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Friday, January 19, 2007

Baby I Swear It's Deja Vu

OY! Can I just tell you how stressful yesterday was for me?! I didn't get much sleep after flying into Detroit from LA then I spent the whole morning working on the day's post before STUPIDLY choosing to upgrade my Blogger software which then caused my site to be down for about 4-5 hours all afternoon ... add to that the stress of seeing my poor mother in the hospital (tho, she looks great and is doing very well ... more deets at the end of today's post) and then having a pretty emotional conversation with my dad afterwards ... I'm telling you ... I was a mess yesterday. Things appear to be back on track today ... I'm feeling a bit better, the blog is operational again and Sarah and I will be visiting my mom again this afternoon. Whew! Let's get to the day's goss ...

Lord ... I try to love Britney Spears with all my unconditional heart but sometimes ... well ... she's hard to stomach ... take, for example, these lovely pictures of Brit-Brit stuffing her face with fast food at Hamburger Mary's in LA earlier this week:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

Sure, seeing photos of anyone eating is kinda gross but these pictures seem especially so. It appears that Britters stuffed her face with so much food that she was on the verge of puking her guts out ... which ain't easy to love, let me tell you. [Source]

Speaking of puking one's guts out ... it appears that the Ed Hardy/Christian Audigier clothier company unleashed the contents of its bowels all over our dear Britney ... check out her hot threads as she made her way to the recording studio this week:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

It's amazing how much more tackier Miss Spears is able to make those clothes look ... which is a pretty amazing feat if I do say so myself. I ain't gonna lie, I like Christian Audigier stuff ... but in moderation ... [Source]

... And moderation appears to be something that Brit's new beau Isaac Cohen knows nothing about ... after all, he prolly feels that he needs to get all he can get while the gettin's good. Isaac also paid a little visit to the Ed Hardy store in LA and managed to walk away with a whole shizzload worth of stuff ... and something tells me that he didn't pay a cent for any of it -- which reminds me of another young chap who was once in Britney's good graces and managed to also enjoy the free swag once upon a time:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

As much as I feel that Isaac is a HUGE upgrade from the likes of Kevin Federline ... I gotta admit that the parallels seem very similar. Both men were pretty much unknowns until they hooked-up with Britney Spears (Kev a backup dancer, Isaac a model/actor) ... they have a similar look about them ... and now Isaac looks like he's on the K-Fed trajectory to fame. I really hope that homeboy doesn't have any babies out there (or an insane desire to rap) -- thus far, these things seems to be the major differences between the two dudes. I'm still very much Team BrIsaac and Gentleman Isaac but ... I am feeling a bit uneasy with this bit of deja vu. [Source]

Ryan Reynolds (the absolute hotness), Alicia Keyes, Ben Affleck and others were on hand for the Hollywood premiere of their new movie Smokin' Aces last night ... here are a few pics from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

Gotta give it up to miss Alicia Keyes ... she looked really hot at last night's premiere. Ryan, of course, looked great -- Ben Affleck looked Eh and Kanye West came out for the free popcorn. I'm not really sure what I think about this movie ... the trailer makes it look a bit Ocean's 11 to me and didn't look interesting at first but now I confess that I am intrigued. I'm not sure this movie will be as successful as Ocean's 11 (and its seemingly endless sequels) but I might be willing to give it a shot. [Source]

Here are a few photos of Lindsay Lohan checkin' herself into her new rehab treatment facility -- the Wonderland Center in Los Angeles -- where she showed up complete with goodie bag and Jamba Juice fruit smoothie:

Photo credit: Flynet

I am still impressed that Lindsay appears to be taking her alcohol addiction seriously. Reading reports of her passing out in hotel hallways is a bit disturbing ... irregardless of how she was convinced to enter a rehab center, I'm just glad that she's getting help. The girl is 20 years old! If a year in AA didn't work, I really hope 30 days in rehab will. [Source]

Dina Lohan has taken to the airwaves to chime in on this latest development for Lindsay ... here is a short clip of a few soundbytes that Dina has to offer on Lindsay's stint in rehab:

I know it's sad but I have a hard time taking Dina's comments to heart ... I have to believe that she truly loves and cares for her daughter but there is some vanity in this "40-something" mother that rubs me the wrong way. When she says "I'm her mother, I'm not her keeper" it sounds like she's saying "It's not my fault." While I realize that she prolly has no control over her daughter, I just have a hard time believing her sincerity. I just don't understand the rationale of working so hard to seek fame and attention and then blaming that fame and attention for one's problems. Intense scrutiny comes with fame ... and if you can't handle it then you should prolly find another line of work. Drinking one's self to death isn't worth anything. [Source]

Blah ... I'm so disgusted with this whole Isaiah Washington bullshizz ... I really thought it was over and done with last October but because Isaiah has a big, stupid mouth it all got drudged up again at the Golden Globes this week ... and after constant refutation that he did not utter the "F" word (none of which I ever believed) he has finally come out and publicly apologized for his actions -- but only after ABC (his boss) came out with their public disapproval of his actions:

After a firestorm of controversy over his use of offensive language on set and at Monday's Golden Globes, "Grey's Anatomy" star Isaiah Washington issued the following statement late this afternoon: "I apologize to T.R., my colleagues, the fans of the show and especially the lesbian and gay community for using a word that is unacceptable in any context or circumstance. By repeating the word Monday night, I marred what should have been a perfect night for everyone who works on 'Grey's Anatomy.' I can neither defend nor explain my behavior. I can also no longer deny to myself that there are issues I obviously need to examine within my own soul, and I've asked for help. I know the power of words, especially those that demean. I realize that by using one filled with disrespect I have hurt more than T.R. and my colleagues. With one word, I've hurt everyone who has struggled for the respect so many of us take for granted. I welcome the chance to meet with leaders of the gay and lesbian community to apologize in person and to talk about what I can do to heal the wounds I've opened. T.R.'s courage throughout this entire episode speaks to his tremendous character. I hold his talent, and T.R. as a person, in high esteem. I know a mere apology will not end this, and I intend to let my future actions prove my sincerity." It's interesting that he apologized for "repeating the word" ... which implies that he did utter the slur in the first place ... after just going on the Early Show and swearing that he did not (nor would he ever) say that word to T.R. (or any other human being). This apology came out only after ABC put out their 2 cents: ABC has gotten around to responding to Isaiah Washington's use of a gay slur at the Golden Globes, and, no, they're not at all happy about it. The ABC statement, first reported by TV Guide's Michael Ausiello, reads, "We have a long standing policy to create and maintain respectful workplaces for all our employees. We dealt with the original situation in October, and thought the issue resolved. Therefore, we are greatly dismayed that Mr. Washington chose to use such inappropriate language at the Golden Globes, that he himself deemed 'unfortunate' in his previous public apology. We take this situation very seriously, and his actions are unacceptable and are being addressed." Marc Malkin is reporting that his actions will be addressed in the following capacity: A well-placed source just told me that Washington will have a face-to-face sit down with the entire Grey's cast tomorrow where his coworkers plan to tell him how they feel about his behavior. "It's a meeting so he can hear them all out," my source says. "And it will go on as long as it needs to go." My source says ABC executives are not expected to attend. While this is all well and good I wouldn't be averse to ABC finally firing his ass once and for all. I am *always* just dumbfounded when a minority person has no problem throwing around homophobic or racist comments about another person ... it just doesn't make sense to me. I really hope this stupid shit is over and done with soon (you know it's bad when Doogie Howser, M.D. has to weigh in) ... it really just makes me feel gross all over. [Source, Source]

ANYWAYS ... let's move on ... Jennifer Hudson, Beyonce, Jamie Foxx and others were all on hand in Paris yesterday for the French premiere of their amazing movie Dreamgirls:

Photo credit: Splash News

Wooooo ... you just know that J. Hud is having the time of her life ... and poor Beyonce is doing everything she can to get noticed. I'm not really feeling her new arm pit flash pose she's got going on lately but I guess she's gotta do what she's gotta do. [Source]

It would seem that Victoria Beckham has already run out of new places to be seen and photographed in and around LA because she yesterday returned to Robertson Blvd. to do some more shopping, this time looking around Kitson Men:

You don't suppose that her chewing on that black American Express credit card means that she's hungry or anything, do you? [Source]

Jake Gyllenhaal is just too cute ...

Photo credit: Mavrix Chatter

... even when he looks like he has to go to the bathroom. [Source]

McDonald's is quickly becoming the new It Spot for celebs to be seen ... here is a picture of Nick Lachey making a hasty exit from the exclusive eatery:

See? It's okay to indulge in a McRib every once in a while. [Source]

Carmen Electra is the new face (and legs, and hips and boobs) of Coca-Cola ... Here are pictures of Carmen's newest photoshoot for the soda pop company:

Wow ... she looks amazing. I could actually go for a Coke right now. [Source]

And finally, I have to send out the Birthday Lurve to Dolly Parton who turns 61 years old today:

I know I don't mention it much but I got mad love for Dolly. I can't believe that she is 61 years old (and that her fake plastic breasts are 41 years old). She looks amazing and I hope she has a very happy birthday.

Les News:
So after being stressed out all afternoon over the blog outage (which was all my fault btw ... as soon as I was completely finished with yesterday's post I managed to make the site go down for pretty much the rest of the work day), I finally got to visit my mom in the hospital. It turns out that they had to replace her entire hip ball joint. I was very glad to see her looking very chipper and fairly normal, under the circumstances, in her hospital bed. I was worried that she would look really bad (tired, sick, pale) but she looked amazing and seemed in fine spirits. She is still really sore (and her hip scar is not pretty) but she managed to walk yesterday and may be released from the hospital very soon. I'm anxious to see her again today because they're planning to get her walking some more.

My dad and I hung out with her for a few hours and then left when she started falling asleep. Then my dad and I hung out together here at home. Please, do yourselves a favor .. cherish your parents while you still can. I have been very lucky that my parents (who are quite a bit older) are still relatively healthy and active for their ages. I'm really glad that I was able to come home to see them both ...

So yeah ... that was my yesterday ... I spent the evening hanging out with Sarah and Mark as well ... today I'm going back to the hospital to see mom and Sarah is planning on stopping by as well. Once again, thank you all for your kind words of support and love ... I am floored by the outreach of support that I have been receiving these past few days. My mother and I thank you all so much.

It's the weekend ... I hope y'all make it a good one! I am out!



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