Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Pink Is The New Scientologist
First off we have to talk about Ms. Britney Spears ... look at this hot mama:

Go on girl! You go with your bad self ... uh huh ... work it girl ... oh yeah ... [thanks Victoria]
Yay! Here are some cute pictures of Hilary Duff as she does some shopping in Toronto, Canada:

She looks much happier to be photographed. I love her outfit and that dog is so cute. I need to be carrying around a little dog while I'm hanging out in LA.
Wow ... are these actual pictures of Nicole Richie ... eating ... ICE CREAM?

I don't know what to say ... if she keeps this up she will really hurt her standing as a SkeletwinTM. Eh, I'm not worried ... this is probably her meal for the month.
The other SkeletwinTM, Lindsay Lohan, is

I wonder if Lindsay and Ali are campaigning to be the new Britney and Jamie Lynn?
Hmm ... Jennifer Aniston seems to be enjoying this Star magazine:

Celebrities can be so hypocritical.
Check out how scruffy Daisy has gotten recently in this picture of Jessica Simpson at the airport:

Jess needs to bathe that thing ... it looks terrible.
Additionally, check out these pictures of Jessica from her issue of GQ:

I am not very impressed by the pictures ... they look funny. She's still hot ... but the poses are kinda dumb.
Did ya hear that Avril Lavigne and Deryk Whibley got engaged?

Here's the duo showing off her engagement ring. Isn't she like 19? That is so punk rock!
And finally, have you seen the trailer for the King Kong movie yet?

It looks pretty good ... very Jurassic Parkish ... but with a big monkey. See it for yourself HERE.
Holy shizz ... I don't even know where to begin ... yesterday was amazingly fun ... tho it didn't start out that way. I do have to say Mission Accomplished! I did get to see TomKat with my own eyes and I'm not talking about this one:

Adriana, Erik and I had a great Salvadoran lunch before heading down to Hollywood. We got in line next to Grauman's Chinese Theater to try our luck at hopefully getting a chance to maybe catch a glimpse of any of the celebrities attending the premiere of War of the Worlds. It was very hot in the sun and people quickly got crabby (::cough:: Erik & Adriana ::cough::) but we hung in there as best we could. We even practiced a little bit just in case we were able to get close to Tom Cruise:

Erik decided to bail so he and Olivia went off to drink ... Adriana hung in there with me, waited it out and got into the fan area next to the red carpet with me! We got a prime spot right at the end of the red carpet (in front of Pat O'Brien and The Insider camera) and met superfan Kim:

She is a pro at these premiere things ... she had all the info. She even got her picture with Tom Cruise! But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Anyways ... it wasn't too long before they started giving us stuff ... and I'm not even exaggerating here ... they gave us brownies, Lemonheads, Jaw Breakers, Red Hots, Mike & Ikes, Good & Plentys, Cheez-Its, Goldfish crackers, Cheetos, Doritos, potato chips, cotton candy, ice cream, water, pop, popcorn, Fig Newtons, licorice, churros, Snickerdoodles, peanut butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies, apple pie, peach cobbler, lemon bars and more ... seriously, they just kept coming out with more and more sugary stuff for us to eat. I was a little worried the food would be laced with Ritalin ... then I realized that Tom wouldn't let that happen to us ... but it was probably laced with L. Ron Hubbard juice or something to brainwash us into becoming Scientologists!
BUT FINALLY ... Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, the actual TomKat y'all, came out to greet the fans:

I just couldn't get a picture with Tom ... I tried but I couldn't get close enough ... how freaking hilarious would that have been? I asked Katie for a picture but she said she was only signing autographs ... so I got her autograph (all she wrote was "Kate" ... Hilarious!). As you can see I got a lot of pictures ... some of them are pretty good. And, seriously, could they be more gross with all the affection?! It's true, they just couldn't keep their hands off one another the WHOLE TIME:

It must be love, y'all. Or maybe it's a $5 million dollar contract ... who knows?
While we didn't get to get any pix with TomKat we did get a couple of pix with 2 other celebrities:

We got to meet Pat O'Brien (fresh from rehab) and Jonathan Lipnicki (the little kid from Jerry McGuire). Pat was nice ... he seemed pleased we asked him for a picture. Jonathan was so cool. He spent a lot of time talking with the fans ... he was very patient when we asked him for a picture (had to turn the camera on, get it focused) but he also seemed geeked that we asked him for a picture. He's a cool ass kid!
Here are some pictures of the other stars who came to the premiere:

I almost got a picture with David Hasslehoff (he came right over to me and was about to pose) but stupid Will Smith came over and ruined it! They started talking, posing for pix with each other and then left. I was so pissed! LOL! Anyways, I actually was expecting a lot more but ... it was really really fun. Even Adriana, who was all grumpy, got into the spirit and had a blast. It was very "Hollywood" ... and while it was fun being there and taking my own pictures, I think I'll just leave the picture taking to the pros. Check out a side by side comparison of a picture I took and a picture that a real photographer took of TomKat riding by on a motorcycle:

LOL! Check out the professional pictures from the War of the Worlds premiere HERE and HERE.
Damn ... we were tired but we still had to make dinner at Newsroom ... so we (Olivia, Erik, Adriana and I) got there and met up with Alice, Michael & Bradley (Mike & Brad), Adam, Jon and Jeff :

The service sucked ... the food was subpar ... but the watermelon martini I had with 3 watermelon slices was pretty good.
At the Newsroom I got to meet Randy from RandyandMoss.com! You know they make the coolest t-shirts around (like the Kevin Federline shirt I wore yesterday at Buffy's house) so I was so excited to meet the man behind the t-shirts. He was soooo cool, he brought me a gift and everything. You should visit their site and pick up a t-shirt ... they're the best!
Today is our last day in LA ... I think we're gonna shop on Robertson all day long before we go Roller Skating tonight. The trip has just flown by ... but it's not over quite yet.
I'm out!