Friday, July 30, 2004
Free Ballin'?

I feel much better today. Mike and I stayed out late last night and I didn't go to sleep until 3am but I slept until 12:30pm today. I am well-rested. And can I just say how happy I am that it is still July? Just today, the evil specter of having to return to work has reared its ugly head. The beginning-of-the-school-year informational packet (with return dates, seminars, blah blah blah) arrived in my mailbox. But, I can take heart that I have ALL of August to look forward to without having to think about going back to work. Sure there are some days in August when I'll have to go in to do some school-year preparations but, technically, I'll still be on vacation. Woo!
There is a rumor that tonight's kickball game (our last of the regular season) is going to be played sans clothes; here's an excerpt from an email (from team mate Adam) to the entire team, "Why don't we play dong out kickball, or in the ladies case, all smiles." Hahahahah! I'll have the camera with me just in case there is some dong/smile action.
Today's Britney update comes from Montana Nails along trendy Montana Avenue in Santa Monica, CA. Note how she flashes her bling and shows off her tattoo:

There is a rumor going around that Britney has moved up her wedding to next month. It is being reported that she wants to get married at the $3 million dollar mansion she just purchased. November is a long way away and with the way Brit-Brit has been acting lately I wouldn't be surprised if she did move the wedding date up. We'll see ...
In other news:
- The California judicial system has deemed it prudent to consolidate all of Courtney Loves's cases to one courtroom. Hello! This is a brilliant idea. Maybe they can just get her a chair with her name on it and everything. It would be a wise investment. But don't count Courtney out yet, she is heading to Japan to play for the Mt. Fuji concert this weekend. Don't be surprised if she never comes back to the U.S. y'all.
- Did you know that Hulk Hogan had a daughter? Did you know that she, Brooke Hogan, is trying her hand at becoming the next pop princess? Of course you didn't because who even remembers Hulk Hogan? She has his same washed out bleached hair-do (which isn't a plus) but she's pretty ripped for a 16-year-old girl. She is dating Aaron Carter and describes her music as a cross between Jessica Simpson and Hilary Duff. But, hey, if this singing thing doesn't work out I'm sure she can have a career in wrestling. Her debut album comes out September 21.
- Michael Jackson just can't catch a break. A kid got hurt at the Neverland Ranch while riding an ATV. Apparently he was driving really fast and the ATV flipped over on top of him -- sounds like there is great supervision there. Why do parents still let their children visit the Neverland Ranch?
- The Miss America Pageant is going to get rid of the talent portion of the beauty competition. How are we ever going to select our next Miss America without knowing if she can deftly twirl batons with her neck or play the banjo with her toes?
- And, for some reason, there are plans to release a book about Amy Fisher. Who gives a shizz about Amy Fisher? If it weren't for I Love The 90's NO ONE would even know who she is anymore.