Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Hi-Fi Killer
I arrived fashionably late but was able to hear the last 2 songs from the opener Val Emmich. He was pretty good, pretty emo (as was Butch Walker). Sandwiched between the 2 emo crooners were the Hi-Fi guys. They rocked so hard. I was very pleased to see Stacy come out wearing a pin-stripe jacket:

The guys totally rocked out. They seem to be big fans of Detroit Rock City. Not sure what happened to their old drummer but they've got a new one and he seemed pretty good. I got to meet Stacy after the show, he was very cordial as always. I have seen AmHiFi a few times (the best show was a tour with Eve 6 and Sarah and I saw them at a tiny dive in Toledo, Ohio) and Stacy is always the coolest guy to meet after the shows. They were selling an EP with 5 new songs on it (2 from the forthcoming album and 3 demos that didn't make the cut). I already have all of my other AmHiFi albums signed so I didn't bring one with me. Obviously I got the EP and got Stacy to sign it and pose for a picture. I have never been disappointed by an American Hi-Fi show and this was no exception. Catch them if you get the chance. I took a lot more pictures, you can see them HERE or follow the link on the right ---->