Sunday, June 04, 2006
Lights! Camera! Action!

Not every celeb stopped to talk to the press along the way (peeps like Jessica Simpson, Jessica Alba, Steve Carell, Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey) and some celebs (like Jake Gyllenhaal) who were at the awards inside didn't even walk the carpet at all ... here are a few of my pictures of some of the celebs:

I have send out much love to Emily from MTV (in the picture of Brandon Routh) for taking such good care of me at the awards. I love the picture of Justin Timberlake ... the guy standing next to me actually yelled out "Justin, Save Britney!" as he walked by ... it was hilarious!
I was very excited to see Famke Janssen was there ... she looked amazing! Rebecca Romijn also looked stunning but she breezed by too fast for me to snap a good picture. Amanda Bynes and Landon Lueck (from the Real World: Philly) are Pink is the new Blog readers as well ... they both came over to say hello and were nice enough to pose with a PITNB sticker:

Hanging out on the red carpet is just nuts ... everyone's screaming and jockeying for position ... the publicists are working overtime to get media outlets to talk to their clients. The thing that I found the funniest was how much make-up the celebs were wearing. Up close you can really see how much foundation they wear ... and many of them *cough* Brooke Hogan *cough* Aaron Carter *cough wore a lot!
The awards themselves were pretty cool ... for a while. The whole show was shot out of order ... Xtina Aguilera performed first (presumably so she could leave first) and then the awards were handed out in order and then they did the last two performances ... here are a few pictures from inside:

If you simply cannot wait until Thursday June 8th when the MTV Movie Awards air on MTV then you can find out who won which awards HERE. I truly had a blast at my first awards show ... I can't wait for the next one :)
I have to send out lots of Birthday Lurve to our dear Angelina Jolie who turns 31 years old today:

I'm sure Mama Jolie is having a great time celebrating her birthday with her newborn baby daughter Shiloh Nouvel and the rest of her happy family Brad, Maddox and Zahara somewhere in the world.
And finally, to round out this short Sunday post, it's time to enjoy the Hot Dude of the Week ... say hello to David:

See ... my David isn't the only hot David in the world. It's nice of the lad to be so kind as to show us his lovely abs ... it's really hot here in LA and I really could go for a six-pack right about now :) [Source]
I hope y'all are enjoying your weekend ... I realize this is a super short post but I got a late start today because we had a late night last night. David and I were still dealing with a lack of sleep yesterday while we were at the awards and had planned on going to the MTV afterparty but got sidetracked in WeHo with Jim and Davey. We stopped by the Abbey for one drink ... which turned into a few drinks ... then turned into a quick stop at Fiesta Cantina and there went our plans to party at Privilege. We had so much fun anyways ... it weren't no thang at all.
I simply must get out and soak up some sun right now but I'll be back tomorrow with a regular post.
Remember, I'm operating on PST this week ... so plan accordingly.
I'm out!