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Monday, July 16, 2007

Takin' It Easy

Hmm ... things are pretty quiet on the Western Front this Monday morn. There ain't a lot going on today and there wasn't much uberexciting stuff going on over the weekend. We're already into the second half of July which means we're almost at the half-way point thru Summer ... which is a wholly depressing thought that I really don't wish to dwell on. Despite the slowness, there is stuff to talk about today so let's get to it.

Of course there is a bit of Britney to talk about today so let's get that out of the way first. A couple of Pink readers ran into Ms. Britney Spears at the nightclub Les Deux over the weekend and bore witness to an ugly scene outside the club as she was making her exit. After "some girl" yelled out some not so nice things to Britney as she walked to her car (TMZ has video HERE), some "other girls" pounced on the first girl and started beating her up ... which led to another altercation between two guys. From what I understand, Britney walked away unscathed. Here are a couple of pics of Brit Brit trying to make her escape:

Pink reader Jake gives this report: ... A girl was heard screaming and calling Britney a "whore" and telling Britney to "go back home to her babies." This, in fact, actually upset a ton of people! A bunch of girls started attacking this girl and they actually pulled her weave out! Me and my friends were soooo scared man! Then another fight between some guys broke out because of the same thing. Police for some reason weren't at all involved ... which I was totally surprised because of the mass hysteria and the "mob-like" rage going on. Luckily, no one that I noticed was hurt too bad. My friends and I were fine as well. For as many people that don't like Britney it seems as if there are 10 more who do. I don't know that I'd necessarily go around rippin' out the weaves of people who diss Britney but I can appreciate the sentiment. TMZ has just posted video of the catfight/weave pullin' HERE but I warn you, it's not a pretty sight. [Source]

In happier (yet, unfortunately unsatisfying) news, X17 has made good on the promise that we'd be able to preview new Britney Spears music today ... unfortch, that "preview" comes from paparazzi video of Britney playing the song in her car. The only lyrics heard on the short clip are yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah over a pretty funky beat. Click HERE to watch the video to hear the clip for yourself. I wish I could be more excited over this little snippet but it's hard to get one's panties all a-twitter over just a few yeahs. More please.

My fave girl from Laguna Beach, Kristin Cavallari, was a special guest at the Victoria's Secret 2nd Annual World's Largest PJ Party which was hosted by Fergie Ferg and was DJed by AM in Chicago, IL over the weekend. Here are a few pics from the par-tay:

Both Fergie Ferg and Kristin were interviewed by Time Out Chicago but KC didn't really come off looking/sounding very good (and no, I'm not actually referring to the horrible Mom hair that she was rockin' -- OY!). But, as far as pajama parties on the beach (well, on the banks of the Great Lakes, that is) go then this one sounds like it was a fun affair. [Source]

Back here in LA, Hilary and Haylie Duff joined Holly Madison and others at the Playboy Mansion for the Much Love Animal Rescue Benefit on Saturday afternoon. Here are a few pics from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Dean McDermott, hubby to Tori Spelling, was obvs trying to hearken back to his roots by busting out the kilt for the event ... and while I think it's great when men embrace their heritage in such an open fashion, I don't know that this event was really the right venue to do so. Granted, I don't know much about the proper kilt-wearing etiquette but the look seems a bit out of place to me. But, if Dean wants to dress up for the dogs then I say, good for him! [Source]

In other Hilary/Laguna Beach news, it turns out that Hil and Talan Torriero are pretty good friends these days ... the couple were seen making their way into Hyde nightclub together late last week:

Now, if I remember correctly, Talan was trying to launch a singing career shortly after his stint on MTV's Laguna Beach came to an end (and thinking back on that episode in season 2 where Trey organized a benefit concert/fashion show called Fight the Slide where Talan performed [badly] fortifies that belief -- and on second thought, the less said about that performance the better) but nothing of substance came from it. Most recently, Talan has only really been known for dating the lead Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger but that relationship has, apparently, ended. I don't know that I believe that Hilary would be interested in dating Talan but it would be nice of her to give him something new to be known for. [Source]

In further Laguna Beachish news, Lauren LC Conrad was spotted spending quite a bit of time with her ex-boyfriend Brody Jenner at Pure nightclub in Las Vegas over the weekend. Here is a pic of the the pair posing together:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Now ... see ... I really like LC with Brody. They make a really great couple. She needs to decrease her Jason Wahler intake and focus more on, er, intaking other dudes instead. I suppose it's possible that these two are only feigning friendliness because the third season of The Hills is about to debut on MTV but I actually wouldn't mind if they really got back together. It'd be nice to have BC back together. [Source]

LC and Brody were partying at Pure at the same time that Lindsay Lohan was ... yesterday I posted pics of Linds in the VIP area of Pure (on her first night out at a nightclub since completing her stint in rehab) but I failed to post the pic of Lindsay showing off her new alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet ... so here it is:

Photo credit: Splash News

I dunno, it's a good look, I think. It seems to go well with her very fashionable-looking shoes. [Source]

While Lindsay was showing off her new ankle bracelet, Paris Hilton was showing off some other things ... tho, none of it was new. Here are pics of Paris spending her weekend at the Polaroid Beach House engaged in various activities, all of which involved some semblance of showing off one thing or another:

Photo credit: INFdaily

While I must admit that Paris has been behaving herself very well since she was released from jail, I'm a bit concerned that she may be reverting to her old ways. All it takes is one wardrobe malfunction to start the downward spiral. Having one's boob pop out in front of the cameras is a very slippery nip slope. I guess we'll have to see if she can successfully contain herself from here on out. [Source, Source]

Zac Effron got himself a new hat:

Photo credit: Splash News

I think I preferred it when he was just orange. [Source]

Jesse Metcalfe got himself a new 'do rag:

I definitely preferred it when he just didn't dress like a fool. [Source]

Katie Holmes and Suri Holmes Cruise have apparently had thier fill of Germany because the mom and daughter duo were spotted making a hasty exit from the country over the weekend. Here are a couple pics of the mom and daughter at the airport:

Photo credit: INFdaily

Even with the sour face, Suri is cute as hell. It's unclear if the ladies are returning home or are just taking a quick trip while Tom works on his new movie but something tells me that Suri might be in need of a battery recharge back at the lab. [Source]

Prince is just a few weeks away from his 21 night residency in London but before he makes his way to the UK he had to make a little stop in the Hamptons to play a gig at the Hampton Social over the weekend. Here are a few pics from the gig:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Guests included my Detroit homeboy Kid Rock (reppin' the Red Wings) and Kelly Ripa with hubby Marc Consuelos. I can definitely see how Kid Rock might be a huge Prince fan but I must admit that I'm a bit surprised that Kelly and Marc are big fans. Who knew that they could be so funky. I wonder if they like to play Prince music to get "into the mood" ... um, yeah, I think I'm gonna stop that train of thought right now. [Source]

For no reason at all, here is a newish picture of Tori Amos from her recent visit to the Belgian radio station Studio Brussel:

I am anxiously awaiting word on when presales will begin for her Fall US concert tour. I've been very good about staying away from too many tour spoilers but I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out. [Source]

Since there was no Beckham update today (which is a bummer, I was hoping for some pics of Becks training with his new LA Galaxy team mates or something) I bring you the newest creation courtesy of the amazing site Pretty On The Outside:

POTO has been having a field day with all the Beckhamness that has been going around lately and I, for one, am very appreciative. The site illustrations are always so fun and I think they really capture the heart and soul of the subject. [Source]

And finally, Burger King and The Simpsons movie want YOU to see what you look like as a Simpsons character so they have devised a pretty remarkable program that lets you upload a picture of yourself so that it can be Simpsonized. Apparently, this is what I would look like if I lived in Springfield:

Huh. It's pretty cool. Try it out for yourself and see what you'd look like as a 4 fingered yellow person. [Source]

Les News:

While I was very bummed to have David go back home to NYC yesterday, I was able to hang out with Darion for dinner and convo last night to try and keep my mind off my troubles. He is really a super awesome friend and I'm very glad that I got to meet him. He took me out to an amazing Chinese restaurant in Venice called Mao's which was pretty damn good. We ate until we damn near burst -- which is always a good time. We spent the rest of the evening talking about stuff and just basically hanging out. He's the best.

So yeah ... I have to start planning my trip back home to Detroit to spend some time with my family and friends back there. Zakiya is about to turn 2 years old and Sarah and Mark have some amazing news to celebrate (actually, Sarah has 2 great things in her life to celebrate right now) so I can't wait to see them all.

Last week was pretty crazy, I'm fairly certain this coming week will be a bit easier ... I hope it's a good one for y'all. I'm out.



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