PINK is the new BLOG
Everybody's Business Is My BusinessTM

Saturday, June 25, 2005

You Make Me Want To L.A. L.A.

And the fun keeps on coming here in lovely LA LA land ... I'll update the happenings at the end ... But man, oh man, did you get to watch a freaking INSANE-O Tom Cruise on The Today Show?

I was not able to watch it on TV but did get to watch the entire video of the interview HERE. OMG ... he is such a crazy freakshow! If that video isn't enough for you ... click HERE to read the funniest transcription of the interview you'll ever see -- there are even pictures! LOL!!! It's the best!

I have to give props to Matt Lauer for hanging in there with Tommy ... he did a great job keeping Tom on topic ... so that his craziness could go on for a bit ... I love how much Matt talked about Ritalin ... it just drove Tom more crazy -- Loves it!

I found out that the War of the Worlds LA premiere is this Monday ... I am going to try and show up so that I can get my own pictures of TomKat ... maybe, dare I say, even with TomKat?!? Oh, it's too much to hope for ... If anyone here in LA can get me into the fan's area near the red carpet please get a hold of me ( and I would have to love you forever! They are holding a lottery at 4:30 PM on Monday so I guess I'll just have to try my luck. Keep all your pink parts crossed!!!

Let's move on ... Joel Madden and Hilary Duff seem to not want to be seen. Here are some pictures of the duo in Toronto:

Aww ... they don't look too happy. I <3 these two.

Woah ... Soliel Moon Frye is getting huge ... she looks ready to burst:

I always say that about pregnant celebs ... but I always mean it too. She looks enormous. There are about to be a whole lotta new babies getting born real soon.

Here are some pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal at the pet store picking up a few things:

Too bad he didn't go shopping in his wet suit.

Check out these pictures of David and Victoria Beckham ... all dressed up:

They look like dolls ... especially her since she's 89% plastic anyways. Becks is wearing some suit, huh? Is purple velour the new pink?

Pamela Anderson has a hard time containing her boobs ... and her nips:

She is seriously going to poke out someone's eye with that thing.

LOL! Why do the Gotti boys have to audition people to attend their parties?

Actually, that's not a bad idea ... I think I'm going to start auditioning people before they come to my parties ... any takers?


So ... yesterday was a lot of fun. We had a yummy lunch at Fred 62 and were very delighted to see that comic Sarah Silverman was also there (we thought we saw Levar Burton but we were wrong). We finally got to hook up with Erik's friend Olivia ... she met up with us in Beverly Hills ... sadly we did not run into any celebs ... BUT those pesky paparazzi just kept hounding us:

I was able to do some shopping ... I picked up a little something for myself at Louis Vuitton. I have been wanting a wallet FOREVER and finally plunked down the big bucks and splurged. Please don't ask me how much I had to plunk down for a simple leather wallet made of brown ostrich leather with little LVs all over it. I also found these really cool Puma shoes at Bloomingdale's. Shopping in LA is so fun!

We had dinner at Koji's for some awesome Shabu Shabu.

The restaurant is at Hollywood and Highland so I was able to visit the Pink is the new Blog Mecca -- Britney Spears' star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame:

We spent the rest of the night just hanging out ... No one was really in the mood for dancing at Pop Starz.

Today we are doing more shopping (Wee!) and will probably pick up a car so that we can spend tomorrow doing day road trips (we are going to Torrance, CA to visit Sunnydale High School again ... And we're going to find Buffy's house. We may also keep on driving and spend the afternoon in Laguna Beach -- maybe we'll run into Kristen, Steven, LC and the rest of the gang). The weather is glorious and we are having a blast!



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  • "Pink is the new Blog: Must Star Hazer -- Why This: Trent Vanegas may run the uproarious gossip roundup from his home outside Detroit, but he doesn't need proximity to make riotous observations about celebs -- often typed directly onto scary paparazzi photos." -- Entertainment Weekly

  • "Anyone looking for a case study in the convergence of homespun blog culture and market-driven mainstream media need look no further than and its creator, Trent Vanegas ... It's Not Just a Blog, It's a Brand" -- The New York Times

  • "Finest use of Photoshop: Nothing escapes the keen eyes of Pink is the New Blog, which concerns itself with all types of celebrity lambasting, sartorial style included. Arrows point to flashes of errant celebrity panty; the blog's trademark pink stencil lettering announces "CHER COMES TO TOWN" over photos of a raven-haired Lindsay Lohan." -- The Village Voice

  • "[Pink is the new Blog] offers a hysterical, no-frills treasure trove of photos (enhanced like a football commentator, with arrows and play-by-play markings), gossip and a sweet bank of links directed to stories all over the Web. [The posts are] more like delicious dispatches each day. Vanegas is a concise writer but offers plenty of description to keep things interesting." -- The St. Petersburg Times

  • "The site has just blown up and a Pink mushroom cloud is expected to replace the smog above Hollywood any day now ... Now everyone who's anyone knows that pink is the new blog." -- URB magazine

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  • "Hilarious, photo-driven Web site ... covers the trashy trials of Britney & Kevin, Tara Reid, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan et. al with acidic glee." -- The New York Post

  • "If you don't like having a chuckle at celebrity misfortunes or enjoy a good gossip about Britney's latest blunder, then you might want to refrain from visiting this site. This is our sort of gossip - the piss-taking, ass-shaking stuff that'll keep you coming back for more. A mix of scandal and send-up, hearsay and gossip, rumour and fact." -- NZgirl

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  • "pink is the new blog is more hotter and tender than jamie lynn spears at her sweet 16 party" -- Thigh Master

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  • "[Pink is the new Blog] just passed smoking crack in my top three best ways to pass time at work. obvs." -- Peabs

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  • "Trent is one of the few gay bloggers I could actually get along with in real life." -- Toby

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