PINK is the new BLOG
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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Hump, My Hump, My Hump, My Hump Day Post

OY! I'm back in LA ... had a long flight with lay over in Memphis, TN ... I crashed pretty hard last night ... but let's get to it ...

Here are new pictures of Britney Spears, rockin' the uberPink, with Sean Preston at a recording studio earlier this week ... could it be? Could she be recording new music for release soon?

Photo credit: X-17

I'm not sure if she was there working on her own material or was there to support K-Fed in his ridiculous music career endeavor. In any case, I gotta say ... she's lookin' much better. Up until now, I have not been a fan of the new black hair but it looks good in these pictures. Sean Preston is so cute ... he always looks so ... colorful. His cheeks are always so red. I hope he's not getting heat stroke or anything like that. Brit Brit looks remarkably chipper for being about a month away from birthin' another baby. Thank the Lord for small miracles. [Source]

Ever since I heard the story about Britney's fired pool boy I have been very interested to see what this guy looks like. I think I had it in my mind that he'd be a hot pool boy ... kinda like Jesse Metcalfe's hot gardener on Desperate Houswives -- but blonde. Well ... I was half right ... he's blonde alright:

BLECH! This ain't no pool boy ... he looks like a used up tour roadie or the lead singer of a bad Poison cover band. Actually, this guy is Jon LaLanne (son of the even older fitness guru Jack LaLanne) as if that makes him cooler? Yeah, it doesn't. Apparently he was fired because he was hanging around Kevin too much. Britney didn't take too kindly to the two lay-abouts hanging out together by the pool. I say, good for her! She needs to regulate ... I knew she was the one who wore the pants in the family. [Source]

Lady in the Water had its UK premiere earlier this week and star Bryce Dallas Howard used this opportunity to show-off her best bed sheet ... she also announced that she is pregs:

Bryce Dallas Howard is expecting her first child with actor-husband Seth Gabel, the actress announced Tuesday at the British premiere of her movie, Lady in the Water. "I can't talk about the pregnancy too much," Howard said amid congratulations at the film opening. "I'm a little superstitious." When asked about his costar's condition, Lady leading man Paul Giamatti replied jokingly, "I had nothing to do with it!" Howard, 25, and Gabel, 24, wed in June. The couple have been together for five years. Hmmm ... sounds like a shotgun wedding to me :) Well ... congrats anyways! [Source]

Here are a few promo pictures of Paris Hilton and The All-American Rejects for the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards ... I'm not sure why Paris Hilton is wearing glasses and is holding a book as if she were reading (maybe she's "acting") but she don't look too bad in these pics:

There's something about the picture of the AAR boys spewing stuff all over the place that really speaks to me. Expect to see these promos repeating endlessly on MTV until the VMAs air live on August 31st. [Source, Source]

US Weekly is reporting that Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston are engaged ... they put it on the cover and everything ... so it must be true, right?

Us Weekly has confirmed that Vince Vaughn, 36, has popped the question to his girlfriend of one year, Jennifer Aniston, 37. "They're engaged!" a friend of the couple's tells Us, adding, "Vince almost cries whenever he tells the story of the proposal." On June 27, as the couple returned home on a private Gulfstream jet to L.A. after a romantic, nine-day vacation at Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis' $25 million coastal retreat near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, the actor nervously got down on bended knee. At that moment, he asked for Aniston's hand in marriage -- with, say sources, a substantial diamond ring. You know, an engagement that is birthed at the home of the founder of Girls Gone Wild is bound to lead to a long and successful marriage ... I mean, it only makes sense. According to the magazine's headline, Jennifer said yes. Will they really make it to the altar ... I guess we'll have to wait and see. [Source]

UPDATE: Jennifer Aniston's publicist denies this US Weekly report -- he says they are not engaged. Boo.

Love is no longer in the air in Laguna Beach ... Kristin Cavallari and Brody Jenner are dunzo -- and so are LC and Jason ... both couples have called it quits and are probably looking for new people to hook up with right at this very moment:

Is there something in the water? Us Weekly has learned that former Laguna Beach stars Lauren "LC" Conrad, 20 (now on spinoff The Hills), and Kristin Cavallari, 19, have split from their beaus. Conrad confirms the split exclusively to Us. "Yes it is true, Jason and I are no longer together, but out of respect for his privacy I am not going to discuss the details of the breakup," she says. "Even though I am on a reality based show and I live much of my life in a fish bowl, I think anyone would understand that I need to keep some of my life private." Sources tell Us that it was Conrad who broke it off with boyfriend Jason Wahler. "He had been going out to clubs, flirting with girls, staying out late," says a pal of Conrad's ... Meanwhile, a friend of Cavallari's says that she and Brody Jenner, 23, split because "they fought a lot." Jenner who works as a music producer with stepdad David Foster tells Us, "It was mutual." Apparently, LC stupidly got a tattoo of Jason's name on her arm or something and has already had it covered up. That is a sure sign that they are dunzo for good. I never liked LC with Jason ... she seemed too smart for him and he seemed too old for her -- I still contend that Jason Whaler is a 45-year old actor who was cast for Laguna Beach. In any regard, the LB girls are single and free ... which one of them will hook up with a new guy soon ... will they both set their sights on new MTV VJ Stephen Coletti? [Source]

Speaking of tattoos, David Beckham appears to have added considerable ink to his arm recently ... check out these pictures of Becks showing off his new tattoos:

I don't think the full arm sleeve is a good look for him actually ... I mean, he's still hot as hell but I think he should lay off the tats for a while. I never realized how skinny his arms are ... it wouldn't hurt him to get a couple of muscles instead of new tattoos. [Source]

Here are a few close-up pictures of Victoria Beckham's new chopped haircut ... I think I hate it:

Maybe it's the angle of the pictures but it looks like a bad cut ... kinda like she cut it herself in the mirror looking over her shoulder. I think she needs to put the extensions back in. Oh and her sinewy arms and neck bones never cease to frighten me. Boo! [Source]

Here are a couple new pictures of Michelle Trachtenberg from her recent night out at club Hyde here in LA ... oh look, her new BFF Pete Wentz is in the car waiting for her ... I wonder where they are going?

Hmmm ... even I have noticed how much these two have been hanging out lately. Isn't it nice when best girlfriends spend all their time together? [Source]

Madonna's H&M billboards are going up all over place these days ... here are pictures of her new H&M billboards in NYC and Munich, Germany:

I hear there is a huge billboard going up in LA this week ... her Madgesty's likeness will be plastered 8-stories high on the side of the classic Roosevelt Hotel this week for H&M's new advertising campaign. This is the first time the Roosevelt Hotel has allowed for this type of artwork to hit their outer walls. Oh Madonna ... you always have to be so larger than life. [Source]

Details magazine is paying homage to TV in its latest issue and has brought together photographs of some of our favorite TV peeps ... from Bob Barker to ALF, Details magazine is showin' some lurve to some pretty random TV characters. Here is a CUTE picture of Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Tiffani Thiessen, Saved by the Bell's beloved couple Zack and Kelly, from the issue:

They really make a cute couple ... it's nice to imagine that Zack and Kelly are still living happily ever after somewhere out there in TV Land. There are a lot of really cool, really random pictures in the issue ... you can see them online HERE. [Source]

Here is your first look at the new cover artwork for Justin Timberlake's new album FutureSex/LoveSounds:

It's not bad actually ... I like the disco ball breaking thing he's got goin' on. JT has said that he wants to reinvent dance music ... I can't wait to hear what he's coming out with next. [Source]

Marilyn Manson is still trying is very best to be creepy and scary, check out these pictures of MM and protege Lily Cole in the latest issue of Teen Vogue magazine:

Good to see Mr. Manson back on the seen again ... if he don't watch his back, Jared Leto is going to sneak in and claim his gothy schtick. I think it's high time that Marilyn Manson get his ass back in action and regulate before it's too late. [Source]

And finally, I want to send out some Pink is the new Blog lurve to a few Pink readers who have been making PITNB a part of their daily lives and celebrations. Here are pictures of Pink readers Sasha and co. from the Local God clothing line (the hottie with the sign is model Adam Ross) -- Molly and friends celebrating Megan's 22nd birthday -- and Jennifer and Patsy celebrating Jen's last day at her job:

Thank you all so much for choosing to include PITNB in your parties and celebrations. I love all the pictures ... thank you all so much! XO [thanks Sasha & the Local God crew, Molly & Megan, Jennifer & Patsy]

Da News:
David and I had such a great time in Detroit this past weekend ... I kinda found it hard to leave again. I know I've only been away for about 5 days but it sorta felt longer. We had the best time spending time with my goddaughter Zakiya ... here are a few pictures we took with Z yesterday afternoon ... she is wearing one of the birthday outfits we got for her:

Of course it had to be pink! Isn't she just the most adorable baby ever?! I'm very proud to say that we were the ones who taught her to say "tickle-tickle" when she gets tickled in the belly. She said it and our jaws fell to the floor ... it was the cutest thing ever. I can't wait to see her again.

I won't be able to get back home to Detroit for a while ... I'm going to NYC at the end of the month and then David and I are taking a really fun trip next month. No worries, Detroit ... I'll be back home before you know it.

Today looks like it'll be a pretty chill day ... I might go to the movies tonight ... I might stay home and hang. I do know that I plan on getting outside to soak up some of this gorgeous sun! Have a happy hump day, y'all ... I'm out.



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