PINK is the new BLOG
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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Work-Out

Wee ... it's a great day in LA today ... even tho the weather is overcast (which is very surprising because I never knew that Southern California ever got "weather") it is still a bright and cheerful day -- well, to me at least. US Weekly has posted a countdown clock that shows the elapsed time since Britney Spears and Kevin Federline (our endangered Spederline) has been seen together -- which is enough to put a smile on anyone's face. But the good news doesn't stop there ... check out these new pictures of Britney, Sean Preston and Perry the manny spending a lovely day together:

Sure, these pictures aren't anything special (except for the fact that the look on Sean Preston's face is priceless) since we're growing used to seeing this new family out and about on almost a daily basis ... but it is a hopeful sign that they are spending so much time together. [Source, thanks Michelle]

BUT ... the good news doesn't stop there ... the best news of all is that Britney Spears has started working out again! Yes, yes I know ... I'm not getting my hopes up -- I realize she's pregs and is still a lifetime away from getting her hot, toned body back but ... it's nice to see her in action again. So, c'mon everybody ... sing along with me -- Brit-ney's work-ing ou-ut, Brit-ney's work-ing ou-ut! [Source]

While the world awaits the official release of the first pictures of Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt it looks like we're going to have to content ourselves with the first pictures of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie since the birth of their new baby girl ... here are pictures of Brangelina hanging out with the Namibian First Lady Penexupifo Pohamba down in Namibia:

Er ... these pics are little consolation ... but it won't be long 'til we get to see the full set of Shiloh pics. [Source, thanks Catheryn]

Here are a couple cuuuuuuuuuute pictures of Brad Pitt and his other baby girl Zahara hangin' out at a museum in Namibia:

Photo credit: Film Magic

That little girl is growing up so fast ... she is soo cute. In all the hoopla surrounding the birth of Shiloh Nouvel, we mustn't forget the other Jolie-Pitt children. We can take heart in the fact that we still have their turbulent adolescence and embittered young adulthood to look forward to. I can't wait to read Zahara's tell-all book in which she rails against her little sister Shiloh who she bitterly hates. [Source]

Nicky Hilton was all smiles on the red carpet at the debut of her Chick by Nicky Hilton jewelry line for Claire's late last week:

She looks like such a professional business woman ... isn't she such an inspiration to entrepreneurs the world over? [Source]

After Nicky was finished schmoozing the press, the enterprising Miss Hilton hit the afterparty event later on that night:

Yep, she's an inspiration all right. [Source]

Nicole Richie is very used to being hounded by the paparazzi and generally doesn't seem to mind being photographed ... but I suppose everyone has their breaking point:

Oh I see ... Nicole prolly figured the paps were hot and thirsty and she was just helping them out with a little splash of water. What a sweet Hollywood "It" girl. [Source]

Denise Richards and Richie Sambora have jetted off to Europe once again to spend some romantic time together ... here is a picture of the happy couple enjoying the day together in Paris, France:

Denise sure looks happy and in love with the doughy Richie ... I don't understand what the appeal is ... perhaps she's only interested in his big Oui Oui. [Source]

Ben Affleck is hard at work near his hometown of Boston, MA ... here is a serious-looking picture of Ben acting like a director:

Yep, that's right ... Ben has moved from the acting sphere to the directing sphere. If his directing prowess is anything like his acting prowess then I predict big things for his movie Gone, Baby, Gone. [Source]

Yay! Gwen Stefani has come out of hiding since she gave birth to Kingston James a couple of weeks ago ... here is a picture of Gwen doing a little shopping in Beverly Hills, CA yesterday afternoon:

She doesn't look any worse for the wear ... and by the size of Gwen's bosom, it looks like her little boy is living like a Kingston. [Source]

Ashlee Simpson kicked off her summer tour in Santa Barbara earlier this week in Santa Barbara, CA and it looks like she was workin' overtime on that stage:

She was flipping around that lovely fake hair like a pro ... and her new nose didn't fly off and into the audience -- I'd say it was a pretty successful tour kickoff! [Source]

Laguna Beach alum Stephen Coletti seems to have followed his ex-girlfriend Kristin Cavallari's footsteps in the hopes of turning his 15 minutes of fame from his MTV show into something more substantial ... here are a few pictures of Stephen on the set of his first movie which, apparently, co-stars Amber Tamblyn:

First he's a surprise reality superstar, then he's minorly popular VJ and now he's an accomplished actor? It shant be long before these opportunities dry up and the poor boy finds that he must resort to working on late-night TV infomercials or porn -- oh, who am I kidding ... he'd never stoop so low as to do infomercials. [Source]

Pink reader Ricky sends in this interesting picture of Mena Suvari and Jamie Kennedy walking together in close proximity outside a Coffee Bean in LA earlier this week:

Hmmm ... let's see ... 2 celebrities + a coffee shop + a proximity of about 2 feet ... yep, they're prolly engaged. Congrats! [thanks Ricky]

Avril Lavigne is featured in the new issue of the European magazine Citizen K:

It appears that the glamification of Miss Lavigne marches on. If she's really serious about becoming a "serious actress" then maybe she should talk to Ben Affleck about starring in his new serious movie. [Source, thanks Scarlet]

Pink reader Christina sends in this hilarious picture of Superman rocking his trademark tall red leather boots:

Personally, I don't think that Supes looks fruity at all ... altho, he does not get snaps for that purse -- it so doesn't go with his shoes. Boo! [thanks Christina]

Sooooo ... it appears that we all seemed to have survived the dreaded date 06.06.06 without any sort of Satanic influence upon the world ... oh wait ... I was wrong ... Oxygen debuted the new reality show The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency last night and I was unfortunate enough to catch the first 2 episodes: The show is so bad ... I can't even begin to tell you how bad the show is. Even if you overlook the cheap-looking production, even if you overlook the headache inducing soft-focus that bathes Janice every time she appears on screen ... even if you overlook the fact that the models she chooses (um hello ... she cast her models on My Space for Pete's sake!) and the photos she takes are laughably HORRRRIBLE .. one still must deal with the fact that Janice is kinda scary to look at. The best line of the show, "I have two words for people who don't want to work with me: OUT!" Other than that one line ... there really wasn't much else to enjoy ... which prolly means I'm gonna hafta watch every episode so as not to miss all the horrible. [Source]

Actually, 06.06.06 wasn't bad at all ... Pink reader Stephanie gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Ben yesterday morning at 11:57 AM:

Shiloh who? Ben is absolutely adorable :) [thanks Mama Stephanie & Andrea]

Da News:
Anyways, as I alluded to earlier, I was very surprised to discover that Southern California experiences weather ... I knew they had smog out here but I didn't know they got clouds. David and I are planning to go to the beach today ... so the sun better make an appearance or I'm gonna hafta sue!

So, what is there to do in LA on an overcast day? Shop! David and I did some fun shopping yesterday ... spent a lot of time in LA's lovely rush hour traffic and hung out with Jim and Davey. Sounds pretty normal, right? That's exactly the point ... I think I'm gonna love living here :)

The beach awaits ... I'm out!



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