Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Who's Getting Scared Now?
Even after all that we know (that WMDs haven't been found, that Iraq had no connection with 9/11) the President says that going to war with Iraq was the right thing to do. If this proves anything it's that the current administration was/is hungry for war. And he wants to be known as the "peace president"?! Give me an effing break. I honestly don't know what I would do if he won re-election. I shudder to think.
In less serious news, can we talk about Paris Hilton? What the hell is going on with her? There are claims (made by "friends and family" not by Paris herself) that after Paris broke up with Nick Carter that he left bruises on her arm, he denies the claims completely. His lawyer contends that the bruises stem from a kinky S&M photo session she participated in for Rolling Stone magazine.

Well, I don't know about all of that but I do know that Paris Hilton has been seen using the Motorola V600 mobile phone, the same phone that I own!

How cool is that?!? Well, not really cool but I'm desperate for today's goss. It's not like I've had time today to really snoop out the dirt. I had to get up early today to come to work. Here I sit, at my desk, doing preparatory work for the coming school year. Oh.what.fun. I guess I should get back to it. After I'm done here I have tons of errands to run, not the least of which is to FIND and PURCHASE my wedding outfit.
Life is rough.
And HEY! No one has left a comment in ages! Where my peoples at?!