Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Le Carnival de Britney Never Ends

As you can see, Britney is on the cover of this week's US Weekly. I can't imagine why on earth they would label her "Bridezilla". Apparently, it's her mother that is going nuts over the wedding plans (working towards having the tabloid magazines pay for part of the wedding and/or comp the honeymoon). It's not like Britney can afford to pay for her own lavish nuputals even though she paid for her own engagement ring. But anyways, I don't think Britney cares much for any of that stuff, she's too busy running around restrooms in her bare feet or she's out shopping for new clothes [goss via Scott @]

I think I see a boobie in pic #2. I don't know who in the hell she is trying to kid by holding up that boot as if she were interested in purchasing it. We know for damn sure that she ain't gonna be caught wearin' no shoes.
Oh Britney, don't do anything for a few hours ... I have to run out and do some errands ...