PINK is the new BLOG
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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Mamma Mia!

Britney Spears treated her hubby to a birthday celebration in his favorite city on Earth on Tuesday night ... here is a picture of our dear Spederline in Las Vegas:

The singer and Federline, who turned 28 on March 21, arrived just after 8:30 p.m. at the restaurant Tao Las Vegas at the Venetian, where they slipped in through the back door and joined their 10 guests in a private dining room. Spears (in a black halter dress with a lethally low-cut back) drank a Cosmo, while K-Fed (in a wife-beater and a New York Yankees cap) went for a Jack and Coke, shots and beer. Yep, that sounds about right. has an 11 second video clip of the pair walking to their car ... you know, in case you wanted to see how they walk. [Source]

In other and slightly more disturbing Britney news, it appears that she has been used as a source of inspiration for sculptor Daniel Edwards ... behold, his masterpiece entitled Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston:

A nude Britney Spears on a bearskin rug while giving birth to her firstborn marks a 'first' for Pro-Life. Pop-star Britney Spears is the "ideal" model for Pro-Life and the subject of a dedication at Capla Kesting Fine Art in Brooklyn's Williamsburg gallery district, in what is proclaimed the first Pro-Life monument to birth, in April ...Dedication of the life-sized statue celebrates the recent birth of Spears' baby boy, Sean, and applauds her decision of placing family before career. "A superstar at Britney's young age having a child is rare in today's celebrity culture. This dedication honors Britney for the rarity of her choice and bravery of her decision," said gallery co-director, Lincoln Capla. The dedication includes materials provided by Manhattan Right To Life Committee ... "Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston," believed Pro-Life's first monument to the 'act of giving birth,' is purportedly an idealized depiction of Britney in delivery. Natural aspects of Spears' pregnancy, like lactiferous breasts and protruding naval, compliment a posterior view that depicts widened hips for birthing and reveals the crowning of baby Sean's head. Uhhhh .... and people think that I have an unhealthy fascination with Britney Spears? [Source, thanks Danielle]


Yay! Finally we got a new episode of Lost to salivate over ... I suppose last night's ep was pretty good but the eps just haven't been fortified will the insane OOMPH that 24 offers. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed last night's new ep ... who knew that Sun was such a cheating sleaze?

So wait ... we're really supposed to believe that Sun got impregnated by immaculate conception? Maybe the island jazzed up Jin's jizz so that he could finally get her pregs? Maybe that baby will turn out to look a lot like Michael? Speaking of Michael ... where the hell is he? People on the island don't seem very concerned that he's been gone for so long. Also did you notice how cryptically Kate responded when Sun asked her if she ever took a pregs test ... is Kate hiding another secret? I really liked the interaction between Ana Lucia and Sayid ... I'm glad he no longer wants to kill her ... now he wants to kill Henry Gale. Seriously, Gale gave the best little rant at the end of the episode ... I loved how it ended. Clearly, from the preview for next week's new episode, we know that Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie find the Smiley Face hot air balloon ... but what does that mean about Henry? He is coming off too much like an Other for me to totally believe that he is an Other. And are you telling me that the hatch comes complete with Dharma-Os cereal but there is no shaving cream?! Now that, I absolutely refuse to believe. Ugh ... love this show ... did I miss anything else? [Source]

Boo! Apparently the rumors about Katie Holmes birthin' a baby in Toledo, OH yesterday were not true ... here are pictures of TomKat walking around in LA last night:

Look at that belly in the first picture ... it looks like the thing inside her is trying to push its way out ... damn, little L. Ron, Jr. has been incubating in there forever ... it shant be long now ... [Source]

See ... this is what I get for trying to give Courtney Love a little credit ... yesterday I said that she couldn't possibly be dumb enough to start hanging out with the likes of Kimberly Stewart ... lo and behold here are pics of the gruesome twosome shopping together:

The only thing I can imagine going on is that Courtney maybe wants to look better by comparison? Nah ... now I know I'm trying to give her too much credit. Boo!!! [Source]

Paris Hilton likes to ride things, we all know this, check out these pics of Paris straddling a riding lawn mower as she shoots scenes for The Simple Life 4:

The heiress spent the afternoon in a Los Angeles suburb driving around on a lawnmower. At one point, she maneuvered the mower straight through a flower bed. She occasionally drove hands-free -- while she checked her make-up in a mirror. LOL! That girl will do anything for attention ... hey Paris, I got $5 if you come mow my lawn. [Source]

Check out this picture of Joss Whedon and a few ex-Angel cast members at the recent L.A. Wizard World Convention:

I <3 Joss! He looks great! [Source]

Here are a few pictures of Sharon Osbourne showing off the certificate that names her the Celebrity Mum of the Year for 2006:

The award comes from Freemans of London ... I guess I'm not the only one that wants to laud her for getting her children off the TV. Way to go, Sharon! [Source]

Aww ... it looks like Joaquin Phoenix has hurt himself ... I wonder what is going on with that cut on his head?

Did he anger Eva Mendes so much so that she had to beat his ass? I love it when new lovers have their first spat. [Source]

Incidentally, this photograph of Joaquin has been awarded 1st place in this year's Best of Photojournalism Contest in the category Still Photography: Celebrity News Single:

The photo is entitled Now you see him, now you dont. I like the pic ... but it doesn't really strike me as revolutionary or anything like that. Joaquin looks hot as usual tho. [Source]

Reichen Lehmkuhl has found himself a new job ... he is modeling underwear for the Undergear catalog:

I have to admit ... I think Reichen is hot as hell so I don't mind seeing him in his skivvies ... so long as he doesn't make the transition to the International Male catalog I think we'll be all good. [Source]

Vin Diesel is on the cover of the new issue of Details magazine and here are a couple of pictures from his photospread:

He is such a tough guy ... it would behoove you to not mess with him ... [Source]

... unless he's lookin' all sissy-like ...

... and then you can prolly get away with whippin' his ass ... I bet he's fond of stuff like that. [Source]

So have you heard ... Samuel L. Jackson is gonna be in a movie called Snakes on a Plane ... which is apparently all about snakes ... on a plane ... yeah, here is the artwork for this cinematic masterpiece:

Click HERE to check out a video preview for the movie. Yep, it looks like there are a lot of snakes on that plane alright. [Source]

And finally, Pink reader Susan sends in this picture of her daughter Krista wearing a Pink is the new Blog t-shirt while Spring Breaking in St. Thomas:

I love it! Thank you so much for sending in this picture Susan ... it's trés hawt!

See ... when I hear that Sarah and Candice are hanging out at a place like Crave in Dearborn then I think "Cool, they're prolly having a nice dinner with some nice conversation" when in fact it means "Oh, they're getting plastered on the 1/2 off martinis and are harassing the hot, young bartenders" which in turn means "Sign me up". Yeah ... that was the bulk of the evening ... followed by a quick (and pointless) visit to the Double Olive and then a short stay at Bailey's.

Ugh ... when will I learn?!

Tonight Mark (my best friend Sarah's boyfriend) and I are hanging out so that we can have some alone time ... but first, there's more packing to be done. Ahhhhh ... I hate moving!

I'm out.



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