PINK is the new BLOG
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Monday, June 05, 2006

Friends In High Places

Hey y'all ... I'm trying something new for this week while I'm here in LA. I'm going to break each day's regular post into 3 posts per day so that the East Coasters don't have to wait 'til the end of the day for the day's post. The plan is to post half the pictures in the morning, the newslinks at lunch and the rest of the pictures in the afternoon. Hopefully this will better spread the wealth thruout the day while I'm on a 3-hour delay. So let's get to it ...

I just fall more in love with our dear manny Henry (or Perry, I'm still not 100% sure which is his real name) with every passing day. Check out these pictures of mannylicious doing a little grocery shopping for Miss Britney Spears:

Photo credit: Finalpixx

This grocery cart looks chock full of Brit Brit's favorite things (Coca-Cola) along with the things that she needs more of (bottled water) ... our manny knows how to take care of our Britters. I don't see any bags of Cheetos in there so it looks like he really is doing his best to fix our Brit. Yay Team Manny! [Source]

Here are more pictures from the Saturday taping of the 2006 MTV Movie Awards. There were a lot of beautiful chicks on the red carpet ... there were also a few scary chicks on the carpet as well (I'm talking to you, Joe Simpson) but here are a few of my faves:

I really have to give it up to Xtina Aguilera. Sure she showed up with her usually tacky red lipstick but, for some reason, it really worked with her sparkly silver dress. She looked stunning in person. Jessica Alba always looks hawt ... her body is practically perfect. There were a bunch of really hot ladies at the show ... [Source]

... but the real star of the evening (at least for me) was the surprise appearance by Jake Gyllenhaal. I mentioned yesterday that Jake did not walk the red carpet before the show. Altho he was nominated for a couple of awards, I didn't think that he was going to be there ... he ended up winning and much to my surprise was there to accept this award:

I'm trying not to spoil anything for those of you who want to be surprised but I just can't pass up the opportunity to post these pics. Jake gave the coolest acceptance speech ... trust me, you'll know what I'm talking about when the show airs this Thursday night on MTV. [Source]

Xtina Aguilera did a quick change after her performance at the awards and hightailed it outta there to get to the afterparty (probably before taping of the show ended). Since she performed first she was able to split whenever she wanted to. Here are pictures of Xtina and Jordy heading into Privilege for the awards afterparty:

I said it before, I really gotta give it up to Xtina for lookin' hawt lately. She performed her new single Ain't No Other Man at the awards show and while I don't really love it (I'm just not a fan of the bluesy thing) she looked good performing it. I may even learn to forgive the red lipstick thing ... just maybe. [Source]

Lindsay Lohan was not able to attend the MTV Movie Awards because she was bizzy in NYC premiering her new movie A Prairie Home Companion with her co-stars Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline and Lily Tomlin:

Forget the fact that Lily looks absolutely terrifying in this picture ... Lindsay looked great! It looks like L. Lo is trying out a new thing when she gets photographed ... from the girl who brought us the peace sign, the blowing kiss and the arm-behind-the-head thing comes -- the scowl. Sure, she's smiling with her co-stars but when homegirl is on the red carpet it's all scowly business for her. I guess we'll see if this new thing becomes a new habit. [Source]

Yep, I knew it ... Lindsay Lohan is in a scowly mood lately ... check out these pictures of L. Lo with her sister Ali as they make their way to the official afterparty for the NYC premiere of A Prairie Home Companion:

Whatup with the fingers, yo? Has she peaced out the peace sign? Sometimes I think that Lindsay just randomly decides to do something with her hands/fingers/arms/face right before she has her picture taken ... just because she could do anything and people would still talk about it ... er ... like I'm talking about it right now ... er ... yeah ... smart girl, I guess. [Source]

Here is a picture of Lindsay hanging out with the Queen herself Karl Lagerfeld at the launch party for the Dom Perignon Rose Vintage 1996 over the weekend:

Gloomy guss is the way to be this season. [Source]

I think it's pretty safe to assume that pretty much everyone expected the new Jennifer Aniston/Vince Vaughn movie The Break-Up to bomb at the box office. Much to everyone's surprise, the movie debuted at #1 here in the US. Jennifer Aniston is in Australia for the OZ premiere of The Break-Up and it looks like she tried to bring out the big gun in order to promote her movie:

I personally do not blame her for trying the Rachel Green angle ... Jen hasn't enjoyed success like this since her Friends hey day so I can see why she'd whip out the Rachel Green-look to promote her movie. Genius! It looks like it worked. [Source]

Woot! Check it out ... Ashton Kutcher appears to have jumped aboard the porn 'stache bandwagon ... here are a couple pictures of Ashton rockin' his new facial hair:

Photo credit: Finalpixx

Er ... I'm not sure that I understand the need to wear the skirt tho ... maybe Demi Moore is into kinkier stuff then we were previously aware. [Source]

Check out this picture of Victoria Beckham doing a little shopping in London over the weekend. It looks like her right boob is tired of putting up with her bullshizz and is ready to jump ship ... check it out:

I can imagine that it is prolly really difficult to live with Victoria Beckham (I keep waiting for Becks to get fed up and run away himself) ... I don't blame her right boob for trying to escape to freedom. I'm not sure why the left boob isn't trying to escape but maybe one day it'll wise up and make a break for it. [Source]

And finally, here are pictures of a sexy-lookin' Nelly Furtado trying to be all Promiscuous in the July issue of Arena magazine:

I quite like this cheeky new Nelly Furtado. I think her folk-pop thing was interesting for about 10 minutes so I'm glad to see that she's branching out. I am very much looking forward to hearing her other Timbaland produced tracks on her new album Loose. It appears that Nelly has finally figured out that sex sells. [Source]

Carmen Electra has teamed up with the new restaurant chain Pink Taco in Las Vegas to help present a check to the Head to Hollywood charity:

Absolutely brilliant! It's perfect advertising kismet ... cuz when you think of pink tacos, you think of Carmen Electra. [Source]

Carmen isn't only working with Pink Taco ... oh no siree ... she's also signed on to be the new face of Max Factor cosmetics ... here are a couple pictures of Carmen shooting a new ad:

Big sexy hair, wind machines, pink tacos ... call me crazy, but I think the time is now for Carmen Electra! [Source]

And finally, Richard Simmons was the guest of honor at the first-ever Summer Salad Fashion Show in NYC over the weekend where Project Runway winner Jay McCaroll showcased his salad fashion designs ... uh ... yeah ... anyways ... who knew that Richard's arms were so stretchy?

LOLOLOLOLOL! It's nice that Richie still gets invited to events ... I'm not exactly sure why he gets invited but it's nice nonetheless. [Source]

Les News:
Much of yesterday was spent recuperating from Saturday's events. It was such a nice day that we just had to spend much of the day outside in the sun. A few of David's friends came up from the OC to have dinner with us last night. We went to Birds on Franklin Ave. to get our grub on. Since Birds is right across the street from the Scientology Celebrity Centre I decided to go over and try and rescue our dear Katie Homles:

Unfortch, I was unsuccessful.

Anyways ... after dinner we just hung out at Jim's place ... and that was that. I have a thing to do this afternoon and then we're going shopping at the Beverly Center this afternoon. Since we only planned on crashing with Jim for the weekend, David and I will be checking into our hotel later on today. It's all very exciting ...

That is all ... I'm out.




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