Tuesday, August 03, 2004
"I Don't Know Me"

Hahahah, isn't it awesome?!
Anyways, after the mall I went out to Ann Arbor to pick up Michael T. I wanted him to help me find Tracey's apartment so that I could drop off a thank you card. After we hung out with Trace for a few minutes, Mike and I went to Whole Foods to pick up some food before heading back to his apartment for a movie screening. We were a little rushed so we were running around trying to find stuff. We get to the parking lot and a woman rear-ended my car with her car! OMG, I was soooo mad! I thought for sure she had smashed my little beetle. I get out and find out that there wasn't even a scratch, on either car. Man, it would have sucked if she had damaged my car.
So anyways, we get to Mike's and find a couple of his friends waiting on the porch (we were a little late). So, the rest of the audience arrives and we sit down to watch the Ashton Kutcher movie The Butterfly Effect

Hi, this movie should have been called It's A Terrible Life. The dialogue was horrible, the acting was embarrassing and the plot was ... wrong. We had a great time skewering the cheesey movie. Now, we watched the Director's Cut first so we got to see the ending that the director had envisioned. We could understand why the movie didn't test well with the original ending. The movie was rife with horrible lines (see blog entry title) but we loved every second of it. It was fun.
The movie was butt-ass long though! I had planned on meeting up with Sarah for Candace's birthday celebration but the party broke up before I could make it to Dearborn.
I have to get the rest of my outfit tomorrow and Erik and I were planning on seeing American Hi-Fi at the Magic Stick. We'll see ...