesn't mean I'm going to like that sort of music."
Hahaha! What-Ever! But anyways, GO
The gosspel according to TRENT, PREACH! Posted @ 1:08 PM PT