Monday, August 02, 2004
Listen To John Kerry
Last night, after the movie and after Erik and I found a spare 10 minutes to sit on the couch and we flipped to the news. John Kerry was in Taylor, Michigan (where my parents live) giving a speech late Sunday afternoon. Had I had prior knowledge that he was going to be in town, I would have been there.

"I already had it in my heart," he told a crowd of more than 6,000 people in Taylor. "But if I'm elected president, I'll never forget Downriver and Taylor." ..."I came here not only for the prospect of a softball game, but to talk about our plans to restore trust and credibility to this great nation," Kerry said.I wish I had been able to go to this event. It sounds like it was a great rally. Sherri and I went to a Bill Clinton rally back in '92 and he won. I did not get to go to an Al Gore rally in '00 and he lost. I will make sure that I go to a John Kerry rally this year. Call me superstitious. I'm just thankful that John Kerry is not doing what GWB is doing. The Bush/Cheney campaign is making people who want to attend a rally SIGN an endorsement document -- this is what you must do to attend a Bush/Cheney rally. From the Albuquerque Journal Online:
Unless you sign [the] endorsement for President George W. Bush, you're not getting any passes. An endorsement form provided to the Journal by Random says: "I, (full name) ... do herby (sic) endorse George W. Bush for reelection of the United States." It later adds that, "In signing the above endorsement you are consenting to use and release of your name by Bush-Cheney as an endorser of President Bush."

This is complete and utter horse shizz. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of! Geeze, and there are still people who support this idiotic campaign. Can we just oust this stupid administration already?
[News via]