Wednesday, August 25, 2004
The Ruthless On Fire

I love that I can say that I am good friends with the sexy model you see here. This lovely model is wearing an official Ruthless Reviews t-shirt. And what is Ruthless Reviews you might wonder? It is an effing cool site that offers scathing but funny reviews on almost everything. I think my favorite thing on the site is The Ruthless Guide to 80's Action:
The brain trust here at Ruthless spent some time figuring out just what exactly made a shoot 'em up flick in the 80's so much better than the identical film shot in some other decade. That task took all of about five minutes. Firstly, action films from the 80's are all exceedingly homoerotic ... Furthermore, the heroes of these great films are men who in real life could actually beat the living fuck out of you ... Finally, 80's Action films have a definite right-wing slant to them.
My sentiments exactly. You should check out the site for some other great pearls of wisdom ... and don't forget to buy a t-shirt -- the model needs to eat.
Woo! Amy Acker (who played Fred on Angel) will be the voice of The Huntress in the cartoon Justice League: Unlimited.

I think that this news is pretty kickass -- I love Amy Acker. JL:U is just an expanded version of Justice League; there are just many more superheroes in the League now.
And now for today's goss:
- Kevin is going to be in Britney's new video! Scheduled to debut in early September, the video will feature Spears dressed in a wedding gown and walking down the aisle with Federline. According to People, she'll also be seen in her undies--after cutting off the straps of her wet dress with a kitchen knife because she's driven her car into a pool. (Don't you hate when that happens.) I knew it! With him in the video it's doomed ... her career is doomed I tell you! Mother Spears couldn't be happier though: "Please look for that good looking hunk of a son of mine in the video--he has a cameo right at the beginning." Puke! It's so over for Britters.
- Don't mess with Bea Arthur, she'll cut ya! She caused a terrorist scare at Boston's Logan International Airport when she tried to board a flight with a pocketknife in her purse. The 81-year-old kept yelling things about "terrorists". I'm surprised she didn't get maced.
- Well how about that -- a Bush campaign lawyer has been linked to the group that has been attacking John Kerry's Vietnam record. Bush's campaign insists it has no relationship with the group and has denied Kerry's charge that it is a front for the president's re-election team. But, The Bush campaign declined to comment on the disclosure that Ginsberg is tied to the Swift Boat group, which has run a series of television commercials assailing Kerry and accusing him of lying about his service during the Vietnam war. This whole smear campaign reeks of GWB. He needs to be ousted!
- Cheney supports same-sex marriage ... well kind of. He said, "Lynne and I have a gay daughter, so it's an issue our family is very familiar with,'' Cheney told an audience that included his daughter. "With the respect to the question of relationships, my general view is freedom means freedom for everyone ... People ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to." I bet GWB really loves him now.
- Kelly Osbourne to star this fall in a show on ABC called Life As We Know It as a fat girl who endures scornful comments from schoolmates. I have no comment.
- MTV reports that Gwen Stefani's solo album (thus far untitled) will be released in mid-November with the first single to hit radio in October. That's what I'm talking about, specifics, I wanted specifics, y'all.
- The state of Illinois is claiming that Dave Matthews shat upon "more than 100 people". Wanna know more, read THIS article.
- In case you missed it, THIS article has all the key elements of John Kerry's appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
PS: That piece of chewed up Britney Spears gum that is for sale on eBay is up to $1,828.66. I won't bid on anything until someone offers up one of her toenails.