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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Truth Hurts

Boo! Ever since the news came out that Britney Spears has decided to talk to Matt Lauer on Dateline (airing on NBC this Thursday night at 9PM) about how "awesome" her marriage is to Kevin Federline I've been in a bit of a funk. I'm not sure how many times I can stand to have my emotions played with like this ... sure, it's my own fault for getting all wrapped up in Perry Taylor, the hottest manny around. Yes, I should've realized that pinning my hopes on such a huge pipe-dream could lead to crushing disappointment. Yes ... it's my own fault. Whatevs, I'm throwing aside my tear-soaked pillow and moving on with my life ... this reaffirmation of the Spederline won't break me ... no siree. I mean ... is it really worth getting all upset over someone like The Federline? Here are a few pictures of the rocket scientist maxing out Britney's platinum American Express card at the gas station ... filling his truck ... while smoking a cigarette:

I mean seriously people ... does he have to do such dumb things? And will someone please burn all of his clothes ... I'm starting to take great offense to those idiotic short pants that he is so fond of wearing. No ... no, I said I wasn't going to let this shizz affect me ... let's just move on ... [Source]

Brangelina have returned to the good ol' U S of A and it looks like they are making themselves right at home ... first things first, they need a place for Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt to sleep ... here are a couple pictures of a set of movers bringing in Shiloh's baby crib:

Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and the couple's three kids are back in Malibu. They landed in Los Angeles on Saturday -- in a private Gulfstream -- and were taken by police escort to their home in Malibu, where movers were hard at work ... Trucks lined the road surrounding the Malibu home. Two men carried in a darling, natural-wood crib through the opaque glass gate, giving us a glimpse of the place where little Shiloh will sleep. Also seen moving in were two German Shepherds, cleaning crews and a motorcycle. Welcome home, y'all. We've missed you ... and we can't wait to see y'all out and about with little baby Shiloh. Woot! [Source, Source]

Gwen Stefani took her baby boy Kingston James out for another venture into the big bad world ... but it appears that Gwen isn't quite ready to share the wealth just yet ... here are a couple pictures of Gwen and a well-wrapped Kingston taking a little stroll:

Well, at least we're getting closer to getting our first look at the lad. We've already seen his baby carrier and now we get to see the outline of his head ... it can't be long now before we get to see more. Er ... I suddenly feel like I'm worrying about kids and babies way too much. [Source]

OOOH speaking of kids, here are a couple of cute pictures of Ryan Phillippe taking his children Ava and Deacon out for an afternoon at the movies. The Phillippes went out to see the movie Cars in LA over the weekend:

Hahahaha ... how is it that Ava is almost as tall as her daddy and she's only, like, 6 years old? It doesn't really matter ... daddy Ryan is cute ... especially when he's in daddy-mode. [Source]

Well, well, well, well ... what have we here? Have Paris Hilton and Stavros Niarchos decided to rekindle their failed romance? What could it be that brought these two star-crossed lovers back into one another's arms?

Ya know, I hear that Kathy Griffin brings many broken up couples back together again. Interesting ... I guess we'll see if anything comes of this reunion. I must admit, I always thought that Starving Nachos was a perfect match for the partying heiress ... if Spederline can reaffirm their love, then why shouldn't Parisopolis? [Source]

OOOOOOOOOOH ... they are soooooo busted! Check out these very intimate pictures of Nick Lachey and MTV VJ Vanessa Minnillo gettin' all hot and heavy at a very romantical resort down in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico:

Uh huh ... either Nick has a thing for brunettes and he's partaking of as many of them as he can OR he and Vanessa are trying to keep the relationship quiet ... which means he is only going out with other chicks to cover. Personally, I'd like to think that Nick Lachey isn't a dog and is just trying to conceal his relationship with Vanessa but who knows ... a married man, once free again, is pretty likely to go buck wild with the ladies, especially if he looks like Nick. I really like Vanessa ... she's very sweet ... I hope he does right by her. Team Vanessa! [thanks Lindsay & Ellen]

Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn are still doing their best to keep their lovefest under wraps, unfortch they haven't been doing a very good job at covering their tracks. Here are a few pictures of a seemingly solo Jen coming out of a Parisian cafe ... only to meet up with Vincey in a nearby garden for some lovin':

The last two pictures are from a screening of The Break-Up in Hamburg, Germany that took place yesterday. I really like the matching silver outfits that Vinnifer wore ... separately ... to the event. Jen looks cute, Vince looks homeless. Ain't love grand? [Source, Source, thanks Karan]

Check out these cute pictures of Lindsay Lohan rockin' the supercute braided pig tails in NYC this past weekend:

Despite the fact that Linds has gone on the record to say that she's not a little girl anymore, I think the pig tails are a good look for her. They give her that Parent Trap feel without straying too far from her Mean Girls demeanor. Me likey! [Source]

Kristin Cavallari's new haircut, on the other hand, hasn't fully grown on me yet. Here are a few pictures of Kristin at Disney's A Time For Heroes celebrity carnival to benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation over the weekend:

I'm not sure if it's the cut or the style that doesn't really appeal to me. Pink reader Ana made a great point in the comments regarding Kristin's new haircut: Hello? Am I the only one who thinks Kristin's latest haircut is just another stop on the Jessica Simpson leftovers tour?! Ugh! Jessica was totally rocking the blunt bob thing ages ago! I'm afraid, I have to agree ... here's hoping that Kristin doesn't have a hungry little sister who will sneak up on her and steal what little fame she has. [Source]

Well, it's time for the (seemingly) daily World Cup mention ... and since I'm only really interested in Victoria Beckham and hot soccer players in general, here is the (seemingly) daily Victoria Beckham/hot soccer players mention. Check out these pictures of Posh carrying little Cruz Beckham in Baden-Baden, Germany ... we've seen Posh out with Brooklyn and Romeo and now it appears that Cruz is getting in on the action:

Cruz' little jersey is sooo cute but Damn! when did that kid get so big ... he's only 1 years old and his legs are already thicker than his mother's legs are. I will say this for Posh, her boots look awesome -- it appears that her stick legs are actually good for something. [Source]

Pink reader Maggie sends in these pictures of a pile o' soccer players celebrating some happy circumstance during a recent game at the World Cup:

I have no idea which team this is ... I have no idea who they were playing ... I have no idea if they won or not ... but I must admit that I do like seeing a happy pile of men. [thanks Maggie]

UPDATE: Pink readers tell me the manpile is the Italian team and they were playing Ghana. Italy won 2-0.

Hilary Duff is on the cover of the new issue of Elle magazine ... here are a few pictures from her photoshoot for the interview in which Miss Duff gets a little saucy with her critics:

Think Hilary Duff's just a goodie-two-shoes for the tween set? She ditches that too-sweet side in the new issue of Elle, taking on her critics in a cover story for the magazine's July issue. Asked about the fluffy nature of most of her films, she responds, "Um, are you saying my movies are crap?" Even if Elle doesn't, there's no denying the critics' response -- after all, The New York Times' Stephen Holden called her "talent-challenged." "He doesn't really fit the demographic," Duff replied. "So I could really care less. Look at me, and look at where he is -- sorry! Would he prefer that I take some super-adult role that is inappropriate so I would have no place to grow? ... Suppose the next thing I did was this super-edgy independent movie where I was pregnant or shooting up. What would that do to my fanbase?" She also has no love for the music critics and radio programmers who dismiss her pop music. "I feel like I do so much," she tells the mag. "And it strikes me that I don't hear myself on the radio. That critics don't really talk about my music. I mean, a song like 'Wake Up' is not for a 50-year-old man with arthritis who doesn't want to get out of bed." LOL! You go, Hilary! I think it's great that Hilary is saying shizz like this. The girl is a millionaire who has made her fortune making the right kinds of decisions for her and her career ... sure, her stuff isn't for everybody but it's clear that she knows what she is doing. Rock on, Hil ... give 'em whatfor! [Source]

Ugh ... Pink reader Alexandra has stumbled upon these pictures of up-and-coming model Chad White (who was photographed with Mischa Barton in her new BeBe ad campaign) posing with ... um ... with ... Kimberly and Alana Stewart?!

Tsk, tsk ... what a waste of a pretty boy. [Source, thanks Alexandra]

And finally, a few Pink readers sent in some great Pink is the new Blog shout-outs from a couple of newspapers ... one from the Metro Vancouver and another from the Boston Globe:

So cool ... thank you all so much for sending in these awesome newsclippings. It is still very humbling and still very much appreciated :) XO [thanks Lana, Caitlin, Edna & RH]

El News:
Last night Sarah and did some shopping at the Somerset Collection and while we didn't make any big purchases we did find out that Somerset is getting a Barney's Co-Op very soon! This would be very exciting news if I weren't moving away in a few weeks ... yes, I got some good news yesterday evening -- I got the LA apartment that I really wanted. All I have to do is sign the lease and pay up ... I'll be making the big move in a few short weeks. I'm anxious and nervous all at once ... I can't wait to get to LA but I'm so not looking forward to the 3-day drive 'cross country ... OY!

Anyways, Sarah and also went to see the new Al Gore documentary An Inconvenient Truth at the Main Art Theater. We went at Sarah's insistence so I wasn't really looking forward to watching a 2-hour documentary on Global Warming ... but I went anyways:

I am so glad I went to see this film ... I was shocked at how interesting and engaging the whole thing was. Al Gore is a man transformed ... he comes across personable, amiable and -- get this -- funny! The former Vice President gives a highly persuasive argument on the effect global warming has on our planet ... the images and statistics are staggering. The doc not only paints a good portrait of the argument but it also paints a surprising portrait of Al Gore himself. The documentary is basically an expansion of the lecture that he has been giving all over the world ... the lecture is peppered with personal pictures and stories of Gore's life growing up in Tennessee and later on in politics. I can't believe how impressed I was by what I saw. His persuasiveness is electric and his passion is infectious ... I kept thinking if this were the man we saw in the 2000 election he would've won the Presidency by a landslide.

His basic argument is very inspirational ... he argues that if the US can lead the world in the reduction of the CFC chemicals that were destroying the Earth's ozone layer then the US can once again lead the world in the reduction of the harmful emissions that lead to global warming. We seem to be under the assumption that tackling the global warming problem will ruin our nation's economy and Gore argues that it is possible to boost the economy and save the planet all at the same time. It was sobering seeing the effect that global warming is having on portions of our planet (at the North and South Poles especially). I was very happy to see that the message wasn't lost in a boring statistical snoozefest. I highly recommend this movie ... I think you'll be surprised, not only by the effect that global warming is having on our planet, but by how much you may actually enjoy this documentary.

The movie may not make a great date movie but I highly recommend that you see it if you can.

So ... I have a big move to start planning ... and about a million things to take care of in preparation. That is all ... I'm out.



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